A list of buyers is your greatest business asset. Repeat purchases are essential to business survival. The money is in the list you build with an autoresponder.
They say that “the fortune’s in the follow up,” and clearly, it’s 100% TRUE that “the money is in the list.”
IF you want to survive in business, you MUST build a mailing list! No excuses will be tolerated.
Is the money REALLY in the list?
If you are involved with internet marketing you most likely will have heard one of the most important proverbs of online business:
“The Money is in the List”.
The phrase describes the relationship between large email lists and long term internet marketing success (ie making money online).
But, because list building is not that much fun or glamorous, its very easy to put it on the back burner.
Its much more exciting to create websites, products, courses, services or do social media stuff.
We waste time, money and effort on these things thinking that is the right path to follow.
And many of us fail to put the same amount of time, money and effort into building an email list and database of potential clients
But at some point we wake up like I did many years ago to the fact that you are getting little to no sales and are not on target to make a really good living online.
Truth is, without a strong subscriber list you DO NOT have an audience to sell anything to!
Many of us (including myself) have in the past done things back to front.
Sure we can create product offers and courses but it’s a good idea to take every opportunity to keep building your audience at the same time so you keep behind the eight ball.
I have always appreciated how special it is to be able to share in collected leads from other marketers subscriber lists by participating in joint venture giftswaps.
This is where the most valuable resources/leads are available to you utilising the most powerful term in marketing – free.
Leads that are pre-qualified, targeted, receptive and interested, have bought or promoted in the past.
People who have already spent money online, and are willing to spend more.
The best buyers, the best affiliates, the most engaged subscribers – they are all already out there on other marketers’ private subscriber lists.
The best part is, this is no need to go searching for new leads when others have already done the work for you.
When people CHOOSE to click on and download your gift you can be sure they ARE interested in what you have to offer.
So, I invite you to grab some free lead magnets here to start building your email list with. Don’t delay!
These conversion tools are extremely powerful. Once you realize that, you will soon be working on how to generate leads online using The Conversion Pros. They’re based in Nevada, USA. I swear by them.
ALSO readers, here’s a highly related YouTube video on today’s subject of ‘the money is in the list:’
I hope you enjoyed watching that video. Other resources are here. These tech ideas are for email deliverability testing. Make sure that your messages get into the inbox of your subscribers.
Geoff Dodd, Editor in Chief, Online Course Business School, NZ.
ONE MINUTE – Geoff Dodd’s BIG PICTURE Perspective on a million-dollar annual income for you
METAVERSE – Geoff Dodd’s Metaverse Business Opportunities and ideas for you
For Windows(R) users, get these free marketing eBooks in PDF file format by: Right click on each item and ‘save link as’ to your PC desktop.
Apple iMac and Power Book users, you know what to do. Grab these valuable e-Books today! The files will open in a new tab.
Ewen Chia shared these free marketing eBooks with me quite a while back. I notice that the affiliate marketing strategies outlined are still current:
Give away a free Special Report.
Build mailing lists with lead magnets.
Offer huge ‘super affiliate bonuses’ so you stand out.
Give high perceived value so buyers will prefer your offer over a standard affiliate product offer!
Please download and use these free lead magnets (gifts) for your own lead generation work. Also see our LeadsLeap page!
List building is an important function of business that you simply must start doing! Offer these digital PDF eBook gifts in exchange for a user’s name and email address.
It is widely stated in Internet business guides and instruction manuals, that your responsive email list is your single greatest business asset!
The best marketing tools for this list building are now available to you on our generate leads online page. It’s the TCP marketing service. It is what works now.
Please subscribe using this brief form above. Your personal info will always be safe with us. We hate spam with a passion. We’d never, ever share your personal data with any third parties. You can unsubscribe at any time. One click will do it.
Benefits of joining my mailing list: You will receive up to date, cutting edge information about what works now. Which marketing tools will help you to rank your pages higher on both YouTube and Google?
Get free PDF marketing e-Books shared as I produce them. Join me on this exciting journey into digital marketing. And yes, do subscribe just above. It’s the easiest way for me to chat with you. I always answer every single email I get. Quickly. (Hit ‘reply!’ to any message.)
Best way to generate leads online using The Conversion Pros’ high converting landing pages. Connect with an email autoresponder which is supplied free.
Is your small business painfully struggling to get enough sales leads? The persistent problem of how to generate leads online needs a fix. You might be a real estate agent, a lawyer, a professional or simply a home based business owner. Getting more list subscribers, prospects and sales is a problem we can definitely help you to solve!
In some cases you’d be advised to do video marketing with a YouTube channel. While we’re talking social media, every size of business needs a Facebook page and an Instagram profile with a daily feed. Every single online business. You might like to hire a young person to respond to comments and questions on your social media content.
