What is the best, immediate application of A.I. for your online business? How to use AI became a paramount need, after getting a first taste in graphics design at Canva com. I really enjoy that stuff, I can tell you …
Time is short due to the rapid pace of development of Artificial Intelligence, globally. How to use A.I. in my business, was answered by Mr. Paul Darby, of Texas.
You MUST See: My Brief, 1:27 YouTube video, that shows you How to Use AI in your business! Innovative mass affiliate marketing by A.I. uses WeAreHere.AI which follows on from, and improves, ‘TheShinyBallSyndrome.’
Both of these applications of artificial intelligence are the brainchild of Paul Darby, Inc. Paul is well known as a self-defense trainer for government departments in the USA.
We recommend that you take a deep dive into the latest program called WeAreHere .AI. It is fully designed with very Hi-tech artificial intelligence. And, it’s truly amazing stuff to behold. In our experience.
OK, that’s it for this update. See you inside.
Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School

Here’s the Very Latest Update on our connected YouTube channel. 🙂
We totally love using the everlasting video syndicator, YT.
We’ve just released a highly relevant, associated video
with A.I. generated pictures and a very quick intro to
Paul Darby’s WeAreHere AI income machine.
This innovation with artificial intelligence is our current focus.
Please watch this super-brief, latest release YT video:
How to use A.I. for business marketing. A ‘DFY’ income generator.
The Manager.
Online Course Business School