Find a Mentor Online

Strategic business startup needs early input from a Mentor and ongoing coaching. Attain outrageous success online. Traffic and Conversion focus with Geoff Dodd.

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Need a business mentor? Is your startup getting kind of scary? Cash running away? Here’s how to find a mentor online at low cost. In fact, the ‘cost’ is more a question of time spent learning. How much time are you wasting, not turning to an expert for quality mentoring?

Organizations like SCORE in The United States offer “mentoring services provided at no cost to you.” Then we read that there are “fees ranging from $50 to $3,000, depending on seniority.” They state that this “helps to fund the program” and perhaps to qualify new “mentees.”

Well, my intention is to offer you free mentoring. On one condition: that you follow my recommendations! Here is one resource that blows the rest away. You see, online marketing businesses all work on the critical imperative of understanding “what works NOW.” (That is the evergreen question that marketing legend, Jay Abraham, always asks!)

The focus of any and all Internet based businesses must be: Traffic and Conversion. I know that Perry Marshall adds ‘economics.’ He’s right. Your startup business must bring in more revenue than it spends. Simple.

How to find a mentor online free or at low cost. Geoff Dodd Business School free mentoring on one condition.
Want outrageous success? mentoring by Geoff Dodd

Find a Low Cost Mentor

You can get free mentoring in the USA. Please simply click here for a SCORE mentor. You’ll be matched with an experienced business person. They will help you to optimize your business plans. They will become your trusted and highly valued small business advisor. Tools for effective business, new small business ideas and strategies will be worked upon.

Here in New Zealand and Australia (Oceania region), Geoff will help you out. Our focus will be clearly on the initial business plan questions. That is both simple and free. Then, on how to generate leads for sales. Then, later on the conversion to list members and building a buyers list.

We will give you up to 16 free PDF e-Books where marketing strategy is covered. Many of these marketing eBooks were written by award winning Singaporean super affiliate, Ewen Chia.

Contact: Mentoring & Coaching Online

You can easily contact us. We will assist you to find a mentor online free. Towards this goal, please simply fill in a brief form. When you receive the first email, just ‘hit reply’ to begin a conversation with our staff in New Zealand. You can, naturally, unsubscribe at any time. One click will do it! Here is the brief subscription form:


There’s a double benefit for you here. We have specialized knowledge and tools for ranking sites higher in both YouTube and Google. That’s a must have skill-set. Every business incubator. Every coach and mentor worth his salt should know this stuff. SEO skills.

Privacy policy: Your personal data is completely safe with us. We hate spam with a 4 am burning passion. We would never, ever share or sell your private details.

I trust that this short blog post helps you mightily in your business startup. As you find a mentor online and get competent coaching, your results and profits will simply skyrocket!

Geoff Dodd Business School, Waikato, New Zealand.

Mentoring online remote by Geoff Dodd in Waikato, New Zealand. How to find a mentor online at a very low cost
You’re thinking free mentoring by Geoff Dodd NZ

2 thoughts on “Find a Mentor Online”

  1. Hiya! This is a wonderful post, Geoff. It feels like I’ve got support online. Just by arriving here. Thanks for the ideas. Top stuff. Love the unique approach to a business school. Man! Keep it rolling.. George.

    1. George, isn’t it true? Coaching and mentoring are so important now with competition levels so darn high!

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