22 Business Motivation Quotes

What if you had a superpower? Ideas for motivating and innovating are just that! Business motivation quotes that inspire you to higher performance are here…

Our inspiring set of 22 business motivation quotes is unique, because it includes quotes from The Buddha and other unexpected contributors. Soak in these wise sayings and let them imprint your future mind models.

“With our minds, we create our lives” ~ The Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama

“Action drives out thought
But thought refines action!” ~ GD, after Koch

“Unlock presence, and you’ll find joy, bliss, elation and genius!” ~ GD

Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” ~ Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group. U.K.

“Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect makes a few men rich” ~ Henry Ford, of Ford Motors. USA.

“If you think you can, you’re right! If you think you can’t, you’re right!” ~ Henry Ford

“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” ~ Napoleon Hill

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere” ~ Albert Einstein

“Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions” ~ Anthony Robbins

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts” ~ Sir Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister, WWII.

“I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have!” ~ Thomas Jefferson

“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better” ~ Jim Rohn

“I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite” ~ G. K. Chesterton

“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today” ~
President Franklin D. Roosevelt

“People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy” ~ Anthony Robbins

“If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time” ~Steve Jobs, Apple

“I never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions come indirectly through accident, except the phonograph. No, when I have fully decided that a result is worth getting, I go about it, and make trial after trial, until it comes” ~ Thomas Edison

“The secret to success is to know something nobody else knows!” ~ Aristotle Onassis

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure” ~ Bill Cosby

“If you can dream it, you can do it” ~ Walt Disney

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful” ~ Albert Schweitzer

“The best way to predict the future is to create it!” ~ Peter Drucker

I trust you to read, think about and meditate upon our 22 business motivation quotes. If you do, as I suggest, you’ll benefit beyond your wildest dreams. You, too, can unlock your genius by experiencing your own inner reactions with full mental presence, in the here and now.

Move ever forward, with increasing momentum. You will arrive at your greatest goals.

Thanks for visiting me today.

Geoff Dodd, Author and Business Manager. Today’s editor of:
22 business motivation quotes. For further inspiration, please read our copywriting help information page. I think you’ll love it!

Simple Business Plan Free

Why do I need a business plan? Where can I find a simple template for my plan outline? Is it essential for angel investor funding to have a plan?

Every business startup must have a simple business plan. Why simple? Because the complexities will fill in later. That’s for sure. Here’s a template of ideas and questions to guide you in getting started:

The Problem and Unique Solution

What problem are you solving? What specific pain will you remove for your prospects? What unique benefits will your product or service provide? How big is this opportunity?

Company Description & Team

How is this new company set up to solve the above problem for people? Who is on the Team? Why are you and other team members the right, qualified people to deliver this service and solution? Your simple business plan is beginning to unfold intelligently when you can address these critical questions…

Competitive Analysis

Who are your major competitors? What factors can you leverage to beat them and gain market share? What advantages do you have over the competition in your industry?

Marketing funnels can be designed simultaneously in parallel with your simple business plan. Or would you plan out systems in detail later? What is your preference for the company's simple business plan?
Funneling prospects in from your target market … test here

Target Market Segmentation

Who are your precise target customers? Have you formed a demographic and psychographic picture of your ideal customer? What does this avatar look like? What segments or sub-groups does your market contain?

Phases Of Implementation

What is your planned timeline to roll out this new business? A simple business plan is always an approximation because of unforeseen delays and hurdles you’ll have to leap, such as regulations, suitable staffing, money flow, etc.

Marketing Plan

What mix of marketing channels will you be using to reach your ideal prospects? Consider these channels: Television, Radio, Magazines and newspapers, Social Media marketing (SMM is highly recommended), other niche Websites, chat groups, forums, blogs and interest groups. Posters, flyers, pamphlets, tele-marketing, webinars and word of mouth. SMS messaging and email marketing.

Financial Planning

What are your fixed costs going to be? What will your variable costs be? What projected size of budget? What precise revenue streams will cover these costs? Present a break-even analysis.

Plan for multiple streams of online income, using your creative imagination to the maximum! Consider these hot business ideas for million dollar businesses.

Funding Required

How much money are you looking for from investors? How will you allocate that funding? Place more weight on productive assets and processes that will quickly gain you earnings to create profit centers and definite streams of income.

This is the best simple business plan free because it urges you to ask yourself the right questions! This questioning process will dig out the factors and elements that can lead to financial success for your fledgling business, whether it is an online or an offline business.


