What are the essential 3 business marketing skills you’ll need to absolutely master? These specific skill sets will DRIVE your Ultimate Success on The Internet. Do you know what they are? Keep reading …
- Ability to get Laser-targeted Web Traffic. Also known as ‘eye-balls to your offer,’ or interested visitors. Can you draw enough attention to your Web site and its offers? Are you paying for impressions? (CPM). Are you getting readership? The skills of acquiring traffic might include using mailing lists. You might do a JV or joint venture with someone who has a large mailing list of buyers.
- Conversion. The ability to convert Web visitors into subscribers and paying customers. This is definitely a copywriting role. See our copywriting pdf template. Conversion covers questions like, how do you get someone to take action, when engaging with your Web page? What will trigger them to take action? There is a whole customer ‘journey’ through your many messages: your ad, a preselling page, free info, a video to watch, a sales page, an order form, a thank you page, etc. Later you’ll send follow up emails and back-end marketing … (Here’s an example of a high converting landing page… )
- Economics. If you are paying for your Web visitors, what is the EPC or earnings per click rate for each product? What is the lifetime value of the customer, on average? Is the refund rate being kept under control? What delivery and fulfilment costs are there? Fixed costs? Skills with mathematics and financial management are critical to your online success! Develop this CFO awareness.
Mastering Top 3 business marketing skills
Customer acquisition: The ability to go out into a ‘cold’ marketplace and get paying customers. The Digital Age has transformed this. So we now speak of Web Traffic, Conversion and the overall economics of the online business operation.
In acquiring a new customer, an experienced marketer is usually willing to make a small loss, or break even. A lead magnet is useful: a free report, a video, a pdf e-Book or a tiny piece of software. The free gift ‘triggers’ or incentivizes the prospect to get engaged with the selling process. A digital ‘gift’ has a very low cost.
The first step might be a low cost front-end product at the wide opening of a marketing funnel. Each customer moves through a series of steps in the funnel. There are both ‘upsells’ and ‘downsells’ at forked decision points. Related products are offered. These upsells extend or complement what the main product can do.

You make the first sale to get the customer. Why? To start the relationship! Add value to the customer. The above image is worth investigating. You will get about 10 free marketing tools in there, at LeadsLeap. I highly recommend it, as a leads generation system.
Positioning of your product and brand is important. What is unique and different about it? How does it stand out in a crowded market? Define your own category in the market. Superior. Your top 3 business marketing skills will now include writing up the benefits and the unique selling proposition.
Repackage and create a unique offer. A bundle. A membership site. A subscription will make every customer more valuable. Microsoft does this with its Office 360 suite, for example. It occupies its own software category. That makes for great economics.
Privacy: your personal details are safe with us. We hate spam. We would never, ever share or sell your private info. You can unsubscribe at any time. I don’t think you’ll want to miss the goodies, though. The very best Web tools for your video marketing. Stuff for SEO. Info on what’s working online right now… up to the minute. How to increase your targeted Web traffic.
So that’s the real oil. The free training on the essential 3 business marketing skills. We have deviated a little towards Web tools and funnels. High converting landing pages, too. All part of the process of generating targeted Web traffic, improving conversion, and the economics of your online enterprise!
Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School, New Zealand