7 Figure Plan for Maximum Results

Millionaire training in 2022 must include tips for businesses investing in cryptocurrencies. Hedge against inflation. Protect your cash assets. NOT an investment advisor. Nor is this investment advice. Purely educational information is provided.

Today I will share with you my 7 figure plan for maximum results with minimal effort. You will need this information for adapting to 2022.

There are several main ways that you, as an individual, can make money. First, you can be an employee, earning a fixed wage or salary. In this case – which is most people – you are trading your own precious time for a fixed rate of pay or remuneration. You are set in a contract of employment. Rarely, you might get a bonus payment. A Christmas bonus is one possibility.

Secondly, you can be the owner of a business. You receive, or share in, the profits of the business after tax. Your earning potential is usually much higher. You could even have a salaried manager’s role in addition. However, remember that often up to 90% of new businesses fail over the long term. Nothing is guaranteed. Many business owners will go on to become millionaires. You might also be one who “creates a job for himself.” A bit of a trap, if you can’t get away and take a well-earned holiday.

Thirdly, you can make money as an investor. You might invest in another business, or in stocks and shares. An additional asset class to invest in now is cryptocurrencies. Some large corporations, as well as smaller investors, are investing in cryptocurrencies and precious metals like gold and silver, as a hedge against inflation. Cash assets are at risk of devaluing in 2022, because of inflation.

Investing in cryptocurrencies

In 2022 it turns out that investing in cryptocurrencies is a smart business investment. If you want to get started now by reading more, I’d suggest you start on the Binance blog. This is one of the major cryptocurrency exchanges. Get your ID documents ready, like a passport and a driver’s license. KYC is in place to “know your customer.” It is a legal requirement.

My 7 Figure Plan for maximum results involves learning this specific information about the ‘Algorand’ blockchain:

What is Algo?

Algorand is an open source, pure proof of stake blockchain protocol. It requires a negligible amount of computation, and generates a transaction history with low “fork” probability. This protocol aims to remove technological barriers: decentralization, scalability, and security, that have undermined the acceptance of mainstream blockchain. Algorand implements a new Byzantine Agreement (BA) protocol to reach consensus among users on the next set of transactions. To scale the consensus to many users, Algorand uses a novel mechanism based on Verifiable Random Functions. There are two types of smart contracts on the Algorand network: Layer 1 on-chain, and Layer 2 off-chain, by moving the most computationally intensive smart contracts off-chain, Algorand frees up space on the network for simple transactions, thus reducing congestion to improve processing speed. Quoted from source: Livecoinwatch: ALGO price.

LiveCoinWatch provides Realtime data about cryptocurrencies. It is an authoritative source of data.

My 7 figure plan for maximum results with minimal effort

This is based upon the fact that central banks in all countries are evolving towards CBDCs. These central bank digital currencies will be faster and more efficient. Issues of privacy may be outstanding. The two blockchain networks most likely to be powering these CBDCs are the Ripple XRP Ledger, and Algorand. Ripple, the company that built the XRP Ledger, is already contracted to create the network for Republic of Palau, in U.S. dollars. Nepal is making similar moves. London is consulting with Ripple, also. It is interested in a digital CBDC. China has a head start with its digital Yuan. RMB.

So, I have personally initiated investments in both XRP and ALGO. This is not investment advice. I am NOT an investment adviser. This is just information for educational purposes.

More information is readily available by contacting the author, Geoff Dodd, of Online Course Business School.

Subject Line Testing Ideas Infographic

How to get better email open rates with subject line testing best practices. Swipe exactly which words work best right now!

When you’re doing email marketing, it’s critical to apply these subject line testing ideas. Why? You want to maximize your email open rates and link CTR (link click rates).

We are giving you a valuable set of infographics today. These are the result of months of testing of subject lines. Ideas came from A-level copywriters and other wildly successful email marketers. Collated from Geoff Dodd’s actual results.

You will need to scroll right through to see the final summary: Graphic number 4.

So, no hesitation or delay here. Feast your marketing eyes on this powerful set of subject line statistics. The column at the far right shows you the open rate percentage.

Use our infographic series for your email subject line testing ideas to get better open rates of your email messages. Provided by Geoff Dodd, New Zealand. This is image 1 of 4 in a series.
Infographic of subject line testing

You will notice that every subject line has the recipient’s name at the start. The general statistics show that with a name, the open rate is 18.3% while without a name, the open rate is 15.7%. Our rates are considerably better.