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Online Course Business School, by Geoff Dodd. Also please see >> copywriting sales letter template PDF

6 Ways To Attract More Traffic To Your Website

Holy grail of online businesses? How to attract more traffic to your Website and convert the visitors into sales. Efficiently. Watch and listen …

When you’re starting out online with a blog or Website, you need to learn some effective ways to attract more traffic to your Website. Here are six (6) proven and powerful ways to increase your numbers of visitors on The Internet.

But first, here’s a quick YouTube video I made that I believe will help your understanding of linked infrastructure online:


The text area below this video at YouTube gives you a link to go download this Free e-Book gift, about increasing your Web traffic.

How to Attract More Traffic to Your Website

  • Write Guest Blog Posts on reputable blogs and Web properties. An article with your signature, photo and Web link can create a lot of extra Web visitors back to your own site. You’ll get feedback from comments. You can begin to form connections with editors and with other significant people in your industry or market niche.
  • Comment on other blogs in your niche topic area. Leave a valuable piece of information. Take time to add value in several paragraphs. Blog visitors will feel more inclined to click your link and read more on your own web property, if they perceive you to be an expert. Give visitors the value that they are looking for on The Internet.
  • Roundup Of Experts. People who are authoritative in your field will be willing to write a few paragraphs, as an expert. You simply format an attractive page and provide links to these contributors. Ask them by email to kindly promote and link back to your new Web page. They are incentivized to help you, because it is also a promotion of the celebrity or contributor. About 40% of the time, you will find success and a positive response with the roundup of experts method. It simply works. You’ll get increased targeted Web traffic.
  • Giveaways. Webmasters often give away money, furniture, cars, shoes, T-shirts, etc. People love to see generosity on The Internet. They will spread the word and provide a lot of engagement for you. Do make sure that you collect their email addresses, and follow up with back-end email marketing. That’s where the real profits are. No further cost of acquisition.
  • Push notification. These simple choices to receive notifications from you, are easily set up in the Chrome browser. If readers like your quality content, they will select to receive your future notifications, with a single click.
  • Paid Ads. You can quickly increase your laser targeted Web traffic using pay per click, such as Google Ads or Microsoft Bing Ads. Coupons are widely available to help you get started with a free $50 or $100 worth of Google Ads. Here is a top quality, highly acclaimed paid ads training course. It was created by John Crestani, a proven super affiliate marketer on The Internet.
  • BONUS Method of Traffic Generation. Surprisingly, a true 1:1 ratio traffic exchange or TE like Herculist Plus can get you some responsive site traffic, in the business opportunity niche. I’ve been testing this one out for four months and it is feeding data into Google Analytics for me right now, to show the search algorithm that my blog is indeed attracting thousands of Web visitors!

Neil Patel is the absolute go-to guy when you want to know how to bring more traffic to a new website. The fastest ways are what Neil describes in this video, above. Neil has had a ton more experience in online marketing than we have. Some of these ideas are further elaborated by him. Hats off…. our credit attribution goes to Neil.

You can also subscribe below to get powerful tools that help you to attract more traffic to your Website, blog, or any Web property that you have:


Privacy policy: your details are safe and secure with us. We hate spam with a passion and would never sell or share your personal information. Relax and generate targeted Web visitors!

Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School. NZ. Contact Geoff to chat about anything.

7 Ways To Reduce Information Overload

You’re likely feeling tired, stressed and overwhelmed these days on The Internet. Business is more competitive in 2021, online and offline. What are the 7 best ways to reduce information overload? Can we stop or prevent it entirely? Yes, you can, and these 7 suggestions for business staff, managers and entrepreneurs might be all that you need:

