Managing an online business can be a lonely and frustrating experience. Information overload whacks you from every angle on The Internet. Have you ever thought about using self hypnosis for business success? To improve your mental focus and motivation? Here’s a YouTube video about self hypnosis, with a holistic approach that will help you:
In the above YouTube video, Geoff Dodd suggests that your identity, or self image, is central to your success and wealth in business. Who do you think you are? Is the point–so hypnosis can ‘transplant’ better thoughts to boost the power of your self belief.
With this holistic or generic understanding of self hypnosis for business success, it doesn’t matter what the specific roadblock problem is! You’ll quickly realize that poor sales performance, undue stress in managing people, a lack of confidence, overuse of alcohol, drugs, or other addictions, all stem from one central cause!
What is it?
Self belief and identity. The magic of believing in yourself. That’s precisely why hypnotherapy works and now you can learn self-hypnosis rapidly to overcome any stress or any feelings of discomfort at all! This stuff works like magic!
The Spiritual Entrepreneur
If you think you can discard this part as “woo woo” then walk away from your higher self right now!
Every single ethnic group in human history has its ‘sacred writings.’ The Chinese have the Tao Te Ching (The Great Flow) and Confucianism. India has the Bhagavad Gita of Krishna and The Upanishads of Buddhism, plus a dazzling myriad of modern gurus. (Spiritual teachers). Persia has The Koran and The Seven Valleys in the Baha’i Writings. The incredible history of the Jews in Israel and Egypt brought us The Old Testament (Abraham, Moses), and The New Testament (Jesus Christ).
Every source of ethnic guidance, wisdom and understanding implies the existence of higher levels of human consciousness. Let’s investigate how this new-found awareness is intimately related to self hypnosis for business success in 2021 and onwards!
The spiritual entrepreneur is a business creator like Elon Musk who tunes in to the laws of The Universe. I specify Elon Musk, because he said that his approach is to “think in the basic principles of physics,” when tackling a problem of innovation.
Sir Richard Branson is clearly another spiritual entrepreneur. The same page contains a video of Branson’s where he emphasizes the critical importance of listening closely to his staff members and middle managers and praising them for their good work performance.
These little things might seem inconsequential to you. To me, they’re mirroring a great understanding. Love your people. Project positive vibrations out to your organization, and you’ll receive the same love, respect, and positive vibrations back. It is your attunement to these universal laws that will bring you great success and high levels of individual achievement.
Dr. Abraham Maslow, PhD at Brandeis University in USA, (circa 1954 to the 1970s,) was one of the first western psychologists to integrate and draw together the threads of eastern mysticism with western empirical behavioral science.
Maslow acknowledged the existence of peak experiences, transcendental experience and “the farther reaches of human nature.” – one of his later book titles. One might say that Maslow outlined ‘spiritual psychology.’
Neuro Science: Changes in meditation
What happens in a deep hypnotic trance, of alpha, theta, and delta brain wave states, can now be stated in Maslowian terms as ‘increasing hierarchic integration’ in the nervous system. Control shifts to the language processing in the left, prefrontal cortex. You can create these mental states with self hypnosis and in deep meditation. (Also, with brain wave entrainment).
Summary: Self Hypnosis Business Success & Motivation
Learn self-hypnosis and you’ll dissolve away the tension in your mind. Residual stresses can be managed by learning deep, regular breathing. Repeat your own affirmations and positive suggestions to yourself. Press your magic button to return to a state of deep relaxation. You can do this in any situation. Even in a business meeting, or when negotiating with a client or your business partner, accountant or lawyer.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a useful approach to understanding motivation and why people do the things they do. Remember Maslow’s highest perceptual levels of ‘self actualization’ and peak experience.
Finally, science and religion can blend together in your mind, once you’ve realized the essential connections:
- A beautiful, transcendent feeling of Oneness
- A sense of connectedness to all Life
- A sense of living in the mystery
- Understanding that you create your inner experience by your choices
Remember to view Geoff Dodd’s YouTube video about self hypnosis for business success and sales performance, to naturally increase work productivity, many times over.
In this second YouTube video which builds on the first one, you will imagine that you’re a soft white cloud. You’re just passing through, without attachment. You can now let go and reduce work stress. This aids your work performance and productivity. It is ideal self hypnosis for business success without being specific, because it works subconsciously in a holistic and harmonious way …
Remember: don’t overthink it. Don’t be overly cynical and analyze it. Now that would just be your over active western left brain dominance at work, wouldn’t it? Try to use your integrated whole brain functioning with as much use of your imaginative powers as possible. Balance left brain with right brain. You’ll then understand the word, ‘spiritual.’
Einstein emphasized the use of the human imagination. Perhaps a little magic of believing will assist you, too?

The Manager, Business School Online Courses. Geoff Dodd.