Mission & Purpose in Business

Examine your mission and purpose in business, because these are the driving forces in your subconscious mind. Your ultimate success depends on them!

What if your mission and purpose in business were your superpower? Driving you forward, like a roaring tsunami!

I was just watching a YouTube video by Dan Pena, the American billionaire. Dan says, “if you change the lives of a billion people, it could make you a billionaire!”

Two thirds of high-flying CEOs have had military training. Two thirds of those — have had martial arts training. What do you learn? Discipline and focus. “You then deserve to belong and be there….”

“Success and making money don’t happen by accident. It’s not just luck,” says Dan Pena. (Net worth: an estimated net worth of $600 Million in 2022. Dan Pena is the founder of the Quantum Leap Advantage method. His students have allegedly generated fifty billion dollars). 

Developing Mission and Purpose in Business

What’s the difference between your mission and your purpose? A purpose statement provides the reason or reasons you exist. It is about why you exist, whereas the mission is about what you do and for whom.

Developing a new mission and purpose in business, I might say, “it is to help a billion people to dissolve depression.” That is, to reduce, get rid of, eliminate persistent feelings of a low mood, hopelessness and powerlessness.

This is an ideal mission and purpose statement for me. I have experienced the subject. I have studied psychology. I have worked in psychiatric hospitals. I am qualified to work in this field.

My latest helpful advice to young people:

Here is my latest helpful advice to young people:

  • Learn at the speed of light, using the visual cortex
  • Then … Trust in your own skills

A final quote from Dan Pena reads:

We must all remember life doesnโ€™t have to be fair for us to succeed if we take charge and become masters and creators of our own destiny!” ~ Dan Pena

Mission and purpose in business includes self-mastery, discipline, and helping enough other people to get what they want. Consider the metaverse real estate as Bloomberg News predicts it will grow to turnover 800 billion dollars in year 2024. Here is your metaverse business opportunity access
Visit the digital real estate opportunity of The Century

Thanks for visiting this rather free-flowing ideas page about Dan Pena, and the need for mission and purpose in business. You will succeed if you take responsibility. Learn fast. Learn well. Keep your primary goal in mind.

Purpose in Hollywood Theatrics

A final word. There is a subtle, theatrical approach to influence. Emotion is used. It is triggered in a very clever way, as you can see in this early 1960s video. You’ll recognize the actors. What’s the mission?


Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School, NZ

7 Ways To Reduce Information Overload

You’re likely feeling tired, stressed and overwhelmed these days on The Internet. Business is more competitive in 2021, online and offline. What are the 7 best ways to reduce information overload? Can we stop or prevent it entirely? Yes, you can, and these 7 suggestions for business staff, managers and entrepreneurs might be all that you need:

Simplify Your Focus and Tasks

  1. Simplifying your goals, tasks and mental focus. Don’t try to be a ‘Jack of all trades,’ advising and providing everything to everyone. Apply the arts of delegation and outsourcing, to make your life livable. Set your top priorities clearly and tightly. Stick to one prioritized task until it is done. Put out a ‘do not disturb’ sign.
  2. Reduce your exposure to incoming marketing promotional emails. Avoid 98% of Internet advertising like the plague. The “Attention Economy” is literally killing us. Your adrenal glands are being over-driven, pouring adrenaline into your working day. Avoid CNN and Fox News. They’ll load you up with more stressful negativity than you can stand, just for their own selfish TV ratings and profitability! It’s a psychological crime in my opinion.
  3. Work with what you know well. Stick to the fundamental principles of design, marketing, selling, etc. Learn to write more persuasively. Don’t be tempted to buy the next shiny object that is promoted to you online. Basic principles will always work the best. The distractions being offered will only sap your business motivation.
  4. Learn the gentle, easy art of self hypnosis for stress relief. You’ll find it is a breeze, and time well spent. Here’s a brief introduction in this 9 minute YouTube video:
  5. Run small mastermind groups to brainstorm how to communicate more efficiently and effectively. This could help you prevent a lot of information overload
  6. Focus more on awareness, seeing, observing and listening. Praise others more. Notice how you will feel better when you do this. Become aware of your rising level of discernment. Don’t accept the norm of frustrated information overload!
  7. Keep counsel. You can maintain a clear head by consulting lawyers, accountants, coaches and mentors whenever it’ll help you to move forward.
The top 22 business motivation quotes inspire you to your highest performances in the online World in 2022 and onwards, says Geoff Dodd, adding ideas for how to reduce information overload on The Internet
Learn how to stop and prevent information overload online. Reduce stress. Induce alpha waves to improve your memory and increase intelligence…

Ways To Prevent Information Overload

Prevention is always better than cure. Knowledge of yourself: knowing how your mind works. What hits your emotional buttons? Watch your own thoughts and emotions emerging. Use your mindfulness skills. Learn self-mastery. As you get clear in your perceptions, you will naturally start reducing information overload. Simplicity is the key.

