Wracked by envy, and perhaps personal frustration, I’d love to have 1,200,000 followers. OnPassive Founders are boasting they’ve now exceeded 1.2M in eager, hopeful members.
At an entry fee of $US100 per each member, that’s a gross funding income of a staggering 120 million United States dollars. (This figure can be adjusted for a $US97 entry fee, to $116,400,000). That’s great funding for a medium-sized project in artificial intelligence, as applied to marketing.
Let’s look a bit closer at what’s actually happening here. For one thing, the ad copy is getting wildly promising:
“World’s Best Modern Technology Marketing” (is yet to be proved and demonstrated.)
“Be Blessed;” “Full Automation;” “Lifetime Residual Income, do nothing…” etc., etc. (Is this a realistic expectation to fulfil your hopes and dreams?)
OnPassive is Overdue to Launch
Has it really been three (3) years of waiting patiently for something to launch? What’s the holdup? Are the software applications not fine-tuned yet? Still in beta form? And what advantages will these A.I. marketing applications really have over alternative, existing apps?
For example, if you’re building a smart, automated marketing system of autoresponders, will it be ‘further evolved’ and more advanced than GetResponse or Aweber? I seriously doubt it. These companies have been developing software for decades. They understand integration marketing.
How will the massive member mailing list be used? Will OnPassive Founders be receiving further marketing offers? Will they send offers to each other?
Track Record of OnPassive Founder
The CEO Ash Mufareh? It’s not exactly impressive. It’s also not for me to stand in judgment of anyone. Just do your own due diligence. Please do a few Google searches to research this question for yourself. And read some postings at Trustpilot com. Find out for yourself. There’s a lot of over-promising going on, in our opinion. Look at this wording for example:
“100% Success with Autopilot Lifetime Income”
“Secure a Blessed Financial Future Today”
Is OnPassive Founders A Scam?
Let’s be brutally honest here. No BS. What’s the point of beating around the bush? In our humble opinion, lambs are being led to their slaughter. Yes, all 1,380,000 of these so-called ‘Founders.’ They’ll get limited marketing apps with a bit of A.I. involved, if they’re lucky. They might feel some disappointment and frustration about the promise of “autopilot lifetime income.” They might not feel that. They might be numb. Speechless.
If this type of automation that’s being promised to the OnPassive Founders has NOT occurred or been developed before — what are the chances of it happening, quite suddenly, now? Zilch.
And where’s the launch?
Three years late.
We rest our case.
We move a motion to dismiss.
Update: Saturday, 2 April, 2022.
According to OnPassive’s own claims of having 1.249M founder members, the calculation of multiplying each member by their $97 fee comes to $121.153M. The ad hype, though, is claiming it’s a “Billion dollar unicorn company,” which is a projected, forward-looking statement. ) It’s a dream, that is still attracting hordes of unsophisticated newbie marketers. There’s an almost religious fervor about it.
Update: Tuesday, 12 April, 2022.
OnPassive Founders member numbers are rising! The promotional splash page they provide now reads, “1,256,000+ (yes over a Million) Already Joined!”
Is a massive number a good thing? We think not. It just appeals to the herd mentality: “Everyone else is joining. Why not you?” It simply means saturation in the future. Hyper-competition amongst these 1.256M newbie marketers.
The total amount of money taken in now by OnPassive is approximately: $121.832M USD. How much A.I. software development is actually happening? What proof of concept is being demonstrated for a peer review? Nothing I can see. Just a lot of hype, to attract newcomers and the uninitiated Internet marketer.
Update: Tuesday, 3 May, 2022.
The OnPassive promotional Web page now reads: “1,270,000+ (yes over a Million) Already Joined!” That equates to receiving a total amount of $123,190,000 USD at the current $97 price of joining “founders.” Less their fixed and variable costs. It is a princely sum of money that’s been accrued. How exactly is that huge sum distributed? What’s the transparency on their budget?
Update: Friday, 20 May, 2022.
OnPassive GoFounders now claim to have 1,300,000+ (yes over a Million) Already Joined! This would equate to having received the amount of $126,100,000 USD at the joining rate of $97 per founder position. Think about it. Can they really deliver the A.I. products that they’re promising?
Update: Tuesday, 21 June, 2022. Time: 10:30am
“WOW, Over 1.38 Million Already Joined!” is the claim from the greatest over-promisers The Internet has ever seen. (In our editor’s personal opinion). Let’s wait for the real results once the OnPassive system finally cranks into gear. 🙂 🙂

*Hurry… the Founder Position is Ending
“June 22nd is the Last Day! Be a Founder Now!” And, to do our arithmetic, over 1.38 million “founders” means that the gross takings have amounted to: $US 133,860,000 at the stated joining price of $US97.00 – so the CEO Ash Mufareh and his founding team have had a lot of moolah to play with.
Have they been spending money on A.I. software development to fulfil the incredible promises? They write of 100% hands free automated lifetime income for life? “Completely done for you.” If so, it would be a first on the World Wide Web.
Facts are important. All claims made by OnPassive Hyderabad and Florida have been meticulously quoted from their own web-based sites and marketing materials.
Geoff Dodd, Editor-in-Chief, offers real life marketing tools for automation without A.I. See our new page built using TCP.