
Generating Passive Income

What is the best network online for generating passive income? I suggest Referrals 2 Rewards by Ian Cormier.

Ahaa — I just discovered the best network for generating passive income. It’s the latest product release by Ian Cormier.

YOU can work this network FREE and earn a solid 50% commission. OR, you can upgrade for a one-time $10 and earn an astonishing 100% commission. Let THAT sink in… Read it again?

Where can I go to start generating passive income right now? I desperately need more money coming in to feed, house, and educate my children. My family. OK, I get it. The cash flow is under many pressures these days, including rising inflation. We have many financial needs. People seem to be suffering in every country, globally. Supply problems. Food and income, especially.

Please start here:

Referrals 2 Rewards for generating passive income consistently over the long term

Listen! Your Network is Your Greatest Asset!

At Referrals 2 Rewards, your network is your greatest asset.
Share the platform, earn credits, and enjoy commissions from your referrals’ purchases.
It’s a win-win-win!

Referrals 2 Rewards for Generating Passive income online!

Referrals 2 Rewards Banner


Β Whenever someone who you refer upgrades, you’ll get a DIRECT payment of $10 to your preferred payment processor: Wise, Paypal, Skrill or CashAPP, etc. That is equal to 100% commission. FREE members will get a 50% commission, payable weekly either on the Friday, or at the weekend. Admin will receive the other 50%, being $5.

There is a credit-based mailer. You will be able to send emails to more and more people as the network membership grows.

There is also a banner advertising network. Ian Cormier, the Admin, is extremely experienced at running these digital marketing services. e.g. Ian’s incredible popularity at the World renowned web site, SubmitAds4FREE.

The Best Network for GENERATING Passive Income!

The long term needs to be your GOAL. Don’t try to get rich quickly, overnight. That’s a pipe dream, like ‘smoking something!’ You will be better served by a Hi-tech, A.I.-powered platform like Referrals 2 Rewards. There at R2R you will have a long-term solution for generating passive income. You’ll be paid over and over for what your own referrals are buying on the platform.

Try it out at no charge. Even for free, you’ll earn a generous 50% payout on the Friday of each week. Isn’t that a fair enough deal? I think so. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Referrals 2 Rewards Banner

Very Highly recommended by Geoff Dodd in New Zealand, for your Future Prosperity.


Free Ads for Affiliate Marketing

I know the struggle, the pain. You spend 8-12 hours promoting daily. Nothing results. Zilch. So, I decided to provide you with free ads for affiliate marketing. VIP style and the quality you deserve in 2024.

There’s a misconception. Newbie advertisers want everything free. Waking up means getting a DEAL like I’ll show you. I did it: An online advertising site that ALSO pays you up to 80% affiliate commission for referring more advertisers to it. A dream come true. For both beginners and grizzled, seasoned marketers.

You, my reader, get 40% commission automatically in your FREE GOLD entry level. Don’t be skeptical. I’m deadly serious. I got YOU 40% free because I personally know the owner (genius guy) Ian Cormier. He’s World famous for creating SubmitAds4Free where the community is happy, talkative and fulfilled, daily from 6am to midnight. (Reset).

Affiliates! Start Here with Free Ads:


Recommended by Geoff Dodd in New Zealand, because YOU get a FREE Gold level membership with solo ads, full page ads, banners, text ads, login ads and much more!

Free Ads for Your Affiliate Marketing: Because Traffic is the lifeblood of your online business.

This Free ‘Viral Advertising System’ gives you traffic, exposure + useful marketing tools to help you become successful online!

…in the next 10 minutes you can be completely setup and ready to get your ads seen with our 100% FREE Advertising System.

Your VIP Member Benefits Include:

* FREE lifetime access to our unique advertising system
* Ability to earn ad credits & win daily prizes for browsing ads
* Ability to create a personalized profile box with favorite links
* Ability to buy advertising with ad credits, cash or bitcoin
* Ability to upgrade your account for more benefits & features
* FREE Bonus advertising.. just for joining with Promo Code: ‘welcome’

Plus many more features waiting for you on the inside..

Click Here to Signup FREE:

I recommend this advertising system, because of its generous 40-80% affiliate compensation model.

If you want, or desperately need free ads for affiliate marketing, (because you can’t raise the budget yet for financing your PAID ADS), then FreeAds VIP is your best pathway forward.

This company is owned by Ian Cormier, who I know personally. He’s someone of enormous integrity. Ian operates 7 or 8 websites, all focused on providing you value with free advertising. Ian is extremely generous. At every step on his Traffic Exchanges Ian Cormier GIVES you an endless stream of rewards. These may include traffic credits, text ads, 468×60 banner ads, 125×125 square banner ads, login ads, and solo email ads. (I do use and recommend the solos).

So in a nutshell please do take advantage of these methods and techniques of placing free ads for affiliate marketing. Your bank account will flourish and thank you for your newly energized efforts online!

Geoff P. Dodd, New Zealand entrepreneur, Waikato, NZ.

7 Million Dollar Business Ideas

Your gut feeling of intuition knows already that this toy is a million dollar product idea. No question. Patent it fast.