Simplify Your Focus and Tasks

  1. Simplifying your goals, tasks and mental focus. Don’t try to be a ‘Jack of all trades,’ advising and providing everything to everyone. Apply the arts of delegation and outsourcing, to make your life livable. Set your top priorities clearly and tightly. Stick to one prioritized task until it is done. Put out a ‘do not disturb’ sign.
  2. Reduce your exposure to incoming marketing promotional emails. Avoid 98% of Internet advertising like the plague. The “Attention Economy” is literally killing us. Your adrenal glands are being over-driven, pouring adrenaline into your working day. Avoid CNN and Fox News. They’ll load you up with more stressful negativity than you can stand, just for their own selfish TV ratings and profitability! It’s a psychological crime in my opinion.
  3. Work with what you know well. Stick to the fundamental principles of design, marketing, selling, etc. Learn to write more persuasively. Don’t be tempted to buy the next shiny object that is promoted to you online. Basic principles will always work the best. The distractions being offered will only sap your business motivation.
  4. Learn the gentle, easy art of self hypnosis for stress relief. You’ll find it is a breeze, and time well spent. Here’s a brief introduction in this 9 minute YouTube video:
  5. Run small mastermind groups to brainstorm how to communicate more efficiently and effectively. This could help you prevent a lot of information overload
  6. Focus more on awareness, seeing, observing and listening. Praise others more. Notice how you will feel better when you do this. Become aware of your rising level of discernment. Don’t accept the norm of frustrated information overload!
  7. Keep counsel. You can maintain a clear head by consulting lawyers, accountants, coaches and mentors whenever it’ll help you to move forward.
The top 22 business motivation quotes inspire you to your highest performances in the online World in 2022 and onwards, says Geoff Dodd, adding ideas for how to reduce information overload on The Internet
Learn how to stop and prevent information overload online. Reduce stress. Induce alpha waves to improve your memory and increase intelligence…

Ways To Prevent Information Overload

Prevention is always better than cure. Knowledge of yourself: knowing how your mind works. What hits your emotional buttons? Watch your own thoughts and emotions emerging. Use your mindfulness skills. Learn self-mastery. As you get clear in your perceptions, you will naturally start reducing information overload. Simplicity is the key.

I trust that you have picked up a gem or two from this brief article about the 7 best ways to reduce information overload. Avoid the megatons of advertising and promotional content that is bombarding your business brain daily. That is my foremost and strongest recommendation for stopping information overload in 2021.


Privacy policy: We hate spam, too. We would never, ever, under any circumstances sell, rent or share your personal info with others. Ever. Your privacy is protected here.

Remember that the single best way to minimize and reduce information overload, is to simplify. Simplification of your mental focus, work tasks and yes – even your lofty goals!

You get maximum impact with minimal effort if you reduce information overload by learning Albert Einstein's two mental focusing methods. Simplify your mental focus
Simplify your mental focus by learning from Einstein

Geoff Dodd, Business School Online Courses, Waikato, New Zealand. Contact: +64 27 961 5445

Self Hypnosis For Business Success

Watch a unique video about self hypnosis for business success by Geoff Dodd, author. You’ll feel more joy, bliss, elation, and produce more at work.

Managing an online business can be a lonely and frustrating experience. Information overload whacks you from every angle on The Internet. Have you ever thought about using self hypnosis for business success? To improve your mental focus and motivation? Here’s a YouTube video about self hypnosis, with a holistic approach that will help you:


In the above YouTube video, Geoff Dodd suggests that your identity, or self image, is central to your success and wealth in business. Who do you think you are? Is the point–so hypnosis can ‘transplant’ better thoughts to boost the power of your self belief.

With this holistic or generic understanding of self hypnosis for business success, it doesn’t matter what the specific roadblock problem is! You’ll quickly realize that poor sales performance, undue stress in managing people, a lack of confidence, overuse of alcohol, drugs, or other addictions, all stem from one central cause!

What is it?

Self belief and identity. The magic of believing in yourself. That’s precisely why hypnotherapy works and now you can learn self-hypnosis rapidly to overcome any stress or any feelings of discomfort at all! This stuff works like magic!

The Spiritual Entrepreneur

If you think you can discard this part as “woo woo” then walk away from your higher self right now!

Every single ethnic group in human history has its ‘sacred writings.’ The Chinese have the Tao Te Ching (The Great Flow) and Confucianism. India has the Bhagavad Gita of Krishna and The Upanishads of Buddhism, plus a dazzling myriad of modern gurus. (Spiritual teachers). Persia has The Koran and The Seven Valleys in the Baha’i Writings. The incredible history of the Jews in Israel and Egypt brought us The Old Testament (Abraham, Moses), and The New Testament (Jesus Christ).

Every source of ethnic guidance, wisdom and understanding implies the existence of higher levels of human consciousness. Let’s investigate how this new-found awareness is intimately related to self hypnosis for business success in 2021 and onwards!

The spiritual entrepreneur is a business creator like Elon Musk who tunes in to the laws of The Universe. I specify Elon Musk, because he said that his approach is to “think in the basic principles of physics,” when tackling a problem of innovation.