This is the second infographic of results with subject line testing ideas that just might be of great use and value to you in your online business. This is image 2 of 4.
The second infographic
Image number 3 of 4 info graphics showing our open rate results.
The third image indicating our open rates. Column at far right.

You can use these subject line testing ideas at will to get outstanding results. Just be aware that the spam filters are looking for words of excess. Especially Gmail. They filter out a lot of sales tactics – boom into the spam folder! Many more of your emails will go into the Gmail promotions folder. Observe how seasoned marketers are able to land in the customer’s Gmail inbox. See best practices for improving your email deliverability. It’s an article by Geoff Dodd of our online Business School. Testing for deliverability of emails is also a very important specialized area.

Ad test results showing open rates at far right column. This larger summary infographic is image number 4 of 4 total images.
Ad test results summary

This is the most recent summary of the above images. Note that we got a 64.1% open rate for the subject: “Re: your 7-figure plan (exact HOW-To..)” See that lower case is easier to read. Then you emphasize with a capitalized word. Keep it simple where you can.

Only the subject line: “MAXIMUM Impact…in minimum time” beat that, with a 65.6% open rate. We suggest you also try a variation of that one. Consider writing the words, Maximum Results!

Keep empowering yourself for 2022 with well tested email subject lines in your autoresponder message series
Get a World Class autoresponder here

The autoresponder system we recommend is accessed by clicking on image number 5. It also has useful tools for you to create very high converting Web landing pages. These are for lead capture. You can easily build a responsive email marketing list with these best-of-breed Web tools.

Then, finally, you begin your fascinating journey of ‘what works now’ with our email subject line testing ideas.

Good luck! Always follow the statistical guidelines in your online email marketing. Use our proven solutions.

Geoff Dodd, Editor In Chief, Online Course Business School, Waikato, New Zealand.

Technology Changing Business

If you’d like to learn the metaverse plays and conversational A.I. in business, read below for all the 2022 technological changes impacting businesses. It’s mind-blowing, man! Geoff Dodd.

Switching fast into 2022 mode – what are the biggest ways in which technology is changing business operations? Geoff Dodd sees two (2) major software developments that will massively impact how your business might run:

First: The application of artificial intelligence into conversational A.I. Google has already advanced a long way with its Google Duplex. This year there is also Open AI GPT-3 which can write software code, and send emails, using a massive language model. Impressive in its scope.

Secondly, the metaverse. This is a vast construction of virtual reality ‘Worlds’ where both businesses and governments can operate malls, storefronts, service desks, in a more efficient style and manner. Vast numbers of transactions will happen quickly, using the speed, scalability, and efficiency of cryptocurrencies.

Conversational A.I.

Early tests of Google Duplex proved 3 years ago that people cannot tell the difference between A.I. powered conversation and the human voice! Duplex has expanded beyond the USA to Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. The first mover advantage has gone to Google (Alphabet) Ltd.

Ideal applications of conversational A.I. include order-taking in busy restaurants and in fast food drive-throughs. The A.I. software learns to mimic human voice patterns. It can also recognize individual customers and recall their favourites and preferences.

In fact, conversational A.I. software used in a business setting can predict what people will choose and want – even before they know it themselves!

There are working A.I. chatbots (e.g. for Facebook Messenger). Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri are further examples that facilitate billions of dollars in business flows annually.

The Metaverse

All-encompassing in size and scope, the metaverse is a multi-trillion dollar tech convergence. It’s the reason why Mark Zuckerberg has re-branded the Facebook Group as ‘Meta’ in name. Zuckerberg is investing billions in software for dominance in the metaverse. He already has a waiting audience of about 2.8 billion Facebook users Worldwide.

Many other billionaires are betting on, and investing in the Metaverse. Game creating companies like ‘Unity’ are buying up software developers like Weta Digital in Wellington, New Zealand. This is the digital graphics animation designing company co-founded by Sir Peter Jackson, the movie producer and director. Think: Lord Of The Rings, and other blockbusters.

How is technology changing business in 2022?

Other changes coming down the pipeline for 2022 must include the massive adoption of cryptocurrencies. Banks and investment firms are quickly preparing their on-ramps. The U.S. Senate and The House are already holding meetings between the Financial Services Committee, and the CEOs of major crypto companies. The SEC versus Ripple fiasco, sham court case in the U.S. Federal Court will be settled early in 2022. A new regulator may soon be created and established. A specialized regulator, for crypto assets. Cryptocurrencies are due to disrupt the mainstream banking sector very soon.

