Business Storytelling Techniques

The art of influence through storytelling has been around for tens of thousands of years. Rediscovered now, storytelling works great for branding and marketing a business.

It’s hardwired into our brains. When someone starts telling a story, or spinning a yarn, we STOP and pay them full attention. Business storytelling techniques are being shaped and defined as we speak. Why? They’re absolutely perfect for new branding of a business company. Adults will listen to their nuances, as attentively as five year old children. The art of storytelling has just been rediscovered.

The Power of Storytelling for business was first brought home to me when I joined a company selling goji juice. This was no ordinary goji juice. It was different. For years an overhanging tree had dropped goji berries into the well at a Buddhist monastery. The monks showed extraordinary levels of health and wellness. It was caused by a magic molecule that existed in this remarkable super fruit. This brand of juice was blessed with the mystery behind the Buddhist monks’ story of wellness!

Marketers often use business storytelling techniques that speak to product purity and good character as if it transfers over to the product.

A second story comes from a highly successful affiliate marketer in Minnesota. He had already created about twenty four software systems for capturing email leads and earning commissions online. Five of these business systems had already earned him the princely sum of $US700,000. (This is a true story. I know him.)

“What if.. I connect these five marketing funnels together, and create a Super Funnel?” he thought. “Then, I’ll give it away free. My master stroke will be to offer my followers 100% commission. I can still make money in the back-end follow-up!” He did, and the resulting product is here for you. It’s yours, free. It is named Monster Mode 700K – after the extraordinarily high initial earnings.

How to startup a business online. Monster Mode System 700K free marketing funnel is a gift from our business school to you. Generous payout of 100% commission on 5 levels. Business storytelling techniques work to employ the power of storytelling on The Internet. It holds readers transfixed.
Monster Mode System 700K

A third story in this tradition of business storytelling techniques reads like a comedy. It goes like this: “I ran across a guy who’s talking about something excitedly… says he can’t say too much at the moment because there’s too much buzz about this. A lot of controversy. You see, it’s Auntie Situation. She’s upset. Livid. Wants to sue Unbeatable Transaction. But Dr. Transaction, MD, is holding firm. Word on the street is that Unbeatable Transaction has strong angel investor backing from a mysterious institution on Wall Street. That’s all I can say at the moment… Keep listening.. “

Crazy story, maybe, but did it hold your attention? I think so. Even when you knew it was a joke. You just had to hear the whole thing through, didn’t you? How would the story end?

Stories for business can move through all the emotions, from rags to riches, like this:

Struggling to make ends meet? Suffering the loss of a job? Do you have a pile of unpaid bills? I solve this problem. I can fix it for you. Seriously. I’m
working with a strong TEAM on a project I call a Super Funnel If you’re dedicated to solving your financial worries… If you’ve made a DEFINITE DECISION to clear it all up, then I can help you FIX it, and end money worries–for GOOD.

You do need to be flexible, adaptable and be a positive learner. That’s about all. No TECH skills required. Just copy+paste. Because this is a Done-For-You System that works away on autopilot in the background, thanks to FAST, super-smart software up in the cloud. Interested? You want to stop the struggling and the pain. You want a flow of Internet cash income that’s easy? Quick to start? Passive income. Residual income.

Come into My TEAM. Free entry is our gift to you, to kick the tires and see the RESULTS. See what it can do for YOU. You’ll find my blog post just below this video… free entry.

Imagine a moment when you’re banking a lot of money, three years in the future. You’re feeling joyful, happy, and a sense of pride and complete satisfaction wafts over you, like the smell of fresh baking in the French bakery next door to the bank. What was it exactly you had to learn, to shift you to that pure bliss and happiness in the future? What do you feel you need to know, right now? Perhaps this page has the magic recipe you’ve been longing for. All those years …

The art of storytelling for business uses techniques that ‘show don’t tell.’ What does this mean? Use the senses, in the here and now of the present moment. I hear a tui, a bellbird.. a song bird, as I sniff the fresh grass, though the heavenly scent of spring flowers and one final wood fire’s smoke merge to bring utter delight to my nostrils. I see the approaching man on a bicycle. I can still taste the bacon and eggs, the sunflower seeds jammed behind my teeth…. I touch the butt of the blue steel revolver in its holster as I feel the sharp signal that jolts me into readiness.

Storytelling techniques show don’t tell bring the situation alive to your senses. Your reader will feel exactly the same. Why? Because you’ve moved closer to the bone. You’re now living in the bloodstream and every moment is vital and packed with possibility.

Happy writing! Stimulate and reawaken your latent, ecstatic art of storytelling for business branding influence.

Geoff Dodd, Author and Editor


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