Normally, market research always comes first. Does your hungry crowd or thirsty tribe already know what it wants? Have you asked, queried, interrogated your target group and defined an individual avatar to write to and to message by video? Million dollar business ideas exist in abundance. They await your unique question: “what can I do to deliver the greatest amount of VALUE to the greatest number of lives?”

So let’s get started defining and explaining our 7 best million dollar business ideas for 2021 to 2030:

1. Subscription Model or Membership Site

The famous billionaire Bill Gates, who founded Microsoft, used the subscription model for customers running Windows OS software, and wanting to purchase the Microsoft Office suite. This typically means that you pay an annual charge for Office. It is also called ‘recurring billing’ and ‘continuity.’ Charges might also be on a monthly basis for a hobby site or a special interest Website.

You could operate a ‘membership site.’ People who are keenly interested in a subject are quite willing to pay, say $17, $29.95 or $37 monthly to belong and get access to a vault of valuable information. New posts can be ‘drip fed’ into the system and offers made to members for products and/or services that are highly relevant and useful. Examples of membership sites might be weight loss, type 2 diabetes group, weight-lifting, fitness, dog lovers, marketing tips, dating and relationships, drone pilots, sports interests, etc., etc.

Trust building comes first. You might supply a lot of gifts, e-Books, software, training videos and useful tips on the subject via a mailing list and regular newsletter. Later on in the process you could intersperse a few affiliate offers from a source such as the Clickbank marketplace.

The membership site would need to be promoted. You could use a combination of paid advertising and social media pages and groups. Be highly responsive to all questions you will be asked on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Linked-In. Note: a YouTube channel can be highly effective for spreading the word about your hot membership site. Grow your YouTube channel by all means possible, to make it go viral. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Daily video posts are the best way to do this, to stay ‘top of mind.’ These ways of connecting with your tribe of followers are red-hot million dollar business ideas in the digital Age …


2. Online Education & Training

You’ll be surprised how much dissatisfaction there is now with student loans and debt. The ivy league universities might just be pricing themselves out of business. Are they ripe for disruption? The COVID-19 pandemic scare is another reason why people have decided to stay home and do their learning on The Internet. This very Website is my response to the pressing need globally for more online courses. This is a truly vast and insatiable market. You could run online courses in a subject that you are qualified in, and highly passionate about!

Don’t claim to be a college or a university. Be careful with the word ‘accredited’ or ‘accreditation.’ DO be supremely practical. Share what works now online in 2021. Project that forward to about 2025 or 2030. Study trends and read ravenously about changes and developments in online technology and digital marketing. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

3. Consultancy Firm B2B

Business to business supplies and services is a lucrative and reliable area to work in. Budgets can be very large and orders consistent. For example, professional offices, medical centers, and corporations require advisory and consulting services. Advertising, marketing and copywriting skill sets are often not retained within the sphere of the medium to large business enterprise, but they are sorely needed. Financial services, IT consulting and implementation, health and safety are all areas that you could study and get qualified in. The demand is always there, and you can charge whatever you want (or what the market will bear). These facts underlie some outstandingly successful million dollar business ideas. Believe in yourself and implement these ideas.

4. Independent Affiliate Marketer

You might be surprised that I have included the independent Web marketer? Internet based affiliate marketing has created thousands of millionaires. I recommend one high quality system that pays you for the lifetime of the customer: Entre Institute …

Is Jeff Lerner training legit. Can the Entre Institute affiliate program train you to become an online millionaire. Jeff Lerner training is legitimate and has created many millionaires on The Internet from 2008 to 2021 with over 50M earnings to date. How to start affiliate marketing for beginners without a website or any investment. Please visit Entre Institute here to become an Affiliate online
Join The Entre Institute Affiliate Program by clicking the image above.

Another entry point to this million dollar business idea implementation is via Jeff Lerner’s gift e-Book: The Millionaire Shortcut. Please find the book below and click to download your free copy immediately. Remember, you’ve read this far. You’re serious about your online business and eager to make a start earning money on The Internet.

Entrepreneurship tips and advice for new entrepreneurs. Gain more than 7 million dollar business ideas for your amazing future.  You're on the right path and just one step away. Download the e-Book gift. Do not delay.
Download your own copy of this gift eBook, The Millionaire Shortcut, because it contains information critical to your future.

The Millionaire Shortcut e-Book explains why the number of people becoming millionaires each year is increasing rapidly. The reason I’m giving you this advanced information? I want you and your family to quickly benefit from the tsunami that is the Digital Revolution in how business will be conducted online in the future. This book is your best shot at understanding it.

5. Health & Wellness incl Fitness

Any variety or combination of dietary supplements, balanced amino acids, yoga, meditation and physical fitness, seems to be in huge demand in the 2020s. People throughout the World have become acutely aware of the need to get fit and healthy. And to maintain their wellness.

This is no exaggeration. Gyms and fitness centers are booming in the United States. Products for supplying micronutrients, better immunity and higher energy are simply flying off the shelves!