If you happen to be interested in technology changing business through faster payment gateways, then please visit Binance here. You can get started investing in these exploding, highly disruptive digital assets. They are fast, secure, scalable and low cost to use, when exchanging value on The Internet.

Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School Editor in Chief.

The Quantum Entrepreneur

Gold indeed. Imagine the power of the ‘wealthy beyond dreams’ quantum entrepreneur when, in 2022, these amazing quantum computers are unleashed on a Covid-weary World. What problems will ensue?

It’s coming strong and fast. Google says that Quantum Computing is 150 million times faster. Imagine searching with that power! The Quantum Entrepreneur will jump into gear with A.I. at insanely powerful speeds and data crunching abilities. Brute power.

There’ll be psychological adjustments to make. Winners will seize more. Zero-sum games will be played out. Much like the tech giants are already getting away with: Amazon, Google and uh, ‘Meta.’

Here’s an Amazon Kindle title I wrote that you might be interested in:

Cryptography redefined?

What changes with quantum computing?

A heck of a lot. Well, everything that’s encrypted and ‘secure’ now, at 128 bit or 256 bit encryption:

Imagine if even the most powerful data encryption could be hacked and decoded in just a few minutes. All the world’s critically important information, from government and medical records, to missile launch codes, would be free for the taking.

The major U.S. and European banks would have virtually no defense against ‘quantum hackers.’ They might as well throw open their bank vault doors and let people help themselves.

The Danger to Cryptocurrencies

Since cryptocurrencies are based completely on unhackable programming, crypto would be one of the first asset classes to fall. The entire $2 trillion crypto market would become worthless overnight. That would stun me like a bolt.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

Now this ‘feels’ secure: Thanks to a complex math equation, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) we currently use would take the combined power of every computer, smartphone, and calculator on Earth trillions of years to break.

Currently designed binary computers have come a very long way, but they’re still rather inefficient by nature. They are forced to convert all data to the only language they understand: binary code. Running all those 1’s and 0’s line by line eats up precious time and energy, resulting in slower processing speeds. 

Quantum computers rely on a quirk of physics known as “quantum superposition.” Instead of being limited to 0’s and 1’s, a quantum system can work with any of the infinite numbers in between 0 and 1.

The uncertainty principle in quantum physics allows that a particle may be in several places at once. This is quantum superposition. A probability percentage is applied to one particle being in a specific place. This is the physics of possibility. It isn’t locked into a definite certainty. In a very similar style, a quantum entrepreneur can operate a lot more freely in a World of uncertainty – like today’s World. He can make decisions based upon statistical probability.

Computing Of The Quantum Entrepreneur

So, when business people get their greedy, shark tank hands on quantum computers, what’s going to happen? Eh? Will profit making go ballistic? (It’s already starting to happen with A.I.)

Remember earlier I wrote:

“Google claims its newest breakthrough in the field of quantum computing is more than 150 million times faster than the world’s most powerful supercomputer.” Read that again.

In a recent test, it blasted through a challenge calculation in less than four minutes. Its supercomputer competitor would have taken more than 10,000 years.

A machine this powerful would quickly hack through Bitcoin’s ancient, dinosaur-like encryption. And in an instant, the entire crypto economy would probably crumble. What would happen to business database systems? How would current marketing strategies be impacted? Think of metrics. Decisions are made based on databases of personal preferences, etc. This type of marketing could be overturned in a matter of weeks, if not days!

Prepare your Quantum Mindset

Managers and entrepreneurs will need to get ready. Right now. Because quantum computing will be here in 2022. Please make a point of reading this brief Kindle book, to prepare yourself. There are shifts in mindset to make. Adaptive pivots. Here is the only Kindle e-Book that even begins to face the dilemma of the quantum entrepreneur:

Thanks for your visit to our online Business School today. I trust I have completely blown your mind about the shocking future of quantum computing.

How will it affect the daily work of the enterprise manager? Who will be the winner-take-all quantum entrepreneur? Will it be Elon Musk, once again? Is he preparing himself, as we speak?

You’d have to bet on it.

Geoff Dodd, Editor in Chief.