Sir Richard Branson is clearly another spiritual entrepreneur. The same page contains a video of Branson’s where he emphasizes the critical importance of listening closely to his staff members and middle managers and praising them for their good work performance.

These little things might seem inconsequential to you. To me, they’re mirroring a great understanding. Love your people. Project positive vibrations out to your organization, and you’ll receive the same love, respect, and positive vibrations back. It is your attunement to these universal laws that will bring you great success and high levels of individual achievement.

Dr. Abraham Maslow, PhD at Brandeis University in USA, (circa 1954 to the 1970s,) was one of the first western psychologists to integrate and draw together the threads of eastern mysticism with western empirical behavioral science.

Maslow acknowledged the existence of peak experiences, transcendental experience and “the farther reaches of human nature.” – one of his later book titles. One might say that Maslow outlined ‘spiritual psychology.’

Neuro Science: Changes in meditation

What happens in a deep hypnotic trance, of alpha, theta, and delta brain wave states, can now be stated in Maslowian terms as ‘increasing hierarchic integration’ in the nervous system. Control shifts to the language processing in the left, prefrontal cortex. You can create these mental states with self hypnosis and in deep meditation. (Also, with brain wave entrainment).

Summary: Self Hypnosis Business Success & Motivation

Learn self-hypnosis and you’ll dissolve away the tension in your mind. Residual stresses can be managed by learning deep, regular breathing. Repeat your own affirmations and positive suggestions to yourself. Press your magic button to return to a state of deep relaxation. You can do this in any situation. Even in a business meeting, or when negotiating with a client or your business partner, accountant or lawyer.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a useful approach to understanding motivation and why people do the things they do. Remember Maslow’s highest perceptual levels of ‘self actualization’ and peak experience.

Finally, science and religion can blend together in your mind, once you’ve realized the essential connections:

  1. A beautiful, transcendent feeling of Oneness
  2. A sense of connectedness to all Life
  3. A sense of living in the mystery
  4. Understanding that you create your inner experience by your choices

Remember to view Geoff Dodd’s YouTube video about self hypnosis for business success and sales performance, to naturally increase work productivity, many times over.


In this second YouTube video which builds on the first one, you will imagine that you’re a soft white cloud. You’re just passing through, without attachment. You can now let go and reduce work stress. This aids your work performance and productivity. It is ideal self hypnosis for business success without being specific, because it works subconsciously in a holistic and harmonious way …

Remember: don’t overthink it. Don’t be overly cynical and analyze it. Now that would just be your over active western left brain dominance at work, wouldn’t it? Try to use your integrated whole brain functioning with as much use of your imaginative powers as possible. Balance left brain with right brain. You’ll then understand the word, ‘spiritual.’

Einstein emphasized the use of the human imagination. Perhaps a little magic of believing will assist you, too?

Self hypnosis for business success works through a deep relaxation process, to eliminate managerial stress and discomfort. Picture of the human cerebral cortex. Neuro-science and psychology.
self hypnosis for business success

The Manager, Business School Online Courses. Geoff Dodd.

Elon Musk Business Motivation

Entrepreneurs like Elon Musk have their peculiarities, and their little secrets to big success. Musk’s business motivation is so intense that he can work up to 22 hours in a day, to save Tesla from going under. This is exactly what happened during the introduction of the Tesla Model 3.


Elon Musk is fast becoming the World’s richest man, because of the bonuses built in to his CEO remuneration package. These bonuses are huge allocations of shares. And the price is now sky high in the 600s. Jeff Bezos just edges Musk out.

But back when he started his first Internet business, Musk and his brother slept in their small rented office. They showered at the nearby YMCA. There was only one computer that doubled as a server during the daytime, and was used at night by Elon Musk, for programming.

Hard work has always been the driving ethic of the Musks. In 2008, during the Global Financial Crisis, he admits he almost lost SpaceX and Tesla. The original Falcon 1 rocket kept failing. They had an important contract to meet for NASA. Musk has always put his personal money behind his work projects. Recently, he sold a number of houses so as to have more funds available to back his businesses. I believe he doesn’t own a house at the moment.

Watch the amazing, motivational video above, right through. The Star Link satellite Internet project now has 1,000 satellites up and in low Earth orbit. Australia and other nations are signing up to receive the high speed data signals. All is go.

