You feel the need. You have desire, drive and ambition to startup a profitable business online. But – no money. Nothing to invest. You still qualify for a low budget startup business in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, to work globally!
Listen–it doesn’t matter if you studied IT at Bangalore or not! That’s not the deciding factor. Not at all… Only your levels of desire and motivation to succeed are what matters here in this outstandingly profitable digital marketing business that anyone can do!
This is your secret back-door entry to access a sacred treasure house. So you can smile and feel good. Your future is unfolding better than before. Don’t believe me? Test it, PROVE to yourself how well it works.
The following infographic image about this new, low budget startup business for anyone globally, including you in Bangladesh, Pakistan and India, reveals the level of RESULTS possible…

Top Low Investment Start-Up Business
You’ll grow to love and enjoy this low budget startup business, just as I have. It is perfect for families in South Asia. I know how hard it is to get enough income flowing in to the family. There are so many needs. Food, health, medicine, clothing and education. ‘MFE’ helps you shortcut the digital education needs in a big way.
How? By design. The inventor made this a low cost, almost zero-investment family startup business. First, you get free access. You’ll get a hi-tech marketing funnel. You connect that to a ‘Clickbank account.’ (just sign up as an affiliate). It’s easy to connect it in the dashboard. Then for ‘leads’ you connect it to an autoresponder account. It is explained inside. Final activation of your free marketing funnel just needs a single $20 purchase. Then you’re off at the races, promoting your own funnel link. It is incredibly simple to make this system work!
Well, you can see what I’m doing with the MFE digital low investment startup business right here in the next image:

Other Low Budget Startup Businesses
You can easily start these low cost, relatively low investment businesses, anywhere in The World:
- Kiosk selling ice cream or real fruit juices (in hot climates, like India).
- SMM – Social Media Account Managing – doing regular posts for marketing
- Videography and photography at tourist hotspots
- Bicycle repair business and/or bike rentals
- Vlogging on YouTube ~ comedy, or real life
- Blogging with affiliate marketing offers
- Tour Guide locally
- Cleaning services for businesses and corporations
Want to find out more about Internet marketing and profitably running a small home based business online? I have tons of extra delicious tips and bits of info just for you. Desiring more information on the best low budget startup business ideas? Join me above now. Just enter your email address and click. Thanks!
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In the meantime, let’s start implementing these very low cost small business ideas online!
Geoff Dodd, Business School Manager