10 Best Ways to Earn Extra Money Online Philippines

Living in Manila, Cebu? Visayas, Iloilo, Bacolod or Davao? Filipino OFW or live anywhere in The Philippines? Want to make some extra money online? You need to read this page!

Money flows like water on The Internet. It can flow towards you effortlessly. If you know how to earn extra money online Philippines, you and your family can flourish. Reduce the stress of daily money worries. Find out how to place yourself in this stream, this flowing river. Above all – BELIEVE that you CAN do it from right now — start today!

infographic map of the Philippines showing cities where Filipinos can startup an online business to earn extra money on The Internet in year 2022 and onwards into the 2030s. See location of the capital city Manila on Luzon Island.
Philippines Map Showing Main Cities

How to make more money online in Philippines

Here are the 10 best ways to become highly rewarded, making money online. OFWs can do this, from anywhere worldwide, as a second source of income. Your family will appreciate you, even more. Startup your Internet based business at very low cost. Almost zero investment is needed with these 10 small business ideas:

  1. Become A Vlogger – start Vlogging your daily life in videos on YouTube. From what we’ve seen, these vloggers can make a lot of money. Jokes and play acting can take YOU a long, long way with getting millions of followers, monetizing, and sharing your YouTube earnings generously with people who have real needs. I mean, immediate needs for food and housing. You’ve seen a lot of Vloggers by now, I’m sure. Copy what they do! You can VLOG with an iPhone, a Samsung, an Oppo or any Xiaomi smartphone. It is a very simple, easy to start business.
  2. Work As Social Media Influencer. See SMM. This is when you have a large following on Instagram, on Twitter, on Facebook, on YouTube, and yes, even now on TikTok. For example, see Dr. Vicki Belo (with 2.8 million followers), and Scarlett Belo, her daughter, on Instagram. What exactly do they do? You first build up your follower numbers. Later, you can show products that you use. You could have contracts and agreements with very large consumer brands. Tell your followers that you love these products. These are what you use daily. The Kardashians made a fortune in the USA being social media influencers. Later, they started their own brands. Most celebrities take advantage of this model of doing business on social media sites. It is called SMM. (See Gary Vaynerchuk, or GaryVee).
  3. Offer freelance services. Create graphics for overseas marketers. Write articles. Write marketing and advertising copy. Build Web links. Write blog comments. Take phone calls for brands and marketing companies. See Fiverr com. You can offer to do what you are good at doing. As you do good work and get good ratings on Fiverr, you’ll become popular, trusted, and more in demand. Work as a freelancer at your own pace.
  4. Create YouTube videos. Here’s an example I made. You will know where it was made. (NZ is a clue..) You can get Maximum impact in minimum time, by investing in a good video editor, like Filmora X. I love this software tool. At the end of your YouTube (or Vimeo) video, you can link to an affiliate product offer. I always write a long text description under each video and link to TCP. If you look carefully at the text description under the example video, you will notice the repeated use of some specific keywords and key phrases. This will help YouTube to find people who are searching for these words. We call it ‘search optimization‘ of the video. Learn some video SEO. This is another valuable skill that you can sell.
  5. Work As An Affiliate Marketer. This is the easiest way to earn extra money online Philippines. Also earn from Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, The UK, The USA and Canada, and Australia. Why? Because affiliate marketing online usually works globally. Especially when you are selling digital products. You don’t have to handle stock, products, payments, customer queries, or complaints or refunds at all. You just do the marketing. Push the product out on social media, and in blogs, and videos. You will get a commission payment, often as high as 50% or 75% of the selling price. Please see Clickbank com and The Conversion Pros. < that’s my highest paying affiliate program.
  6. Office Work: Virtual Assistant. Prepare Microsoft Word documents, slide shows in Microsoft Power Point, and presentations in PDF format. Work as a virtual assistant for an overseas company. This is similar to the Fiverr work. It could be through a large agency based in Manila in The Philippines. Search for ‘virtual assistant work.’
  7. Teach English or Tagalog language online. Set assignments. Correct the student’s written work. Use a WordPress blog.
  8. Do Online Reselling Business. Sell mobile load for Globe, Smart or Touch telecom mobile service providers. There is also a local need for ISP WIFI data between homes in some barangay. One service is called Peso Net.
  9. Setup Online e-Commerce Store. This means having an online store. You can do drop-shipping from AliExpress com, in China, and possibly from Banggood com in Hong Kong. Alibaba com is a wholesale supplier, also in China. That’s the one founded by Jack Ma. You could also sell local handcrafted goods online in your online store. There are thousands of possibilities for e-Commerce stores on The Internet. Study: Shopify.
  10. Regular Blogging. For example, this WordPress web site is a blog. The WordPress software is very flexible and can be adapted to any online need for a website. Write articles, like this one, and include pictures of products. Add videos to help show people how to use the affiliate products that you represent.
How to create wealth and earn extra money online philippines in Manila, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Bacolod and all locations in The Phils
Visit just above now