Tesla has produced over one million electric vehicles. Later in 2021, self-driving cars will be ready for the Robot car rental business that could almost put Uber out of business.

Learn the incredibly powerful business motivation techniques employed by Elon Musk. His secret is the rate of innovation. Workers, both scientists and engineers at Tesla and SpaceX and The Boring Company, are strongly incentivized to maintain this hectic, ultra fast pace of technological innovation.

Business School Editor, Geoff Dodd, NZ

Read more about Elon’s inspiring entrepreneur ideas


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Entrepreneur Ideas for Students 2021

You’re a college student. You need extra income. I understand. You attend university and need a lot more money. Something like hundreds of extra dollars each week? OK. Test, try, prove these possibilities of part time work for yourself.

What are the best entrepreneurial ideas for students in 2021 and onwards? You ask, “what part-time work can I pursue where I’m the boss, and where rewards will accrue fast?” Here you’ll find a bunch of hot entrepreneur ideas for students needing more moolah in 2021.

First, a little disclaimer for legal purposes: We’re definitely NOT financial or investment advisors. We merely observe the strengthening value of some classes of assets during times of economic crisis. The point here in this brief article is more about how to create a steady cash flow:

Best Business Ideas For Students

  1. Videography — develop your skills of creating videos. These skills can be applied across an ever growing range of small businesses for 2021. Google correctly predicted that everything would shift to mobile smartphones and to videos. Local, small business owners are just now realizing that they need videos broadcast across a wide range of social media: everywhere from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to TikTok. It’s a fact. That’s where the customers are! YOU have another huge opportunity hiding in videography: Vlogging on YouTube and Facebook, both Live! and recorded. Here are the editing tools for video production. We feel that Filmora X video editor software offers you the best value, by far!
  2. Become a Tutor or Trainer: You already know something that many other people don’t have an inkling about. It might be your passion for guitar music, sports, or even academic things like mathematics, biology or social sciences. Imagine working as a tutor at your local high school, college or university. If you are more ambitious, you could start a website offering short courses in your area of passion and delight. This stretches the possibilities to things like surfing, skiing, or helping people to improve their golf swing. The demand in these areas in the U.S. is almost insatiable. Think of these as the best entrepreneur ideas for students in 2021.
  3. Trade On eBay Auctions: Online trading is now big business. It just might suit you as a college student. Items to trade could be related to student life. University textbooks come to mind. You know how valuable these things are! Many students would prefer to get their textbooks second hand, at a good price. Don’t underestimate the potential size of this marketplace. You would need to keep current with which books to offer, across a range of subjects of study.
  4. Social Promotions: Social Media Marketing Agency: You could organize nightlife events for students. The uptake could be tremendous. Also, local businesses need people who have skills with posting in social media. The business managers usually don’t have time to do their own social media promos; especially the task of answering customer queries and providing positive customer support. Brand image is something you might have a feel for, too. Keeping the business name on the ‘top of minds.’ Research: SMM.
  5. Freelance Work: Creative writing, graphic design, and general promotional and marketing tasks. Websites like Fiverr com and eLance com and many others organize these work tasks, and it is interesting work. You can build a solid reputation as a designer, an article writer, etc. Further down the track, there is always the possibility of starting your own online job agency.
  6. Blogging. Website Management: If you start off on the right foot, this can work out well financially for you. Quality of your blog is very important. Don’t take too many shortcuts. Don’t create a spammy blog with animated banners flashing everywhere. Notice how few banners there are on this blog. If you want to try your hand at online affiliate marketing, take a careful read of this page. (Again, I am pointing you to quality offers from renowned business partners.) Take a look at Idea number 4. Independent Affiliate Marketer.
  7. Child minding. Child-care. Pet sitting and related activities. Not to mix the two areas unnecessarily, there is potential in providing these services to busy people. Once your reputation is established, you would most likely be flooded with work. Be flexible, open and honest. Be positive and reliable. Don’t mix these work types with your other social life. It’s a good idea to get a business card and a flyer printed out, and distributed. Look and dress like a relaxed professional.

Above, there are 7 solid, entrepreneur ideas for students 2021 to obtain lucrative part-time work, while studying at college or university. Please feel free to click around this new Web site, Geoff Dodd’s Business School for online courses. You will pick up tons more ideas for how to create steady cash flow and earn extra income while a college student. Thanks for your visit here today!

Read carefully through our very best entrepreneur ideas for students 2021. These business ideas suit college and university students in the USA and most other industrialized nations.

