Enjoy the journey! You’re only one decision away from a totally different Life. These millionaire mindset hacks will over deliver, and take you there. Start by repeating, “I believe I deserve $1,000,000 in 30 days… ” Say that again. With more commitment. Later, we will reverse engineer it.
- How I Lost Everything and Came Back
- How Millionaires and Billionaires Use Mindset Hacks
- How To Dominate Social Media
- Developing a Bulletproof Belief System
- What It Takes To Be Truly Successful
- Why Becoming Rich Doesn’t Work, if you focus wrongly
- Why the future’s exciting!
- Why I’m willing and able to leave behind my fears now

Focus: The First Mindset Hack
Sohail Khan – The Joint Venture Expert, was recently interviewed by Adam Cox in the UK. Sohail starts with focus on one thing. Become the ‘best in The World’ at that one thing. Watch this amazing video of my friend Sohail’s interview:
Sohail Kahn focused on joint venture partnerships. He runs a fantastic JV sharing group in Facebook. Sohail says that his influences have included the esteemed Tony Robbins (for focus), Jay Abraham (marketing), and Jay Conrad Levinson. (co-author: Guerrilla Marketing and Joint Ventures).
What is a Joint Venture?
A joint venture is a collaboration between two companies. They usually share each other’s audience. A common customer base. An example is a luxury car manufacturer and a luxury home builder. Another example, cited by Sohail, is a luxury tile maker, and high quality bath and spa pool makers. The two companies can form a relationship. They can combine, to do marketing together. So, to focus on just one thing, is the first of our millionaire mindset hacks. Get really good at it.
“Don’t spend your time acquiring possessions. Spend your time acquiring experiences!” ~Sohail Khan
Imagination: Millionaire Mindset Hacks
Einstein has been famously quoted as saying, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” “Imagination will take you everywhere…”
Here is our earlier collection of 22 business motivational quotes to enhance your mindset growth. Why do you think motivation is so critically important?
When solving a problem for mankind, your imagination will take you the furthest. The budding millionaire business person must stretch the mind and solve a problem for the marketplace. Solve it for a specific audience. Exercising the human imagination is the second of our powerful millionaire mindset hacks. Here is a wonderful compilation video from my YouTube friend, Evan Carmichael:
Using your imagination, you have to offer them something better. A vision of “that which cannot be seen.” A definite goal and a definite plan to accomplish the goal. (using the words of Napoleon Hill, 1937.)
We determine who we are by what we think about. Watch your thoughts. That process creates who we are becoming. Now focus again on the affirmations: The future is exciting. You can do magic. Something wonderful’s going to happen. Money flows to me effortlessly now. “I believe I deserve $1M in 30 days!”
Reverse engineering the millionaire mindset hacks to deliver requires one more process: Focus on repeating this into your creative imagination:
One million dollars is divided by 365 days in a year to show you $2,740 revenue is needed each day. The video breaks the numbers down. Reverse engineering can reduce it further to $114.16 per hour. That is, on a 24/7 basis. It is quite doable. With automated lead generation, targeted Web traffic and conversion.
Finally, apart from the motivational and psychological side of millionaire mindset hacks, I’d like you to keep in touch. We’ve shared some amazing business ideas here. Using your mind’s laser like mental focus. Visualizing from the powerhouse of the mind’s creative imagination. Collaborating in joint ventures! That is a wonderful start. Let’s continue…
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The CEO and Chief Editor, GPD.
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