Perhaps the global pandemic has focused attention even more on these areas of health and fitness. Spa, beauty, massage, yoga and meditation, not to forget acupuncture and hypnotherapy, are all popular services that you could operate a center for. You would become inundated with phone calls, inquiries, requests and questions about specific services rather rapidly. This is a long wave trend that is happening right now in the USA and right around the World.

6. Instant Foods & Food Delivery Services

Note the recent foray of Uber into Uber Eats. People are essentially lazy about cooking and preparing their own meals. They want time freedom. They’re willing to open the wallet and swish and wave the plastic card generously, in order to stop the starving feeling, and quench the thirst.

A local, mobile food truck, caravan or trailer is a very viable business idea. Over-deliver with taste, using good recipes and quality ingredients and you’ve got customers for life. Remember that. Give a little more. Go the extra mile. Don’t start off mean and measly. They’ll run after the first taste!

The coronavirus has impacted restaurants perhaps worst of all, along with international air travel. Yes, there’s a massive demand out there for good quality, fast foods! Believe me. Study the local laws and practices first. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

7. Poultry or Fish Farming

This is quite a surprise suggestion for a million dollar business idea? Well, some are predicting massive food shortages globally in 2021. That’s precisely why I have included it. Protein will always be in demand, as the body needs its amino acids as building blocks.

You could go into partnership with a land owner. An existing farmer might be interested in creating an additional stream of income. Prepare your legal agreement well in that case, to protect your financial equity.

I trust you’ve enjoyed reading about my 7 top million dollar business ideas for 2021 and beyond. Also see my exponential copywriting for business course. Why? Because you’ll need that skill set. It makes ‘the difference.’

Geoff Dodd, Editor, Business School Online Courses, NZ


Is Jeff Lerner Training Legitimate?

Let’s work together. What’s your biggest problem? Jeff Lerner’s Millionaire Training is legit. It can bring you work, income. Replace a lost job.

Listen: this is a gut wrenchingly difficult time for everyone, but there are solutions. I feel your pain. I know the struggle. I’ve seen how hard it is for everyone. Jeff Lerner can help. The coronavirus has devastated work places and robbed you of your job and your income: The very livelihood you depend on. I can help you solve this problem. Pivot and refocus on this one question: Is Jeff Lerner’s training legitimate? This brief 3:08 YouTube video answers the question and solves your problem:


The Millionaire Shortcut Gift

Jeff Lerner says, on training and education,

Quote: “If people are prepared to be flexible, keep an open mind and learn, they will grow richer and richer through the changes.”
I loved it because everyone has the powerful ability to educate themselves.

This is NOT about formal education in colleges and universities. That is simply too theoretical and has fallen behind in practical usefulness. (Especially now that we have online business platforms and social media.)

Here’s your solution: “ask questions, get yourself out of your comfort zone, and be totally unafraid to learn something new…”

Jeff Lerner continues …

“All the millionaires you know are harboring a powerful secret …

The reason I’m telling you and the reason you should care is it’s the fastest way for an β€œaverage” person to become a millionaire…”

Is Jeff Lerner Training at the Entre Institute legit ? Click here on the image to download your e-Book gift The Millionaire Shortcut. You will receive valuable free training in online business from Jeff Lerner, the teacher of the entrepreneurs from 2008. Enjoy your book.
Download your Gift e-Book, The Millionaire Shortcut by Jeff Lerner

Did you know?

What are 1,700 people doing every day, without fail? It’s not making love.

Jeff reminds me that, “1,700 different people from all walks of life are becoming millionaires every single day … just in The United States!”

Most of them are using the strategy Jeff shares in this video

It’s no longer an elite club that’s reserved for a specific type of person.

The doors are wide open for YOU to stake your claim online!

You’ve no doubt heard that saying, “there’s plenty of room at the top!” Well, for desiring millionaires and billionaires there’s completely open SPACE. You just have to see Elon Musk launching his red convertible Tesla sports car into eternal orbit to understand the amount of abundant room there is for anyone wanting outrageous success in an online business.

Other Competitors Don’t Make The Cut

To tick all the boxes and meet the criteria, an online business training course must be owned and operated by legit trainers. You need legitimate millionaires like Jeff Lerner who have walked the walk, to teach you how to…. otherwise, how could they help you climb the ladder to your success?

You need the highest paying affiliate program imaginable. One that will pay you as regularly as clockwork. Weekly! Jeff Lerner’s Entre Institute does that. One that will pay you for the lifetime value of the customer. Check.

No other business training or affiliate program comes even close to matching what Entre Institute will give you. And, it’s free to enter:

Is Jeff Lerner training legit. Can the Entre Institute affiliate program train you to become an online millionaire. Jeff Lerner training is legitimate and has created many millionaires on The Internet from 2008 to 2021 with over 50M earnings to date. Join up now.
Join The Entre Institute Affiliate Program by Jeff Lerner

Thanks for visiting us at Geoff Dodd’s Business School for online courses, today! I trust we’ve explained to you how Jeff Lerner’s training is legit. You’ll be taught and trained by major league entrepreneurs with very impressive earning records. I’m in it. You can sense my urgency to help you rise up in these difficult days of Covid19. There’s a cruel second wave, and a third, of coronavirus overwhelming France, Europe, The United States and Brazil as I write this. Protect yourself. Stay safe. These are troubled times.