How to generate leads online using The Conversion Pros
The image above presents multiple opportunities to you! Whether you generate leads for real estate or network marketing, it’s all the same. You can earn lots of residual income while you acquire leads from the cold market. How? Use The Conversion Pros to build your high converting landing pages!
Examples of high converting landing pages:
Lead generation on The Internet uses ‘capture pages,’ ‘squeeze pages,’ or presell ‘landing pages.’ They are essentially the same. But landing pages are the next step in the preselling sequence. The first point of contact with your prospective customer. i.e., after the ad. You squeeze an email address, and maybe a name and phone number out of the interested person! (Don’t use a full form to a database, because you’ll scare them off. An email address only, is much more likely to convert. People like to keep their personal information private.)
Best Samples of Landing Pages:
Here are some of my best examples of high converting landing pages:
Above in the video, David Dubbs completely solves the never-ending problem: how to generate leads online. His company offers you pre-interviewed leads. There are female leads. Women now want to be boss. Have more time freedom, and quit their jobs! There are also male leads. Macho businessmen? Or simply guys looking for business opportunities and seeking financial freedom and independence. Travel leads is another specialty that is catered for.
There are specialized leads for travel. Interviewed business opportunity seekers. And more. David Dubbs has been top MLM earner in over eight (8) companies. He has raced to ‘diamond’ level in less than 2 weeks. Listen to David talk about the best leads, in his video above! Just Wow! Also, you can now access quality Tier-1 TCP leads direct from here!
MLM Gateway for network marketing
Network marketer promoting MLM companies? Think of TheConversionPros.com as a powerful, viable mlm gateway alternative service. You’ll be able to generate tier-1 quality leads easily for your network marketing multi-level business. Talk about how to fill the matrix! We have the needed tools. Check out this independent, unbiased review of TCP.
Best Way To Get Leads For Real Estate
What is the best way for real estate managers, owners and sales staff to get more leads? To increase your brand awareness, and get more buyers!
Leads Acquisition: We suggest:
Television ads in prime time, just before the national news. Mike Pero Real Estate does this TV advertising very successfully in New Zealand. Watch TVNZ One during the 6pm news to see how to do this on TV. Also, it’s on Prime 4 after 5:30pm.
YouTube video advertising. Think locally. Add your town or city in the video title, near the beginning. Also locate your service in the text description area, just below the video. Below, you can subscribe to our information series. You’ll discover a lot more about making your real estate videos ‘optimized’ for improved performance in both YouTube and Google searches: (This is critically important for your efficient generation of sales leads. You want to be ranked at the top for your town?)
Privacy policy: your personal data is always safe with us. We hate spam with a 4 a.m. burning passion. Your info is safely encrypted.
The above video is directly from TCP. It shows you the high quality of their productions. The company, The Conversion Pros, offers you a 50/50 partnership as an affiliate. It also is the best for offering solutions to how to generate leads online. The lead magnets at TCP, for example, are discussed here.
TCP says, “give value first.” “Give people what they need and want.” They will join your list.
Thanks for your visit here today! I sincerely hope you received a good answer to your question, how to generate leads online? There are other clear avenues for you. Offline letter box drops. Visible support of various local sports clubs, service clubs, and charities, such as community hospitals. Think of supporting other places that are giving social services. The branding approach really needs to be holistic and all-encompassing. 🙂 🙂
The first step to effective lead generation strategies is understanding your target audience. Who are your customers? What type of people are visiting your website? What are their pain points? How can your product or service benefit them?
2) Create Engaging Content
When you create content that is engaging, helpful, and shareable, you present your customers with a solution to their problem. Publish content in the form of videos on YouTube, blog posts, social media, photos, infographics, flow charts, or eBooks. Lead-in with lots of free content.
3) Promote Content Across All Your Business Channels
Cross-promote, repurpose and share it across your business channels. Publish it on your YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, blog, or wherever your customers are most active. Allow existing or potential customers to find your content using Google search or while scrolling through social media.
4) Nurture Existing Leads
It is very important to focus on building a long-term relationship with your subscribers. Carefully guide these people through your sales funnel or encourage them to buy. Reinforce their baby-steps through. Send customized, unique emails that encourage them to try a free sample, download a product trial, or make another purchase. Think of the lifetime value of the customer.
5) Score and Measure. Pass Leads to Your Sales Team
Ask the question, “which leads are interacting more with our business?” – whether that’s by reading more diverse content or visiting your website repeatedly. Focus your efforts on those leads that will have a great impact on sales and profit.
Next, the sales team works to turn a customer’s desire into an action. After someone has bought from you, it’s up to your salesmen and women to enrich a customer’s experience and keep them interested in your company long-term.
