Answer: Why is motivation important for business managers? Because you want to energize your office staff and employees. You want tasks completed quickly. Objectives met. Goals achieved efficiently. Motivation is your key factor. You’ll have a close eye on productivity.
Theory of Why Motivation is Important to Business
The 1954 book by Dr. Abraham H Maslow, PhD, Motivation and Personality, Brandeis University, is still the authority in this writer’s mind. Maslow explained how people are first motivated by physical and physiological needs; then by psychological needs. That is:
Physiological Needs:
Humans first need a balanced diet, water, and a warm, sheltered home to rest and sleep in. The temperature range needs to be one we can survive in. Removal of painful stimulus and protection from predators and human enemies. These are very minimal, basic needs.
Psychological Needs:
Dr. Maslow was the first psychologist to clearly outline these social and psychological needs:
- The need for a feeling of safety and security. That is, reduction of fear and anxiety. Emotional comfort.
- The need for a feeling of love and belongingness. Acceptance into a group. Identity.
- Needs for self esteem and the esteem of others.
- The need for self actualization. That is, self realization and the expression of hidden talents, aptitudes and abilities.
We can understand others better, when we view their behaviour through this model. Maslow called it the hierarchy of human needs. Need gratification starts from the bottom of the pyramid, or hierarchy. It rises to the top. With sensitivity, you can see which needs a person is striving to satisfy.
Practical Ways Managers Can Motivate Employees
Supervisors and mid level management need training in these ideas. Human needs and motivations are not always apparent and clear to see. People tend to be egocentric. They might be feeling tired, frustrated and angry. Their vision is then clouded. Thought comes first. A good theory like Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs can work wonders!
Always treat employees with respect. They are learning. Praise them when they get something right. Show due respect and appreciation. Always be positive in your attitude.
Use Rewards and Incentives to Motivate Workers
Productivity will rise naturally when you use a positive approach to encouraging your employees. Don’t go off the deep end. Don’t express anger or disgust. Maintain the dignity and mutual respect of all persons concerned.
Offer incentives. Say, for example, “if you get all this work completed by tonight, you’ll get a bonus.”
“If I’m completely satisfied with the quality of your work, and the speed, I’ll give you an amazing Christmas party!”
“Those who produce more, of a satisfactory quality, will get a special bonus payment, starting next month!”
Rewards and positive reinforcements of behaviour are FAR more powerful than punishments. This is born out in scientific research. (B.F. Skinner, Harvard University, 1940s to 1960s). Radical behaviorism.

Some students in the business school have asked me for a motivational quote. Others requested a motivational story. A speech, or a mere thought. I trust you have received a solid answer here.
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Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School, NZ