Geoff Dodd, Business School Founder and Manager

7 Million Dollar Business Ideas

Your gut feeling of intuition knows already that this toy is a million dollar product idea. No question. Patent it fast.

Normally, market research always comes first. Does your hungry crowd or thirsty tribe already know what it wants? Have you asked, queried, interrogated your target group and defined an individual avatar to write to and to message by video? Million dollar business ideas exist in abundance. They await your unique question: “what can I do to deliver the greatest amount of VALUE to the greatest number of lives?”

So let’s get started defining and explaining our 7 best million dollar business ideas for 2021 to 2030:

1. Subscription Model or Membership Site

The famous billionaire Bill Gates, who founded Microsoft, used the subscription model for customers running Windows OS software, and wanting to purchase the Microsoft Office suite. This typically means that you pay an annual charge for Office. It is also called ‘recurring billing’ and ‘continuity.’ Charges might also be on a monthly basis for a hobby site or a special interest Website.

You could operate a ‘membership site.’ People who are keenly interested in a subject are quite willing to pay, say $17, $29.95 or $37 monthly to belong and get access to a vault of valuable information. New posts can be ‘drip fed’ into the system and offers made to members for products and/or services that are highly relevant and useful. Examples of membership sites might be weight loss, type 2 diabetes group, weight-lifting, fitness, dog lovers, marketing tips, dating and relationships, drone pilots, sports interests, etc., etc.

Trust building comes first. You might supply a lot of gifts, e-Books, software, training videos and useful tips on the subject via a mailing list and regular newsletter. Later on in the process you could intersperse a few affiliate offers from a source such as the Clickbank marketplace.

The membership site would need to be promoted. You could use a combination of paid advertising and social media pages and groups. Be highly responsive to all questions you will be asked on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Linked-In. Note: a YouTube channel can be highly effective for spreading the word about your hot membership site. Grow your YouTube channel by all means possible, to make it go viral. 🙂 🙂 Daily video posts are the best way to do this, to stay ‘top of mind.’ These ways of connecting with your tribe of followers are red-hot million dollar business ideas in the digital Age …


2. Online Education & Training

You’ll be surprised how much dissatisfaction there is now with student loans and debt. The ivy league universities might just be pricing themselves out of business. Are they ripe for disruption? The COVID-19 pandemic scare is another reason why people have decided to stay home and do their learning on The Internet. This very Website is my response to the pressing need globally for more online courses. This is a truly vast and insatiable market. You could run online courses in a subject that you are qualified in, and highly passionate about!

Don’t claim to be a college or a university. Be careful with the word ‘accredited’ or ‘accreditation.’ DO be supremely practical. Share what works now online in 2021. Project that forward to about 2025 or 2030. Study trends and read ravenously about changes and developments in online technology and digital marketing. 🙂 🙂

3. Consultancy Firm B2B

Business to business supplies and services is a lucrative and reliable area to work in. Budgets can be very large and orders consistent. For example, professional offices, medical centers, and corporations require advisory and consulting services. Advertising, marketing and copywriting skill sets are often not retained within the sphere of the medium to large business enterprise, but they are sorely needed. Financial services, IT consulting and implementation, health and safety are all areas that you could study and get qualified in. The demand is always there, and you can charge whatever you want (or what the market will bear). These facts underlie some outstandingly successful million dollar business ideas. Believe in yourself and implement these ideas.

4. Independent Affiliate Marketer

You might be surprised that I have included the independent Web marketer? Internet based affiliate marketing has created thousands of millionaires. I recommend one high quality system that pays you for the lifetime of the customer: Entre Institute …

Is Jeff Lerner training legit. Can the Entre Institute affiliate program train you to become an online millionaire. Jeff Lerner training is legitimate and has created many millionaires on The Internet from 2008 to 2021 with over 50M earnings to date. How to start affiliate marketing for beginners without a website or any investment. Please visit Entre Institute here to become an Affiliate online
Join The Entre Institute Affiliate Program by clicking the image above.

Another entry point to this million dollar business idea implementation is via Jeff Lerner’s gift e-Book: The Millionaire Shortcut. Please find the book below and click to download your free copy immediately. Remember, you’ve read this far. You’re serious about your online business and eager to make a start earning money on The Internet.

