Small Business Ads on Google Ad Network

Native ads in context and newspaper editorials are your ideal ad formats for small business ads on Google ad network. Stand out from the ho hum monotony!

Thinking of placing small business ads on Google ad network for the first time? Read our experiences. Gather hot tips, ad ideas from the masters, and seasoned advice. This first image is a newspaper article lookalike from the masterful Eugene Schwartz.

Display ads work best now on the Google ad network. If you’re a small business owner, don’t leap in with a cavalier attitude. Take your time. Design a clever ad with a psychological angle, like David Ogilvy did. Here’s one I have just created for a fully automated marketing system:

Here is a 500 x 1000 pixels display ad I just created for small business ads on google ad network. It uses very careful copywriting for trigger effect.
Ideal Automatic System for a small home business start-up venture

Tips for Small Business Ads on Google

Your first step is to do keyword research. Try Wordstream, SEMRush and other services, as well as the Google Keyword Research Tool, inside Google Ads. Find keywords with, say, approx. 500 to 20,000 monthly searches, but with very low competition. You will find that high competition keywords are simply way too expensive for you, and outside a comfortable budget.

If you have a rare brand name, or are limited in operation to a particular town, suburb, or city, then use those specific details in the key phrases that you are bidding on. Drill down to the specifics of your target market. (Specify the demographics and even psychographics of your ideal customer avatar.)

If you’re planning to place small business ads on Google ad network, then think competitively. Research your competitors first. Look at their entire marketing process. How long has it survived for? How persuasive and convincing is their copywriting? Do they have unique benefits and a USP (unique selling proposition)? Do they have advantages in the marketplace? Can you match them? Can you out-do them?

Above all, don’t try to compete on Google ads for generic, wide ranging keywords. You must get local, customer-oriented and specific. The copy you use is mission critical. It must address the customer’s wants, needs, feelings and deepest desires. Think of his or her emotions. What specific problem is your customer trying to solve? What is your value laden, unique solution to her specific problem?

Here’s another amazing ad from Mr. Eugene Schwartz:

Advertising copywriting tips for small business ads on Google ad network. Get help from our latest PDF e-Book. How to write ads.
advertising for small business ideas

Most Effective Ads

As it’s becoming glaringly obvious, the most effective ads for small businesses have powerful ad copy. You either need to study copywriting yourself – or hire a professional copywriter!

That’s why we have a course on advanced copywriting. One course is free. One course is just $37 at the moment. You can see clearly from the two advertorial images by Eugene Schwartz that ad copy writing is a specialized, and highly skilled business, indeed!

Thank you for visiting us today to read our 2 cents worth about most effective ads and small business ads on Google ad network. As I say, take your time. Do a lot of reading about facebook ads, Instagram ads and YouTube ads. Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads) are lower cost budget ads. They have a smaller audience reach than Google (Adwords) Ads. Some prefer the flexibility of Microsoft Ads. Test out all the different advertising platforms. Which services suit you the best? What’s the most effective, delivering the best value for your dollar?

Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School, NZ

Best Advertising Campaigns For Small Business

Online startup businesses have one critically urgent need: Info on the best advertising campaigns for small business. Remember this: Consumers, buyers, Web visitors have all now got ad blindness. They’re not searching for ads, but for information about solving a problem. So you must blend in with native ads. Here’s an example that is intended to look like a newspaper editorial. Well, almost: (The font you use is very important).

Example of best advertising campaigns for small business 2021. Blends in with social media content. Looks like a black and white newspaper ad. Health and Wellness niche advertising sample only.
Advertising needs to fit in with the content that is attracting clicks from social media visitors on the social platform.

Does the above look like advertising to you? It’s almost a quiz. A series of questions designed to stimulate curiosity about an offer in the health and wellness niche.

Go ahead and click through. Because it takes you to a top-selling VSL. A video sales letter to the number one performing product on the whole Clickbank network!

The font is very important! Notice that the font is Times New Roman. Why? Because all newspapers use the Times New Roman font. It uses strong contrast: black letters on a white background. (The best colors to use in ads are black on white, with perhaps a touch of bright red.) These things are tried and tested.

Best advertising campaigns for small business

Example of a top selling vsl

A top-selling video sales letter does not even look like an advertising or selling piece. No, instead you give away free information that is perceived by the customer to have high value. For example, the following YouTube video supplies you with seven valuable headline templates. Ideas that have been proven to work. You’ll need to modify them and add in your own best creative ideas, to be effective. They will work:

This second example of a high performing video sales letter points out the ideal characteristics of an affiliate program. Would it have a,b,c, and x,y,z? This program ticks all the boxes and meets your needs, standards and requirements. It has no risk to you and here’s what I want you to do next …

Small to medium sized online businesses need a Web savvy approach to advertising that includes these points:

  • Attention grabbing headline with a benefit
  • A hook that is unique to catch curiosity
  • A story that is irresistible to read
  • A unique solution to a common problem
  • Identify the features a solution requires
  • You tick the boxes and meet the need
  • Invalidate your competitors
  • Call to action with a reason to buy now
  • A sense of urgency such as a deadline
  • Frequently asked questions. Answers!

IF you’d love to discover a ton more about how to write effective copywriting material then join me on this amazing journey! Get my e-Book while it’s still discounted by a whopping 81% to just $37. That’s all–for one more day.

I’m here to empower the next generation of online entrepreneurs. I want you to be the best you can be. And it all starts with the best advertising campaigns for small businesses.

Geoff Dodd, Manager, Business School

P.S. Here’s an additional tool for discovering the advertising campaigns that work best. AdSpy uncovers “the ads that you need to see.”
“AdSpy is the largest searchable database of Facebook and Instagram ads in the world, “ according to the AdSpy Website front page.


The video above clearly shows you how to use the Facebook Ad Spy tool. It is ideal for affiliate and CPA marketers. You can copy and modify the best performing advertising campaigns for your small to medium online business, using AdSpy. Start here

This service is recommended by our Business School advertising manager, Geoff Dodd.


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