You’re likely feeling tired, stressed and overwhelmed these days on The Internet. Business is more competitive in 2021, online and offline. What are the 7 best ways to reduce information overload? Can we stop or prevent it entirely? Yes, you can, and these 7 suggestions for business staff, managers and entrepreneurs might be all that you need:
Simplify Your Focus and Tasks
- Simplifying your goals, tasks and mental focus. Don’t try to be a ‘Jack of all trades,’ advising and providing everything to everyone. Apply the arts of delegation and outsourcing, to make your life livable. Set your top priorities clearly and tightly. Stick to one prioritized task until it is done. Put out a ‘do not disturb’ sign.
- Reduce your exposure to incoming marketing promotional emails. Avoid 98% of Internet advertising like the plague. The “Attention Economy” is literally killing us. Your adrenal glands are being over-driven, pouring adrenaline into your working day. Avoid CNN and Fox News. They’ll load you up with more stressful negativity than you can stand, just for their own selfish TV ratings and profitability! It’s a psychological crime in my opinion.
- Work with what you know well. Stick to the fundamental principles of design, marketing, selling, etc. Learn to write more persuasively. Don’t be tempted to buy the next shiny object that is promoted to you online. Basic principles will always work the best. The distractions being offered will only sap your business motivation.
- Learn the gentle, easy art of self hypnosis for stress relief. You’ll find it is a breeze, and time well spent. Here’s a brief introduction in this 9 minute YouTube video:
- Run small mastermind groups to brainstorm how to communicate more efficiently and effectively. This could help you prevent a lot of information overload
- Focus more on awareness, seeing, observing and listening. Praise others more. Notice how you will feel better when you do this. Become aware of your rising level of discernment. Don’t accept the norm of frustrated information overload!
- Keep counsel. You can maintain a clear head by consulting lawyers, accountants, coaches and mentors whenever it’ll help you to move forward.

Ways To Prevent Information Overload
Prevention is always better than cure. Knowledge of yourself: knowing how your mind works. What hits your emotional buttons? Watch your own thoughts and emotions emerging. Use your mindfulness skills. Learn self-mastery. As you get clear in your perceptions, you will naturally start reducing information overload. Simplicity is the key.
I trust that you have picked up a gem or two from this brief article about the 7 best ways to reduce information overload. Avoid the megatons of advertising and promotional content that is bombarding your business brain daily. That is my foremost and strongest recommendation for stopping information overload in 2021.
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Remember that the single best way to minimize and reduce information overload, is to simplify. Simplification of your mental focus, work tasks and yes – even your lofty goals!

Geoff Dodd, Business School Online Courses, Waikato, New Zealand. Contact: +64 27 961 5445