Entrepreneurship tips and advice for new entrepreneurs. Gain more than 7 million dollar business ideas for your amazing future.  You're on the right path and just one step away. Download the e-Book gift. Do not delay.
Download your own copy of this gift eBook, The Millionaire Shortcut, because it contains information critical to your future.

The Millionaire Shortcut e-Book explains why the number of people becoming millionaires each year is increasing rapidly. The reason I’m giving you this advanced information? I want you and your family to quickly benefit from the tsunami that is the Digital Revolution in how business will be conducted online in the future. This book is your best shot at understanding it.

5. Health & Wellness incl Fitness

Any variety or combination of dietary supplements, balanced amino acids, yoga, meditation and physical fitness, seems to be in huge demand in the 2020s. People throughout the World have become acutely aware of the need to get fit and healthy. And to maintain their wellness.

This is no exaggeration. Gyms and fitness centers are booming in the United States. Products for supplying micronutrients, better immunity and higher energy are simply flying off the shelves!

Perhaps the global pandemic has focused attention even more on these areas of health and fitness. Spa, beauty, massage, yoga and meditation, not to forget acupuncture and hypnotherapy, are all popular services that you could operate a center for. You would become inundated with phone calls, inquiries, requests and questions about specific services rather rapidly. This is a long wave trend that is happening right now in the USA and right around the World.

6. Instant Foods & Food Delivery Services

Note the recent foray of Uber into Uber Eats. People are essentially lazy about cooking and preparing their own meals. They want time freedom. They’re willing to open the wallet and swish and wave the plastic card generously, in order to stop the starving feeling, and quench the thirst.

A local, mobile food truck, caravan or trailer is a very viable business idea. Over-deliver with taste, using good recipes and quality ingredients and you’ve got customers for life. Remember that. Give a little more. Go the extra mile. Don’t start off mean and measly. They’ll run after the first taste!

The coronavirus has impacted restaurants perhaps worst of all, along with international air travel. Yes, there’s a massive demand out there for good quality, fast foods! Believe me. Study the local laws and practices first. 🙂 🙂

7. Poultry or Fish Farming

This is quite a surprise suggestion for a million dollar business idea? Well, some are predicting massive food shortages globally in 2021. That’s precisely why I have included it. Protein will always be in demand, as the body needs its amino acids as building blocks.

You could go into partnership with a land owner. An existing farmer might be interested in creating an additional stream of income. Prepare your legal agreement well in that case, to protect your financial equity.

I trust you’ve enjoyed reading about my 7 top million dollar business ideas for 2021 and beyond. Also see my exponential copywriting for business course. Why? Because you’ll need that skill set. It makes ‘the difference.’

Geoff Dodd, Editor, Business School Online Courses, NZ

Entrepreneurship Advice Elon Musk

Tesla CEO Elon Musk speaks about thinking from first principles, rather than analogies. Watch 2 advanced videos about entrepreneurship.

Serial entrepreneur Elon Musk is known across the globe for starting PayPal, Tesla Motors, SpaceX and The Boring Company, and more. Here, the Tesla CEO is interviewed about entrepreneurship advice. Here’s exactly how Elon Musk thinks:


Elon Musk entrepreneur advice

Musk is very direct about focusing on critical things only, saying, “Focus on signal over noise. Don’t waste time on stuff that doesn’t actually make things better.” This helps explain his amazing productivity and successes. Recently, Tesla Motors became the most valuable auto manufacturer in The World. In the same year, during the Covid19 pandemic, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket successfully delivered astronauts to the International Space Station, the I.S.S. He wants to eventually take people to the Planet Mars. And, many of the planned 50,000 satellites are in place in low Earth orbit, for supplying high speed Internet. All at once!

This video explains what I think of the entrepreneurship style of Tesla CEO, Elon Musk:


Vision of the Entrepreneur

Elon Musk is not afraid to make hard decisions and does not compromise on his vision, at all. The big lesson for entrepreneurship?
He has invested his personal savings in business ventures that he believes in, at the risk of going broke. Failure, then, is hardly an option for Musk. You definitely need to make sacrifices when you’re working in this high tech, entrepreneurial style. And you have to be comfortable with cognitive uncertainty!

Musk reputedly taught himself computer programming at a young age. He knows calculus and works like a hands on employee at both Tesla and SpaceX. The official position he holds is CEO.

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Entrepreneurship tips and advice for new entrepreneurs via Geoff Dodd Business School online courses. Find extra Elon Musk entrepreneur advice in videos on the website.
Grab your free copy of The Millionaire Shortcut by clicking the image, above.