Get some high level affiliate training right now to ensure cash flow from an Internet business. Only Jeff Lerner has the top quality training that will ensure your online business success.

It’s a matter of survival for 2021 and onwards.

Geoff Dodd, Business School Manager. Author of our acclaimed course in copywriting for higher sales conversion rates on The Internet.


Super Affiliate System 2021

A 6-week Course Created by John Crestani, super-affiliate marketer who’s been featured in Forbes, ABC, NBC, Fox News, CNBC, Entrepreneur.com, Fast Company, and more.

Are you aware of John Crestani’s Course: Super Affiliate System 2021? It’s exactly what you need to succeed mightily online, and has created several student millionaires already! Here’s what one student of John Crestani is saying, in 2020:

Testimonial #1


What is Super Affiliate System 2022?

John Crestani’s Course is an acclaimed, 6-week Course on Paid Traffic to create an Affiliate Marketing Based Business. The course begins with a free webinar: FREE TRAINING as follows:
“How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online.” My opinion: This free webinar is unique and fascinating. John says, “we have taken some cues from the best in the industry, and created a very original webinar for you.”

Testimonial #2


Results with students:

We have students who have gone on to make Millions, even $1,000,000+ per month, by applying the more advanced media buying trainings in the course. Are you willing to learn at this income level? Take the free Webinar

Successful methods and techniques:

In the 6-week course, Super Affiliate System 2021, students learn paid traffic, including media-buying of cold traffic on YouTube and Facebook, and running it for the full year. You’ll soon discover that John Crestani is a very experienced teacher of online marketing, with expert knowledge of paid traffic at the highest level.

Details Of Preselling:

You’ll learn how to switch a prospect from casual inquirer into a paying buyer. The combination of paid advertising and affiliate marketing, just plain works. Ad > Presell > Offer. It’s not a complicated formula, and the way we teach it has helped thousands of people do everything from create a respectable side-income, all the way to making 7-figures per year online, and live their dream lives. Preselling is a critical middle step to prepare a buyer online.

Proven Reputation and Big Name Presenter:

John Crestani, a famous super affiliate marketer, maintains a weekly vlog so you’ll always know you have a face to put the program to, and an expert, experienced teacher who is dedicated to your success on The Internet. John is incredibly honest and straightforward in his no nonsense approach to getting the skills across to you.

Testimonial #3


JOIN The Free Webinar

Get the expert skills you need with John Crestani’s acclaimed 6-week course on paid traffic generation! Super Affiliate System 2022 is fully guaranteed to bring you the desired results.

We recommend all of the John Crestani courses. We happily give them a 5-Star Review because the standard of training is consistently high.

Become a wealthy Super Affiliate in 2022 and onwards, by immersing yourself in these super affiliate trainings.

John Crestani is an American of Italian descent. He is an expert at getting paid traffic to an affiliate offer on The Web. John holds many awards from Clickbank com where checks like this one are issued to affiliates. John Crestani has two products of his own in the Internet marketing niche and also is a product vendor at the European company, Digistore24. Business School recommends the Super Affiliate System 2021 for generating paid traffic clicks on the Web.
You could soon be receiving large, generous pay checks like this example.

Geoff Dodd, Online Courses Business School, New Zealand Editor


Privacy policy: your personal details are always safe with us. We hate spam with a 4 a.m. burning passion. You can unsubscribe at any time. One click will do it. Take note that choice, delectable tips and bits of info will flow in a constant stream to our highly valued subscribers. Geoff.

Payment Processor Vs Money Transfer

Differences between Payment Processor Vs Money Transfer Companies. Get Your FREE Wise.com ATM Debit Card here from me, Geoff Dodd. October, 2024.

Payment Processor Companies vs. Money Transfer Companies

In the world of financial transactions, payment processor companies and money transfer companies play crucial roles, but they serve different purposes. Understanding the distinction between these two types of companies is essential for businesses and individuals alike.

Payment Processor Companies

Payment processor companies facilitate transactions between merchants and customers. They act as intermediaries, ensuring that payments are processed securely and efficiently. These companies handle various payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, and electronic checks. Some well-known payment processor companies include:

  • Stripe:Β KnownΒ forΒ itsΒ robustΒ APIΒ andΒ easeΒ ofΒ integration,Β StripeΒ isΒ aΒ popularΒ choiceΒ forΒ onlineΒ businesses.
  • PayPal:Β AΒ widelyΒ recognizedΒ paymentΒ processor,Β PayPalΒ offersΒ servicesΒ forΒ bothΒ personalΒ andΒ businessΒ transactions.
  • Square:Β ThisΒ companyΒ providesΒ paymentΒ solutionsΒ forΒ smallΒ businesses,Β includingΒ point-of-saleΒ systemsΒ andΒ onlineΒ paymentΒ processing.

