Avoid the stress and endless hassles of trying to startup a business online. Take a quantum leap into Paul Darby’s incredible new A.I. program: WE ARE HERE.AI and you’ll be desperate to THANK me for the idea — later in 2024.
Paul Darby has an enviable career. He owns several Internet businesses that have gone global. He’s also a renowned trainer for U.S. government departments including the police and military. I believe he’s a teacher of martial arts and self-defence.
Key Features Of We Are Here . AI
The master of A.I. prompts, Texan Paul Darby, has really run amok here. Everything, from logos and images to the scripts and business architecture, has been designed by artificial intelligence. (Mostly ChatGPT-4 as I understand it).
Welcome to the January, 2024 Launch of We Are Here. AI.
We are super glad for you to be here and are excited for you.
OK? So Welcome! Have fun! This is quite a thing right here
and we believe it will be big… very, very, very big!
you have never seen anything like this
my worst fear?
you won’t take this seriously enough!
Because this is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from any other website
or business that you have ever seen.
Different from anything else that’s EVER been done!
(Perhaps it’s the most powerful income machine
that’s ever been unleashed upon The World).
Let me ask you:
Do you want to be PART of The Biggest Transfer OF Wealth?
YES — then watch our very SHORT series of Videos:
Watch Video One: A Special Presentation Of How we got AI to create an automated Internet business that almost overnight generated six figures in sales and commissions and how you can use this same system to create and enjoy a life-changing income for yourself as well.
You are going to see this program promoted like
liquid fire.
I’m telling you now, DON’T MISS IT!
Watch the video, sign up and get a
promo code for a 50% discount!
This is Limited so DO IT NOW.
Those who get in now in 2024 will be making
money ‘hand over fist,’ 4 levels deep and
building a list that will be unimaginable.
(Your BIGGEST Asset is always your mailing list.)
Grab your ticket to wealth. Your future
wealthy self will thank you for it!
Geoff Dodd, New Zealand Entrepreneur
P.S. Don’t miss out on getting in at The Beginning…
We Are Here AI is going to help people all over the World to
get set free financially and you right now can choose to be
PART of one of the biggest advances The Internet has EVER seen. Scientific split-testing. Trial and error learning. Then, later, machine learning algos.
(At the VERY Beginning). Here’s what the A.I.-designed logo looks like.

Video Script You Can Use
If you decide to become an affiliate in this awesomely beautiful A.I.-driven home business program, then here’s a free video script that you can use. Power up your own web promotions with this free script:
WeAreHere A.I. Work From Home
Are you tired of doing things the same old way while your competition embraces game changing technology?
It’s time to make a choice. Be brave and discover just how easy it is to earn with ‘TheShinyBall‘. Don’t wait, act now and watch this video immediately.
Now, here’s some GOOD NEWS for you. TheShinyBall is a simple solution that can bring the success you’ve been longing for to your family. But here’s the catch you need to take speedy action. The decision is yours, so why not walk through this door of opportunity
Join WeAreHere.AI, a powerful home business that’s transforming lives. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or in your 20s to 40s, WeAreHere.AI welcomes men and women alike to join our community.
We believe in creating a fun and intelligent environment where you can thrive. Our caring and loving community will support you every step of the way. With WeAreHere.AI, you’ll have the chance to unleash your entrepreneurial spirit and make a real impact.
Imagine the freedom, financial success, and fulfillment that come with being a part of WeAreHere.AI. It’s time to seize this incredible opportunity and take control of your future.
Join us today and start your journey towards a better life. Don’t miss out on this chance to be a part of something extraordinary. Take action now and let WeAreHere.AI guide you towards success.
Remember, life is too short to settle for the old way. Embrace the power of Artificial Intelligence and experience the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Geoff Dodd, New Zealand Entrepreneur. Last updated: 17 December, 2024. 2:39pm NZDT.
Avatars used in the Paul Darby program, WeAreHere, include ‘Nicole’ (my fav.) and I’ll attempt to update you with a picture of this beautiful avatar fully created using artificial intelligence.