Did you enjoy our conversation about how to start generating tons more leads for your small business? I hope you watched David Dubbs’ video about interviewed female leads!
Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School, New Zealand
LeadsLeap Review: 5 Stars.
Here you advertise, build a list, broadcast emails, track links, make money from PPC, build pages and promote. All for FREE at LeadsLeap. Lifetime affiliate program. Awesome system. GD.
Honest LeadsLeap Review: This is a leads generation system with a ton of features. All are free. I’ve never seen so many high quality advertising tools in one place, with no charge to you.
Here’s a brief summary of what LeadsLeap gives you.
Review: 5 Stars:
Email marketing manager. Complete autoresponder system free with list management, to build your own list, set up autoresponders and send email broadcasts. You can even track the email open rates, and clickthrough rate. Visit SendSteed and open an account. You can add email marketing to your online business! I like the extra features. Example: add images, including your ‘signature’ image.
Real link tracker to check if you’re getting real human visitors or bot traffic. Be more aware of robots! This is a unique, high quality link tracker. Visit Realtracker here. Start tracking your Web links with this recommended tool.
Social Reviews: Write product reviews and get organic SEO traffic. If your review scores 4/5 it will be ‘featured’ and emailed out to a large group of members. No personal website is required when you write Social Reviews. (This is because they can be about affiliate products, too.) See my example.
Lead Generating ‘squeeze page’ tool connected to the SendSteed autoresponder. Build your own high converting landing pages! Here’s a simple example.
Rebranded Giveaway PDF e-Book: The popular “One Signup a Day“ report for further lead generation!
Advertise free and get quality targeted traffic. Earn credits for your ads, by viewing others’ ads in the LeadsLeap System. You will learn a lot by seeing what works now in other ads. Especially, see the Pro Ads.
Make money from its Pay Per Click program. (PPC). You do not need a Website. Works with the link tracker. You can display these PPC ads on your blog pages. Just insert some Javascript code where you want to show the PPC ads.
Create your own stunningly effective pop ups. Use these popups on your blog site, if you have one. You can use pop-ups to collect leads. Increase your subscriber numbers.
Generous Affiliate Program for LeadsLeap. The affiliate program pays 25-50% commission on a recurring basis, for the lifetime of the customer. That is, for all the members who you referred to LeadsLeap. You will get 50% commission if you are a Pro, paid member. I recommend you become Pro.
LeadsLeap Review Video:
After viewing the LeadsLeap review video above, you can enter the site below. Decide which features and advertising services you’d like to use. No charge. We consider this to be excellent value. We have not seen this amount of value given away anywhere else:
If you would like to talk to someone about the Leadsleap advertising and lead generation system first, then please contact Geoff Dodd here.
Almost everything you need for your online business is gifted to you at Leadsleap.com
Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read our complete and honest LeadsLeap Review. It is clear that we are mightily impressed by LeadsLeap.
The beginner or newbie marketer online has a lot to benefit from here. There’s a very wide range of quality marketing tools. This includes things such as the innovative SendSteed emailing system. You can easily send out broadcast emails, or a prewritten sequence of email messages over time.
Here’s an example of a subscriber opt-in form, using the SendSteed free autoresponder tool at LeadsLeap. Test it out:
Naturally, you can unsubscribe at any time. Or we can chat by email. I want you to experience the power of the free tools on offer at LeadsLeap. It’s a surprise to me what Kenneth Koh is giving away!
The RealTracker to differentiate ‘bot’ activity from real human visitors. How long are people staying on your Web pages? This duration is measured in milliseconds!
The Free advertising services, the landing page builder, the popup builder, the pay per click ads and the World Class affiliate program that pays you for the lifetime of your referred customer. (25% commission rate if you’re a free member. That’s OK. 50% commission rate if you’re a paid PRO member.)
The social reviews pages work really well in search engines. Here is the latest of my efforts: MFE My Funnel Empire review.
There is a LOT more in LeadsLeap that I haven’t had time and space to cover. It’s a 5-Star system. I highly recommend it to you. Simply go through, join, and experience LeadsLeap for yourself. We agree that you will be delighted.
Subscribe now. Reply to any email message to start a chat or conversation about the remarkable LeadsLeap and Send Steed marketing systems. In this LeadsLeap Review I have tried to keep it balanced and neutral. I will admit that my excitement for the system has spilled over a little. 🙂 🙂
Privacy policy: We hate spam with a 4 am burning passion. Your private information is always safe with us. We would never compromise it by sharing or selling your email address. We want your continuing loyalty. We protect your data, name and email address like precious treasure. Join us and chat. Let’s find outrageous success together!
Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School, NZ
P.S. Here’s an earning opportunity at LeadsLeap: You can make money online with LeadsLeap. Just show ads from the system, like this:
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