Money Transfer Companies

Money transfer companies specialize in moving funds from one account to another, often across borders. They provide services for individuals and businesses to send and receive money internationally. These companies typically offer competitive exchange rates and lower fees compared to traditional banks. Some prominent money transfer companies include:

  • WesternΒ Union:Β OneΒ ofΒ theΒ oldestΒ andΒ mostΒ trustedΒ namesΒ inΒ moneyΒ transfers,Β WesternΒ UnionΒ offersΒ aΒ wideΒ rangeΒ ofΒ servicesΒ forΒ sendingΒ andΒ receivingΒ moneyΒ globally.
  • WiseΒ (formerlyΒ TransferWise):Β KnownΒ forΒ itsΒ lowΒ feesΒ andΒ transparentΒ pricing,Β WiseΒ isΒ aΒ popularΒ choiceΒ forΒ internationalΒ moneyΒ transfers.
  • OFX:Β ThisΒ companyΒ providesΒ internationalΒ moneyΒ transferΒ servicesΒ withΒ competitiveΒ exchangeΒ ratesΒ andΒ lowΒ fees.

Key Differences

The primary difference between payment processor companies and money transfer companies lies in their core functions. Payment processors focus on facilitating transactions between merchants and customers, ensuring that payments are processed smoothly and securely. On the other hand, money transfer companies specialize in moving funds between accounts, often internationally, and provide services for sending and receiving money.

While payment processors handle a wide range of payment methods and integrate with various business systems, money transfer companies focus on providing efficient and cost-effective ways to transfer funds across borders. Both types of companies play vital roles in the financial ecosystem, but they cater to different needs and use cases.


Wise.com, formerly known as TransferWise, is a standout example of a money transfer company that has revolutionized the industry. 

  1. Wise offers low-cost, transparent international money transfers, allowing users to send and receive money in over 40 currencies.
  2.  The company’s platform is designed to be fast, simple, and secure, making it an attractive option for individuals and businesses alike.
  3.  With its commitment to providing fair exchange rates and low fees, Wise has become a go-to choice for those looking to move money globally without incurring high costs.
  4. Suitable for both individual entrepreneurs and businesses. Wise has a strong online presence. Simple inerface.

In conclusion, while payment processor companies and money transfer companies both handle financial transactions, they serve distinct purposes. Payment processors focus on facilitating payments between merchants and customers, while money transfer companies specialize in moving funds internationally. Understanding these differences can help businesses and individuals choose the right service for their specific needs. Wise.coexemplifies the benefits of using a dedicated money transfer company, offering efficient and cost-effective solutions for global transactions.


1. stripe.com 2. www.nerdwallet.com 3. www.westernunion.com 4. wise.com 5. finance.co.nz

Make payments like a LOCAL in 196 countries globally with a WISE ATM Debit Card. I have arranged for you to get a free ATM Debit Card here

Geoff Dodd, Editor-In-Chief. Waikato, New Zealand.

Article: Differences: Payment Processor Vs Money Transfer companies on The Internet in 2024.

AI Predictive Analysis Of Consumer Trends

Begin. Start collecting numbers and data around your business! A.I. Predictive Analysis of Consumer Trends will pay enormous dividends once its rules and psychological understandings are set down in machine learning algorithms.

Data rules! Any sized Business now needs to use statistical models, to compete in 2025 onwards. AI predictive analysis of consumer trends is a hot new concept introduced by Geoff Dodd, our Editor-in-Chief. [Waikato, New Zealand]

General Framework

Here is a framework for guidance of the thought model: 1. observe and record statistics on sales, demographic factors: (age, gender, income, population growth, e.g.), 2. orient the mindset to be optimistic, 3. decide on what goals you want to achieve in your business, 4. take action. FOCUS: how A.I. can help to apply statistical data to predictive analysis for a (small-to-medium sized) business to market successfully into future consumer trends.

Source of inspiration: Domain-Specific A.I. Agents (YouTube) October 10, 2024 Stanford University. Industrial AI Conference. IAC.

Concept and Ideas:

How AI Can Help Apply Statistical Predictive Analysis to Market Future Consumer Trends

Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of consumer behavior requires businesses to stay ahead of trends. The use of AI in statistical predictive analysis offers a powerful toolset to decipher future market patterns and consumer preferences. Here’s how AI can streamline the process, following the observe, orient, decide, and act framework.

1.Β Observe the marketplace

The first step involves gathering data. AI excels at this task by continuously monitoring vast amounts of information from multiple sources such as social media, online transactions, customer feedback, and market research reports. Through advanced techniques like Natural Language Processing (NLP), AI can filter out noise and pinpoint relevant data trends. For example, AI can analyze social media chatter to detect emerging consumer interests or complaints about existing products.

2. Orient the Mind

Once the data is collected, the next step is to interpret it. AI, through machine learning algorithms, can process and analyze this data to identify patterns and correlations that may not be immediately obvious. These insights help in understanding the current state of consumer behavior and market dynamics. For instance, AI can uncover that a sudden increase in social media mentions of eco-friendly products correlates with a spike in online searches for sustainable brands. By understanding these relationships, businesses can orient their strategies to align with consumer sentiment.