You will love watching the quick video above, under the money pic. That’s the high paying affiliate program that I am currently working with. It pays out like clockwork. It gives you a generous 50% commission for the lifetime of the customer. That is, the person who you refer or send into the TCP business. It provides marketing tools for online businesses.

Thank you for your keen interest. Thanks for visiting to find out more about how to earn extra money online Philippines. Remember this: it’s a Worldwide business. That is how good The Internet really is! And the best part is that Filipinos can startup a small online business with no investment.


Our business school recommends that you start recording videos. You can use your smartphone. Get experienced. Get a YouTube channel set up as a Vlogger. (That’s a quick example I just made). Treat your daily YT vlog as a social event. People will become regular followers. Lots of jokes, smiling and laughing, like a party. 🙂 🙂

Please feel free to contact Geoff Dodd, just below, to discuss any of these ideas further. Here’s the contact link:

Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School Founder and Editor-in-Chief

The Conversion Pros Affiliate Program

Why is The Conversion Pros Affiliate Program the best and highest paying? Recurring payments for lifetime of the customer. Pays like clockwork. Powerful trainer David Dubbs has enormous network marketing experience and high success rate in over 8 companies!

You’ll be excited and “over the moon” when I reveal 7 Reasons Why The Conversion Pros Affiliate Program is the best – and highest paying that you’ll find online! Are you ready? Let’s go:

  1. Pays you regularly as clockwork on a Friday, direct into your bank account. There are several ways to get paid. Your online wallet has a lot of flexibility. I chose direct bank deposit.
  2. The Conversion Pros Affiliate Program shares a generous 50% commission on a recurring, residual income monthly basis. When a customer you referred pays $50 you’ll get a full $25 (i.e. 50% commission) on a recurring basis, for the lifetime of the customer!
  3. The marketing tools are “out of this World,” again sending you into ‘Creative Space.’ With the page builder, you have codes to enter, that speed up the page building process. You can easily edit your page, change the copy, select a video, add personal details. The SEO factors like title, keywords, and description can be added in tiny forms. The legal pages are pre-written for you. Even Google Translate is added with just one click. It’s a very satisfying page builder to use. The SaaS platform is highly robust and never fails you. Solid as a rock.
  4. The Training by Video. You are blessed and fortunate indeed to have David Dubbs as your main business trainer. David’s quite a dude! He has personally reached the top of over eight network marketing companies. David Dubbs is a multi millionaire himself. He has a large collection of exotic cars. David explains the tools and processes of affiliate marketing very clearly. As soon as you log in to the TCP web site, you are faced with a complete and very comprehensive introduction to where everything is… and how to use the powerful marketing tools. It is all crystal clear. It is up to you to take ACTION.
  5. The Conversion Pros Affiliate Program is NOT a multi-level pyramid shaped thing, or structure. It is simply paying out 50% commission as residual income, on your personal referrals. A 50/50 joint venture sharing with a company!
  6. Facebook Insider Group. In this special Facebook Group, you can ask any question and David Dubbs and the other group members will respond. Ask away. Ask anything. If you’re a beginner, you’ll need a lot of fine points explained. And that is perfectly OK with us.
  7. Contact Manager APP. This is a first of its kind. This smartphone app gets data from the main servers. It organizes your lists of contacts, pre-enrollees and members. It has tools for contacting these people by email, by SMS text messaging, and by phone. Have you ever heard of an app like that? It works smoothly and efficiently. The next image will show you the smartphone app interface:
infographic of mobile smartphone app used in the conversion pros affiliate program for organizing your contact lists
Smartphone app contact manager

The Conversion Pros Affiliate Program Generates More Leads

The main advantage of David Dubbs affiliate program is that the marketing tools can be used to generate more leads, sales and signups. I wrote an e-Book about mindset. I use the e-Book as a ‘lead magnet.’ People interested in business psychology really want the free book. The lead is captured into the TCP autoresponder system. Here is the landing page that I built for this book in the Conversion Pros page builder. Like it? It has an aspect of the irresistible offer. Prospects are asked to insert their name and best email address into the form, in order to receive the e-Book gift. That is how the TCP landing pages ought to be used. (Lead magnets).

