Best Network Marketing Business 2023 Best Network Marketing Products

Watch this YouTube video to learn more about the very best network marketing business to operate in 2023 and exactly WHY this brand-new CLUB style, (like a Costco or a Sam’s Club) multi-level offer is DIFFERENT.
The products were designed by a Florida-based PhD Pharmacist, Dr. Ryan Goodkin. With physical exercise trainer input from his wife, Lisa Goodkin. Watch this video:

Thanks for watching our new YouTube video about the best network marketing business opportunity you will find in 2023. It is global. Pays a generous 50% FAST START BONUS weekly, and also an amazing 50% MATCHING BONUS monthly on your personal enrollees in the 2 x 15 Forced Matrix structure.

How To Make More Sales As An Affiliate

What works now? What are Super Affiliates doing to make more sales? How can I increase and improve my sales results performance? Read on …

How to make more sales as an affiliate marketer online, always depends on your marketing skills. There are some amazing, lucrative marketing strategies you’ll need to learn.

What do the super affiliates do? Here’s a quick starter list of what successful super affiliates are doing in 2021:

  1. YouTube video ads that run fully before a highly relevant, targeted customer’s session. The YouTube A.I. is laser targeting these alluring ads. The speech goes, “Real quick, do you want to know … ” and these ads are very clear, and very professional videos. They are getting big results. What’s working right now in 2021? Video ads on YouTube!
  2. Pre-selling. Never link direct to an affiliate offer. It will fail to convert. Why? Prospects need to be warmed up gently to the idea of spending money on a product. The VSLs, the video sales letters that work are usually way too aggressive to start off the relationship with. Prospects will click away from hard selling. You need to use an intermediate page in the middle. Just like this preselling page. (Example of pre-selling a weight loss offer, a herbal tonic to increase metabolism).
  3. Pile on the Bonuses. I need to be frank here. Personally, I find a lot of bonuses give me instant information overload. It’s too much to handle at once. But super affiliates still use a long page of extra bonuses. They write, “don’t buy product xyz until you’ve seen my bonus package!” The added bonuses need to be relevant to the product offer. In some way, they might extend its usefulness. These added bonuses still work in 2021. They are part of what works now.
  4. Lead magnets. The more you give away at the beginning, the more likely a prospect is to whip out the credit card and give you some of their hard earned money. It is basic reciprocity. Give and ye shall receive. Lead magnets can include a free, ‘special report,’ a free e-Book, a software program, a video of training, or a free 30 minute consultation by phone. (Or anything that you think will be attractive, and of perceived value to your future customer).
how to make more sales as an affiliate marketer online using a free ebook lead magnet by Geoff Dodd Business School, New Zealand
Click infographic above to get the e-Book

Tips: How to make more sales as an affiliate online:

There are several ways of improving your targeted Web traffic numbers. All can lead to you getting increased sales as an affiliate:

  1. SEO or search engine optimization for increasing affiliate sales and signups. SEO takes a lot of patience. But it will eventually pay off in more affiliate sales commissions for you. Please see our free SEO Course. It applies to both YouTube video marketing, and to Google search SEO.
  2. PPC or pay per click SEM. We represent a World Class paid traffic training course by John Crestani, called the Super Affiliate Course 2021. It has since been re-labelled. John has earned over $25,000,000 online. Anything at all by John Crestani is like pure gold for answering how to make more sales as an affiliate. That has always been John’s mission. He studied marketing at university as a young man starting out. John is of Italian American descent. A very strong character. A highly intelligent man.
  3. Social Media Marketing. SMM agencies such as Gary Vee’s Vayner Media advocate and suggest that you post social media content as many times as you can, every day! Gary Vee, CEO of Vayner Media posts daily on Linked-In, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter. Gary’s videos are extremely helpful. Every associate wanting to know how to make more sales as an affiliate needs to watch Gary Vee in action. Seriously. He is the best teacher. Why? He has done it. Gary’s three main principles for doing business on The Internet? Awareness, empathy, and perspective. Unbeatable business thinking, in our humble opinion.

Thanks for patiently reading through to this final point in the blog post. I trust that this article has helped you to rethink tactics and strategies for improving affiliate sales commission levels on The Internet. It is a fascinating way to be working from home!

Geoff Dodd, Editor In Chief, Online Course Business School, New Zealand.


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