3.Β Decide based on data

Armed with insights, the decision-making phase begins. AI-driven statistical models can predict future trends with a high degree of accuracy, assisting businesses in making informed decisions. For example, a retail company might use predictive analysis to forecast which products will be in demand next season based on historical sales data, current trends, and seasonal factors. Additionally, AI can simulate various scenarios to help businesses weigh the potential outcomes of different strategies, ensuring that decisions are data-driven and risk-averse.

4.Β Take Fast Action. Speed of Implementation.

The final step is implementing the strategy. AI tools can automate and optimize marketing campaigns, ensuring that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time. For instance, AI can personalize marketing content based on individual consumer profiles, enhancing engagement and conversion rates. Moreover, AI can continuously monitor the effectiveness of marketing efforts and provide real-time feedback, allowing businesses to adjust their tactics on the fly and maximize ROI.

Benefits of AI in Predictive Analysis for Business Marketing

UsingΒ AIΒ forΒ statisticalΒ predictiveΒ analysisΒ bringsΒ numerousΒ advantages.Β Firstly,Β itΒ enhancesΒ accuracy.Β TraditionalΒ methodsΒ oftenΒ relyΒ onΒ manualΒ analysisΒ andΒ areΒ proneΒ toΒ humanΒ error.Β AI,Β onΒ theΒ otherΒ hand,Β canΒ processΒ vastΒ datasetsΒ withΒ precision,Β uncoveringΒ insightsΒ thatΒ mightΒ beΒ overlookedΒ byΒ humanΒ analysts.

Secondly,Β AIΒ providesΒ speed.Β InΒ today’sΒ fast-pacedΒ marketΒ environment,Β theΒ abilityΒ toΒ quicklyΒ adapt your strategy or tacticsΒ toΒ changingΒ consumerΒ preferencesΒ isΒ crucial.Β AIΒ canΒ rapidlyΒ analyzeΒ dataΒ andΒ generateΒ predictions,Β enablingΒ businessesΒ toΒ respondΒ swiftlyΒ toΒ marketΒ shifts.

Lastly,Β AIΒ offersΒ scalability.Β AsΒ aΒ businessΒ grows,Β soΒ doesΒ theΒ volumeΒ ofΒ data.Β AIΒ systemsΒ canΒ scaleΒ effortlessly,Β processingΒ increasingΒ amountsΒ ofΒ dataΒ withoutΒ aΒ dropΒ inΒ performance.Β ThisΒ scalabilityΒ ensuresΒ thatΒ businessesΒ ofΒ allΒ sizesΒ canΒ benefitΒ fromΒ AI-drivenΒ predictiveΒ analysis.

Geoff Dodd’s Summary and Conclusion:

IncorporatingΒ AIΒ intoΒ theΒ observe,Β orient,Β decide,Β andΒ actΒ frameworkΒ forΒ statisticalΒ predictiveΒ analysisΒ empowersΒ businessesΒ toΒ anticipateΒ andΒ caterΒ toΒ futureΒ consumerΒ trendsΒ effectively.Β ByΒ leveragingΒ AI’sΒ capabilitiesΒ toΒ gather,Β analyze,Β andΒ actΒ onΒ dataΒ insights,Β companiesΒ canΒ enhanceΒ theirΒ marketingΒ strategies,Β optimizeΒ resourceΒ allocation,Β andΒ ultimatelyΒ driveΒ growthΒ inΒ aΒ competitiveΒ marketΒ landscape.Β AsΒ AIΒ technologyΒ continuesΒ toΒ advance,Β itsΒ roleΒ inΒ predictiveΒ analysisΒ willΒ onlyΒ becomeΒ moreΒ integral,Β shapingΒ theΒ futureΒ ofΒ businessΒ marketing.

Thank you for your visit today. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to read about my new concept of using A.I. for predictive analysis of future consumer trends.

Geoff Dodd, Editor-in-Chief, Online Course Business School, Waikato, New Zealand, Oceania.

AI prompts examples generator

Immerse yourself in Artificial Intelligence with these AI Prompts Examples generator tools at OpenAI ChatGPT and in Microsoft’s generous free Copilot app in Win.11

AI is definitely here to stay! Digital Evolution has got us to the point where Bill Gates is investing a hundred billion dollars in the Stargate A.I. Project. Google and Meta have been using artificial intelligence for years, if not decades. An AI prompts examples generator is now an essential tool in the arsenal of every small-to-medium sized business. Larger enterprises have made inroads in their skilled-up IT departments.

What are the more specific things that people are looking for with AI prompts examples? What are the most productive and profitable uses of artificial intelligence?

ArtificialΒ intelligenceΒ (AI)Β promptsΒ haveΒ becomeΒ anΒ integralΒ partΒ ofΒ modernΒ businessΒ andΒ marketingΒ strategies.Β TheseΒ promptsΒ areΒ designedΒ toΒ guideΒ AIΒ modelsΒ inΒ generatingΒ relevant,Β accurate,Β andΒ usefulΒ contentΒ forΒ variousΒ applications.Β InΒ thisΒ article,Β weΒ willΒ exploreΒ severalΒ examplesΒ andΒ templatesΒ ofΒ AIΒ prompts,Β focus-ingΒ onΒ howΒ theyΒ canΒ beΒ utilizedΒ inΒ businessΒ andΒ marketingΒ contexts.