Thank you for trusting us to deliver you World Class information about tips and advice for new entrepreneurs. Here’s a bonus video I’ve just found. It is the Virgin Atlantic founder, Sir Richard Branson, with extra entrepreneur advice. Notice how Richard Branson always mentions the importance of listening skills, and giving people freedom in their positions, and rewarding them with lots of praise!


I’ll see you in the meetings and in the Business School for high productivity, free online business courses! (Once we’ve digested a space capsule of Elon Musk entrepreneur advice …)

Catch you later,

Geoff Dodd, Editor and Manager, Business School.

P.S. Don’t miss out on the special 81% discount for you, on our exponential copywriting eBook offer!

Affiliate Marketing for beginners

How to start affiliate marketing for beginners with no money is a question I’m frequently asked. How do you get started at affiliate marketing without a website or any money or investment at all?

The answer is it’s surprisingly easy, when you know what you’re doing! There are 7 main benefits to starting affiliate marketing online:

  1. You can honestly get started as an affiliate 100% FREE
  2. You don’t have to carry any stock or inventory of any goods
  3. You don’t have to handle payments, money or process anything
  4. You are not responsible for processing any refunds to customers
  5. You don’t have to answer any customer support questions or queries
  6. Complaints will never be considered your responsibility. Merchants or vendors run their own support desk systems to answer the customers.
  7. You promote a product, then you can sit back and collect 20% to 75% commission rates on the retail value of the product or service you sell!
Is Jeff Lerner training legit. Can the Entre Institute affiliate program train you to become an online millionaire. Jeff Lerner training is legitimate and has created many millionaires on The Internet from 2008 to 2021 with over 50M earnings to date. How to start affiliate marketing for beginners without a website or any investment. Enter here..
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Start Affiliate Marketing Step by Step

There is a clear set of steps for starting affiliate marketing online. Here is your brief but effective Affiliate Marketing Tutorial:

  1. Select your niche topic or area of interest. What are you passionate about? What do you love spending time learning about? Think of this area carefully. This is what you will be most successful at preselling and recommending to others. Most affiliates work in three specific areas: i) Health and fitness, or ii) Relationships, or iii) Make money online. (Note that these 3 areas of your likely success as an affiliate, are quite similar to the social issues that people care most about when voting in an election!) Select your niche subject or topic you’ll love working in …
  2. Find, by searching Google, the companies, vendors or merchants that are operating an affiliate program in your selected niche area. An easier way to do this is to go to Clickbank com, Warriorplus com, JVZoo com, ShareASale com, Commission Junction, Amazon affiliate program, or to my favourite affiliate program: Entre Institute, that is featured on this web page. Clickbank’s marketplace is a great source of affiliate programs in a large range of niche areas. Commission rates are usually 50 to 75% although special deals for high volume sales can reach 90% commission. If you are searching the CB marketplace for a good product to sell, choose one with a ‘gravity score’ of 50 or more. That proves to you that the product or service is actually selling well.
  3. Read everything you can about the affiliate program and search YouTube for product reviews. These will be biased towards making a sale, but you’ll learn a lot on YouTube. The product vendor usually also has a JV page that is packed with info and sales materials like banners, links, email swipe copy and even whole review articles and blog posts for affiliates to use. You’ll find a welcome video and maybe even some useful training videos on the JV page. Watch them all.
  4. Think of building your own affiliate preselling blog or Website. This is really useful when it comes to promoting your offers on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, Instagram, Mix and YouTube. They don’t accept raw, ugly, stretched out affiliate links on their social media sites. It always looks better, and is more professional, to have your affiliate banners and links on your own blog or Web site. You can check out WordPress com, Tumblr, Groove Pages, or Blogger to get a free web site. I’d strongly recommend Groove Pages, because of their funnel-making abilities. (And it’s free.)
  5. Generating targeted Web traffic means getting lots of visitors to your blog or Website. These visitors need to be interested buyers, rather than just random surfers or browsers, looking for entertainment. Here is a useful video I made to help guide you in how to get more visitors or Web traffic to your site:


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I trust this information is useful to you, for answering the question, how to start affiliate marketing for beginners. Get started, even if you have no money, no investment sources, and no Website. You can build a great Web site for free at Groove pages. I’ve included one link and a banner to get you there.

Geoff Dodd, Business School Free Tutorial


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