Affiliate Marketing for beginners

How to start affiliate marketing for beginners with no money is a question I’m frequently asked. How do you get started at affiliate marketing without a website or any money or investment at all?

The answer is it’s surprisingly easy, when you know what you’re doing! There are 7 main benefits to starting affiliate marketing online:

  1. You can honestly get started as an affiliate 100% FREE
  2. You don’t have to carry any stock or inventory of any goods
  3. You don’t have to handle payments, money or process anything
  4. You are not responsible for processing any refunds to customers
  5. You don’t have to answer any customer support questions or queries
  6. Complaints will never be considered your responsibility. Merchants or vendors run their own support desk systems to answer the customers.
  7. You promote a product, then you can sit back and collect 20% to 75% commission rates on the retail value of the product or service you sell!
Is Jeff Lerner training legit. Can the Entre Institute affiliate program train you to become an online millionaire. Jeff Lerner training is legitimate and has created many millionaires on The Internet from 2008 to 2021 with over 50M earnings to date. How to start affiliate marketing for beginners without a website or any investment. Enter here..
Join The Entre Institute Affiliate Program because it’s Highest Paying

Start Affiliate Marketing Step by Step

There is a clear set of steps for starting affiliate marketing online. Here is your brief but effective Affiliate Marketing Tutorial:

  1. Select your niche topic or area of interest. What are you passionate about? What do you love spending time learning about? Think of this area carefully. This is what you will be most successful at preselling and recommending to others. Most affiliates work in three specific areas: i) Health and fitness, or ii) Relationships, or iii) Make money online. (Note that these 3 areas of your likely success as an affiliate, are quite similar to the social issues that people care most about when voting in an election!) Select your niche subject or topic you’ll love working in …
  2. Find, by searching Google, the companies, vendors or merchants that are operating an affiliate program in your selected niche area. An easier way to do this is to go to Clickbank com, Warriorplus com, JVZoo com, ShareASale com, Commission Junction, Amazon affiliate program, or to my favourite affiliate program: Entre Institute, that is featured on this web page. Clickbank’s marketplace is a great source of affiliate programs in a large range of niche areas. Commission rates are usually 50 to 75% although special deals for high volume sales can reach 90% commission. If you are searching the CB marketplace for a good product to sell, choose one with a ‘gravity score’ of 50 or more. That proves to you that the product or service is actually selling well.
  3. Read everything you can about the affiliate program and search YouTube for product reviews. These will be biased towards making a sale, but you’ll learn a lot on YouTube. The product vendor usually also has a JV page that is packed with info and sales materials like banners, links, email swipe copy and even whole review articles and blog posts for affiliates to use. You’ll find a welcome video and maybe even some useful training videos on the JV page. Watch them all.
  4. Think of building your own affiliate preselling blog or Website. This is really useful when it comes to promoting your offers on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Instagram, Mix and YouTube. They don’t accept raw, ugly, stretched out affiliate links on their social media sites. It always looks better, and is more professional, to have your affiliate banners and links on your own blog or Web site. You can check out WordPress com, Tumblr, Groove Pages, or Blogger to get a free web site. I’d strongly recommend Groove Pages, because of their funnel-making abilities. (And it’s free.)
  5. Generating targeted Web traffic means getting lots of visitors to your blog or Website. These visitors need to be interested buyers, rather than just random surfers or browsers, looking for entertainment. Here is a useful video I made to help guide you in how to get more visitors or Web traffic to your site:


GrooveFunnels is Now Free
$99/month value.. Now free

I trust this information is useful to you, for answering the question, how to start affiliate marketing for beginners. Get started, even if you have no money, no investment sources, and no Website. You can build a great Web site for free at Groove pages. I’ve included one link and a banner to get you there.

Geoff Dodd, Business School Free Tutorial

Is Jeff Lerner Training Legitimate?

Let’s work together. What’s your biggest problem? Jeff Lerner’s Millionaire Training is legit. It can bring you work, income. Replace a lost job.

Listen: this is a gut wrenchingly difficult time for everyone, but there are solutions. I feel your pain. I know the struggle. I’ve seen how hard it is for everyone. Jeff Lerner can help. The coronavirus has devastated work places and robbed you of your job and your income: The very livelihood you depend on. I can help you solve this problem. Pivot and refocus on this one question: Is Jeff Lerner’s training legitimate? This brief 3:08 YouTube video answers the question and solves your problem:


The Millionaire Shortcut Gift

Jeff Lerner says, on training and education,

Quote: “If people are prepared to be flexible, keep an open mind and learn, they will grow richer and richer through the changes.”
I loved it because everyone has the powerful ability to educate themselves.

This is NOT about formal education in colleges and universities. That is simply too theoretical and has fallen behind in practical usefulness. (Especially now that we have online business platforms and social media.)

Here’s your solution: “ask questions, get yourself out of your comfort zone, and be totally unafraid to learn something new…”

Jeff Lerner continues …

“All the millionaires you know are harboring a powerful secret …

The reason I’m telling you and the reason you should care is it’s the fastest way for an “average” person to become a millionaire…”

Is Jeff Lerner Training at the Entre Institute legit ? Click here on the image to download your e-Book gift The Millionaire Shortcut. You will receive valuable free training in online business from Jeff Lerner, the teacher of the entrepreneurs from 2008. Enjoy your book.
Download your Gift e-Book, The Millionaire Shortcut by Jeff Lerner

Did you know?

What are 1,700 people doing every day, without fail? It’s not making love.

Jeff reminds me that, “1,700 different people from all walks of life are becoming millionaires every single day … just in The United States!”

Most of them are using the strategy Jeff shares in this video

It’s no longer an elite club that’s reserved for a specific type of person.

The doors are wide open for YOU to stake your claim online!

You’ve no doubt heard that saying, “there’s plenty of room at the top!” Well, for desiring millionaires and billionaires there’s completely open SPACE. You just have to see Elon Musk launching his red convertible Tesla sports car into eternal orbit to understand the amount of abundant room there is for anyone wanting outrageous success in an online business.

Other Competitors Don’t Make The Cut

To tick all the boxes and meet the criteria, an online business training course must be owned and operated by legit trainers. You need legitimate millionaires like Jeff Lerner who have walked the walk, to teach you how to…. otherwise, how could they help you climb the ladder to your success?

You need the highest paying affiliate program imaginable. One that will pay you as regularly as clockwork. Weekly! Jeff Lerner’s Entre Institute does that. One that will pay you for the lifetime value of the customer. Check.

No other business training or affiliate program comes even close to matching what Entre Institute will give you. And, it’s free to enter:

Is Jeff Lerner training legit. Can the Entre Institute affiliate program train you to become an online millionaire. Jeff Lerner training is legitimate and has created many millionaires on The Internet from 2008 to 2021 with over 50M earnings to date. Join up now.
Join The Entre Institute Affiliate Program by Jeff Lerner

Thanks for visiting us at Geoff Dodd’s Business School for online courses, today! I trust we’ve explained to you how Jeff Lerner’s training is legit. You’ll be taught and trained by major league entrepreneurs with very impressive earning records. I’m in it. You can sense my urgency to help you rise up in these difficult days of Covid19. There’s a cruel second wave, and a third, of coronavirus overwhelming France, Europe, The United States and Brazil as I write this. Protect yourself. Stay safe. These are troubled times.

Get some high level affiliate training right now to ensure cash flow from an Internet business. Only Jeff Lerner has the top quality training that will ensure your online business success.

It’s a matter of survival for 2021 and onwards.

Geoff Dodd, Business School Manager. Author of our acclaimed course in copywriting for higher sales conversion rates on The Internet.


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