AI Prompts Examples PDF

AIΒ promptsΒ examplesΒ areΒ oftenΒ compiledΒ intoΒ PDFΒ documentsΒ toΒ serveΒ asΒ referenceΒ guidesΒ forΒ professionalsΒ andΒ students.Β TheseΒ PDFsΒ provideΒ aΒ structuredΒ collectionΒ ofΒ promptsΒ thatΒ canΒ beΒ usedΒ toΒ trainΒ AIΒ modelsΒ forΒ specificΒ tasks.Β ForΒ instance,Β aΒ PDFΒ mightΒ includeΒ promptsΒ forΒ customerΒ serviceΒ responses,Β marketingΒ copy,Β andΒ contentΒ generation,Β allowingΒ businessesΒ toΒ quicklyΒ implementΒ AI-drivenΒ solutions.

AI Prompts Examples Generator

AIΒ promptΒ generatorsΒ areΒ toolsΒ thatΒ createΒ promptsΒ automaticallyΒ basedΒ onΒ userΒ input.Β TheseΒ generatorsΒ useΒ algorithmsΒ toΒ analyzeΒ theΒ desiredΒ outputΒ andΒ generateΒ promptsΒ thatΒ guideΒ theΒ AIΒ modelΒ effectively.Β ForΒ example,Β aΒ marketingΒ teamΒ mightΒ useΒ anΒ AIΒ promptΒ generatorΒ toΒ createΒ tailoredΒ promptsΒ forΒ socialΒ mediaΒ posts,Β emailΒ campaigns,Β orΒ adΒ copy.Β ThisΒ automationΒ notΒ onlyΒ savesΒ timeΒ butΒ alsoΒ ensuresΒ consistencyΒ andΒ relevanceΒ inΒ theΒ contentΒ produced.

AI Prompts Examples for Students

Students can benefit significantly from AI prompts, particularly in educational settings. AI prompts examples for students can help guide the development of essays, research papers, and creative writing projects. By providing structured prompts, educators can encourage students to think critically and engage more deeply with the material. Additionally, AI can assist in personalized learning by generating prompts that cater to individual student needs and learning styles.

AI Prompts Examples Free

ThereΒ isΒ aΒ growingΒ availabilityΒ ofΒ freeΒ AIΒ promptsΒ examplesΒ online.Β TheseΒ resourcesΒ areΒ valuableΒ forΒ individualsΒ andΒ smallΒ businessesΒ thatΒ mayΒ notΒ haveΒ theΒ budgetΒ forΒ premiumΒ AIΒ tools.Β FreeΒ AIΒ promptsΒ examplesΒ canΒ beΒ foundΒ onΒ websites,Β forums,Β andΒ open-sourceΒ platforms,Β allowingΒ usersΒ toΒ experimentΒ withΒ AIΒ andΒ discoverΒ itsΒ potentialΒ withoutΒ financialΒ investment. It’s great for a small startup business at home.

AI Image Prompt Examples

InΒ theΒ realmΒ ofΒ visualΒ content,Β AIΒ imageΒ promptΒ examplesΒ areΒ usedΒ toΒ guideΒ theΒ creationΒ ofΒ graphics,Β illustrations,Β andΒ designs.Β TheseΒ promptsΒ canΒ specifyΒ detailsΒ suchΒ asΒ colorΒ schemes,Β themes,Β andΒ styles,Β helpingΒ AIΒ modelsΒ generateΒ imagesΒ thatΒ meetΒ specificΒ criteria.Β ForΒ instance,Β aΒ businessΒ mightΒ useΒ AIΒ imageΒ promptΒ examplesΒ toΒ createΒ promotionalΒ materialsΒ thatΒ alignΒ withΒ theirΒ brandingΒ guidelines. Artists can use these guiding prompts to create a new logo design.

Generative AI Prompt Examples

Generative AI prompt examples are particularly important in creative industries. These prompts guide AI models in producing new and original content, such as music, art, and literature. In a business context, generative AI can be used to develop innovative marketing campaigns, product designs, and customer experiences. By leveraging generative AI prompt examples, businesses can tap into a wealth of creative potential and stay ahead of the competition.

AI Prompt Template

AIΒ promptΒ templatesΒ provideΒ aΒ standardizedΒ formatΒ forΒ creatingΒ effectiveΒ prompts.Β TheseΒ templatesΒ oftenΒ includeΒ placeholdersΒ forΒ specificΒ information,Β makingΒ itΒ easyΒ toΒ customizeΒ promptsΒ forΒ differentΒ applications.Β InΒ businessΒ andΒ marketing,Β anΒ AIΒ promptΒ templateΒ mightΒ beΒ usedΒ toΒ generateΒ customerΒ feedbackΒ forms,Β marketΒ researchΒ surveys,Β orΒ salesΒ pitches.Β ByΒ usingΒ aΒ consistentΒ template,Β businessesΒ canΒ ensureΒ thatΒ theirΒ promptsΒ areΒ clear,Β relevant,Β andΒ effective.

