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Online Course: Geoff Dodd’s Business School
I hope you enjoy watching my YouTube videos, as much as I enjoyed making them. There are two components that I recommend to you if you’re wanting to start promoting with YouTube video marketing: Plus one bonus idea 🙂 🙂
- A really good software application for your video editing. I use Filmora-9 and it’s just the right balance of great features at a reasonable price. Start with the free download and hold out, until they offer you the lot for about $67 one-time payment. That way, you’ll avoid having to pay any expensive, regular monthly payments. Once off– It’s truly a great deal for just $67. There are lots of additional filters, effects, and images available too -even video clips – for a small monthly charge. Plus, you can get free images and video-clips at Canva.com. I love that site.
- YouTube videos need a bit of optimizing so as to get them ranking high enough on both YouTube and big Google. I wrote you a gift PDF eBook explaining why it is much easier to approach SEO (search engine optimization) through YouTube. Here’s your PDF gift e-Book. Enjoy the five minute read. Get the software. I use it every single day now. It’s great for finding the best keywords to build your videos around. It writes amazing video descriptions–all optimized!
- Imagine for a minute, that you could reach out and instantly connect, with thousands of people! That’s the mindset that you have to develop, as a super promoter. Your business growth totally depends on you having this habit of thinking. So get creative! And don’t forget to select a top level, high paying, Internet business opportunity!
- WE ensure that you get rewarded with a 100% commission rate. We care and want you to be happy in your home based business startup.
Geoff Dodd, Business School: Tutor: work at home and video marketing
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Final note: These two videos, above, were made with Filmora -9 software.