I trust that you have picked up a gem or two from this brief article about the 7 best ways to reduce information overload. Avoid the megatons of advertising and promotional content that is bombarding your business brain daily. That is my foremost and strongest recommendation for stopping information overload in 2021.


Privacy policy: We hate spam, too. We would never, ever, under any circumstances sell, rent or share your personal info with others. Ever. Your privacy is protected here.

Remember that the single best way to minimize and reduce information overload, is to simplify. Simplification of your mental focus, work tasks and yes – even your lofty goals!

You get maximum impact with minimal effort if you reduce information overload by learning Albert Einstein's two mental focusing methods. Simplify your mental focus
Simplify your mental focus by learning from Einstein

Geoff Dodd, Business School Online Courses, Waikato, New Zealand. Contact: +64 27 961 5445

Believing in Yourself

The magic of believing in yourself is what every Business Manager and Entrepreneur needs as a vitamin. Self belief leads to an almost spiritual state of BEING where thought and action will flow from …

“With our minds, we create our lives.” ~ The Buddha

“The best way to predict the future, is to create it!” ~ Peter Drucker

As planners, choosers, deciders, priority-makers, and step-by-step builders, we are most certainly creators. Don’t be fooled or mystified by tiny minds that locate this rewarding process elsewhere. Simply connect with others and create a collaborative and highly productive network of believing people, who are synergistically working towards a common goal.

How do we employ the ‘power of positive thinking?’ It depends on how much negative programming you received in your early years. Here’s a brand new PDF document that can help you to get positive and start to re-program your subconscious mind. There are further extremely useful links in that document. Just below the article.

Believing in yourself 100% does take a little bit of work. Our method is to repeat positive affirmations over and over. Don’t be afraid if others start to think you’re crazy. It’s what you think of yourself that is critical to our mission. Positive affirmations are, to the subconscious mind, like bits and bytes of computer programming! I have proved this to myself over fifty years. You will become a new person. Read my downloadable PDF e-Book gift on this exact subject. And suspend your cynical or skeptical ‘critic’ for a few minutes.

Listen very closely now:
Repeat and BELIEVE something like: (affirmation + ) “START earning a consistent $10,000 per month online within the next 30 days….” and you’ll definitely subconsciously create it… (as a habit)….a consistent thought… if you’ll repeat it enough times. Repetition is the key to the way in which the habit powerhouse of your subconscious mind-brain works!

MP3’s and CD’s can be purchased to play at night time as you’re in alpha and theta brain wave states…just drifting off to sleep, with messages to inspire and motivate you, change your money thermostat level, etc. This is definitely NOT woo woo. This is scientifically validated and measurable brain re-programming, used by billionaires to help them develop healthy mind states like bliss, calm, increased intuition, creativity, high intelligence and high productivity.

I’ve worked with this since 2006. I studied meditation from 1971, when I was majoring in physiological psychology. The ultimate goal of this type of activity is to maximize your neuro-plasticity. Think: flexi-space. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Self Belief and a New Identity

Except for some neurons in the brain, your body replaces every cell within a seven year cycle. You become a new person, physically. Imagine, then, what you can create within your mind! Imagine the infinite possibilities of new connections, spurring on your exponential psychological growth…the mind boggles.

Totally believing in yourself 100% your new identity can be ‘global entrepreneur,’ ‘innovative inventor,’ ‘chairman of the board,’ whatever you choose _____ to fill in the blank. Imagine what Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, the Google boys and yes, Mark Zuckerberg, John Assaraf have journeyed through–within their minds!

Believing in yourself will take you anywhere in the known Universe, literally! Elon Musk wants to take large numbers of people to settle on the Planet Mars. So he created Space-X and has, just now in 2020 successfully ferried astronauts to the International Space Station, using a Falcon 9 rocket, larger than anything that NASA has! YOU can do amazing stuff, too!

Thinking of others: Finally, think about this. Your truth, needs and purpose. How do they overlap with your clients’ (and your subordinates’) truth, needs and purpose? Be the real you and share a new ‘reality.’ ~after David Amerland.

Join me: Innovate at The Cutting Edge


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Start believing in yourself and trusting in our privacy policy: we hate spam with a wild passion, and would never, ever share your personal info with anyone else. Your info is secure. You are important to us. Your self-belief is even more important. Employ the magic of believing from today. It works.

Here’s an interesting infographic for your new thought process. It kind of reveals very clearly why you need to start re-programming your subconscious and unconscious mental processes. Your thinking. Do you agree? (It’s not hard to do. Just repetitive.)

Geoff Dodd, Business School Founder & Tutor (Contact us)

Online courses at our Internet based Business School involve Believing in Yourself and creating a new, flexible identity using an understanding of neuro-plasticity. Enjoy our courses. Tutor Geoff.
Click the infographic for a life-changing Business Monster

You can develop your self belief further by becoming a strong and persuasive writer for business. We recommend you read our copywriting guidelines. You just might be fascinated.



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