Geoff’s Conclusion on A.I.

AIΒ promptsΒ areΒ aΒ powerfulΒ toolΒ forΒ enhancingΒ businessΒ andΒ marketingΒ strategies.Β WhetherΒ youΒ areΒ lookingΒ forΒ AIΒ promptsΒ examplesΒ inΒ PDFΒ format,Β usingΒ anΒ AIΒ promptΒ generator,Β orΒ exploringΒ freeΒ resources,Β thereΒ isΒ aΒ wealthΒ ofΒ optionsΒ available.Β ByΒ utilizingΒ AIΒ imageΒ promptΒ examples,Β generativeΒ AIΒ promptΒ examples,Β andΒ AIΒ promptΒ templates,Β businessesΒ canΒ unlockΒ newΒ levelsΒ ofΒ creativityΒ andΒ efficiency.Β AsΒ AIΒ technologyΒ continuesΒ toΒ evolve,Β theΒ roleΒ ofΒ promptsΒ willΒ onlyΒ becomeΒ moreΒ significant,Β drivingΒ innovationΒ andΒ successΒ acrossΒ variousΒ industries.

You can find an AI prompts examples generator in the same algorithms that use the prompts. By that I mean, simply ask ChatGPT4 or Microsoft Copilot in Windows(R) 11 for exactly what you want. The intelligence of these networked ‘supercomputers’ is truly remarkable!

Finally, to test the waters and try out a completely AI-designed small business model, I suggest that you start here today.

Geoff Dodd, Editor-in-Chief, Online Course Business School, New Zealand.

AI In Marketing Examples How Can AI Be Used In Advertising Business

Utilize these AI images. Benefit from our groundbreaking work in A.I. in Online Marketing. See Examples of generating intrigue and curiosity in our exciting new YouTube VIDEO:

Use these examples of A.I. in marketing for advertising your own small-to-medium sized business. Advertisements can be generated in your subconscious mind, when you’re fast asleep in theta and delta brain wave states. Valuable AI in marketing examples are very evident in the following, latest video release on YouTube, by NZ’s Geoff Dodd:



Watch this image rich video again on YouTube to be able to read the whole text area below it. There you will find the two GIFTS of 2x DFY A.I. based and created small businesses. Thanks for your exponentially growing interest in artificial intelligence. Marvel at how it can easily and quickly be applied to the marketing tasks in your home based (or larger) online Business.
Remember to find Microsoft’s Copilot A.I. app in the bottom left corner, or near it, in the shortcuts tray of Windows 11. How long will we be able to use it for free? Also, go to OpenAI: ChatGPT4, or 40. That one is great for text, emails and sales letters generation by A.I.

Geoff Dodd, entrepreneur in New Zealand.

AI Small Business Ideas AI Business Ideas Generator 2025 Video

Get started here FREE. Use our new A.I. Small Business Ideas Generator for 2025 and see 2 examples you can start with to extract more profits this year!

Watch my new YouTube video which provides you with some AI small business ideas like a home-based IDEAS generator for 2025. Please ‘like’ and leave a comment if that’s how you feel. There are 2 small businesses to GIVE away, inside. Please follow the instructions in the video, to get them:



Geoff Dodd, Entrepreneur. Please join my YouTube channel if you’re interested in applying A.I. small business ideas to YOUR home based operation. See you inside? ~ Geoff

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How do I reach more people for affiliate marketing and get more people to click on my affiliate link?

These vexing questions must drive newbie, beginner affiliates CRAZY because they KNOW that they’re sitting on a potential goldmine. But they don’t have the know-how – the knowledge and resources to get that ‘targeted traffic’ that they need!

Yesterday’s blog post on the subject gave a lot more details about FreeAds .vip and I hope you click through to read the post.

Today, I want to assure my readers that I’m focusing intently on giving you answers to questions like: “where do I promote my affiliate link?” and, naturally, “how do I get people to click on it?”

You want to optimize your affiliate marketing. You want to GROW your fledgling affiliate business. It’s very frustrating at first. One step forward. One step back. Painful learning curve indeed.

That’s why I am willing to introduce you to my friend Ian, who owns countless Websites designed specifically for increasing your targeted Web traffic – at no charge – to get you moving forward with accelerating business momentum.

Please visit Ian Cormier below, knowing that his solutions, and answers, are the best you’ll find in 2024 and going forward to 2026:

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Personal note: I hope you don’t mind. I took the liberty of sending you to Ian’s signup page. It will open in a new tab. I have the utmost confidence in Ian. I trust him implicitly. I hope that you will, too. Maybe it’s because everything is free. (Unless you decide that you want to take immediate advantage of the ‘founders’ offer. I did. It is a superb deal. It really is.)

Thanks for reading today’s blog post, about how to get more people to see your affiliate offer and click on it. I believe that by using the site I talk about, you will earn more sales and hefty affiliate commissions!

Let’s plan it that way. As Napoleon Hill always says, definite purpose, definite goal and business plan.

G.P.D., The Editor In Chief

Online Course Business School, New Zealand.


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