For best user experience (and ultimate customer satisfaction), you will need to deliver high quality content. Give away your best thoughts. Give your quality writing, videos, training, etc. This is good business psychology. If you are mean at the beginning and only give a measly little gift, the customer won’t trust you. The prospect will click away. Think of your own behavior in the situation. How would you respond? Give a high value gift.

Help Enough Other People

The famous sales expert and network marketer, Zig Ziglar, said, “you’ll get what you want, if you’ll help enough other people get what they want!” So, I am here writing to you, to deliver to you, exactly what you want: The Conversion Pros Affiliate Program. Why? It provides you the online marketing tools and email autoresponder systems of excellence that you, in fact, need.

Marketing leads, prospects and customers pour through your funnel from the best affiliate program online in 2021. Results depend on the promotional efforts you make and your personal work ethic.
Your Marketing Funnel

The YouTube video above shows David Dubbs. He is speaking about some highly paid “Amway diamonds.” These network marketing millionaires enlisted David’s help. He attended many webinars. David invited hundreds of these network marketers into TCP, The Conversion Pros. I apologize for the poor picture quality of the video where David is speaking. I asked for a copy. The only one was up on Facebook. I had to re-record this video from the desktop computer, using my android smartphone. Please simply listen to the words. OK? It might just blow you away. It did to me. It speaks to the power of this marketing tools system. Look at this:

A testimonial to the quality tier one leads you can get in the conversion pros affiliate program leads generation and purchase service
Interviewed leads are Tier 1 leads available at TCP.
Click to continue to meet David Dubbs and join the TCP affiliate program to get residual income monthly. 14 days free trial starts today
Click to continue

Privacy policy: Our privacy policy fully protects your personal data. Your name and email address will always be safe with us. We use SendSteed email service. You can unsubscribe at any time. One click will do it.

Thank you for visiting our New Zealand based online business school today. Please return frequently to discover more, and to enjoy our free online courses.

Geoff Dodd, Founder and Editor in Chief, Waikato, NZ.

Email Deliverability Testing

Learn the best tips and tech tricks for Email Deliverability Testing. Improve your email marketing results. Land in customer inboxes with our help. Geoff Dodd.

Read our best ideas on Email Deliverability Testing. Be confident that your business marketing emails will land in your customers’ email inboxes. Not in their pesky spam folders!

There are several testing steps you can take to test email deliverability before you click send to ensure your email makes it into a customer’s inbox. Taking these extra steps, at the outset, will help improve email deliverability overall.

Setup an email address for testing

Set Up a Test Email Account. An email sent internally has great odds of getting to a fellow co-worker and the same email address, but what will happen externally? Setting up a test email account will also help to protect your company’s domain and reputation.

Verify sender domain and IP reputation

Verify Domain and IP Reputation. Several tools exist on the web that allow you to verify domain and IP reputation, and many are free. They also allow you to verify that your web category is correct to ensure you’re set up for success.

Understand DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

Learn the Tech Language. Two very important terms to know and understand are Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM). In a nutshell, SPF prevents anyone else from sending emails on your behalf. DKIM adds another layer of protection and allows your recipient’s server to check if the sender is legitimate. Taking these two vital steps will help improve your email deliverability. Observe what the email headers show in emails from companies like Aweber, Getresponse, MailChimp, SendSteed and ConstantContact. How do they identify their mail servers?

Learn email numbers limitations

Numbers: Know Email Limits. Each provider sets up statistical limitations on how many emails can be sent each day and even each hour. Exceeding these limits may cause your email to be blocked. At Getresponse, use their perfect timing feature. It will send your message out more gradually.

Avoid trigger key words

Watch Email Content. There are certain ‘trigger’ words and images that will get an email blocked or even worse … blacklisted. Key words like ‘free’, ‘money’, ‘risk-free’, ‘apply now’, the list is huge. Don’t be too salesy or try too hard to close a sale. Why? Your email may never reach your lead’s inbox. Make sure that you’re sending high quality content that won’t go straight to the spam folder.

Personalize messages with recipient name

Personalize your messages. Adding a personal touch to subject lines makes each email look unique and different. It also avoids looking like spam. Personalized emails also have a higher likelihood of delivery and increased open rates.

Use Simple intent and simple paragraphs

Keep It Simple. Email campaigns filled with html, JavaScript coding, too many images, gifts, fancy fonts, and other bells and whistles may get the wrong kind of attention and look like spam. At the same time, plain and simple may also be flagged. It is important to find the right balance. Plus – always remember that the intent of the message is key.

Do smaller, highly targeted sends regularly

Focus on Targeted Sends and build gradually. If you start sending large batches on day one, inbox providers might see this as a threat and a ‘spam attack.’ In such a case, your email will automatically be marked as spam. ISP providers look for regularity and consistency in behavior.

Send quality to your best prospects

Remember Quality Over Quantity. Qualify your leads and send emails to your best prospects. While expanding your customer base is always a worthy goal, you will need to do it the right way. Don’t waste time on junk email lists that will affect your email deliverability. You also don’t want to bombard good leads. Always check your frequency, and find the balance that won’t affect email deliverability.

Clean your email contact lists regularly

Keep Contact Lists Clean. You do want to add to your lead generation lists – but don’t let the names pile up. Look for bounce backs, remove them, and keep your email marketing lists current and fresh with your best prospects.

It will certainly pay you dividends in your follow-up email marketing. Clean your lists and send only high quality messages.

Here’s a great resource for email marketing autoresponders. The company will also help you to build the very highest converting Web landing pages. This way your business will generate more leads. Turn these leads directly into sales and signups! Here’s where I built my own, personal success:

First begin these steps of email deliverability testing before using the TCP autoresponder system online.
Enter and join via this blue image or here

Here are further business opportunities for you. Do make sure that you cover the tech side of email deliverability testing. The main points are outlined above. Also, please visit our blue image. It will come as a major surprise. This is good stuff.

infographic of Geoff Dodd mentor in New Zealand challenges you to make a million dollars in six months online marketing after email deliverability testing is complete
Geoff Dodd business mentor in online Business School, Waikato, New Zealand

Privacy policy: Your personal info is always safe with us. We hate spam with a 4 a.m. burning passion. We will keep your private data, name and email address secure with 128 bit encryption. You can unsubscribe with just one touch or click.

Expert Help With Email Deliverability

A-list copywriter Roy Furr offers us some great tips on getting our emails delivered into customers’ email inboxes:

“It doesn’t matter if you can write AMAZING marketing emails, if…

They get filtered straight to spam.”

“That’s why smart email marketers pay very close attention to deliverability, not just things like clicks and conversions.  (Sometimes they’re related, but sometimes emails written by “closers” can kill your future email deliverability.)

Today’s Mailbox Monday question is from Mark — and it’s all about email deliverability for his sales team’s emails.


Roy Furr has an excellent teaching style. Thorough, detailed, and always well thought through. You can find Roy on YouTube at his copywriting channel.

Thanks for your visit to our online business school. We work to deliver you the best opportunities for testing and trial of The World’s top marketing tools.

Geoff Dodd, Editor In Chief, NZ.

How To Make More Sales As An Affiliate

What works now? What are Super Affiliates doing to make more sales? How can I increase and improve my sales results performance? Read on …

How to make more sales as an affiliate marketer online, always depends on your marketing skills. There are some amazing, lucrative marketing strategies you’ll need to learn.

What do the super affiliates do? Here’s a quick starter list of what successful super affiliates are doing in 2021:

  1. YouTube video ads that run fully before a highly relevant, targeted customer’s session. The YouTube A.I. is laser targeting these alluring ads. The speech goes, “Real quick, do you want to know … ” and these ads are very clear, and very professional videos. They are getting big results. What’s working right now in 2021? Video ads on YouTube!
  2. Pre-selling. Never link direct to an affiliate offer. It will fail to convert. Why? Prospects need to be warmed up gently to the idea of spending money on a product. The VSLs, the video sales letters that work are usually way too aggressive to start off the relationship with. Prospects will click away from hard selling. You need to use an intermediate page in the middle. Just like this preselling page. (Example of pre-selling a weight loss offer, a herbal tonic to increase metabolism).
  3. Pile on the Bonuses. I need to be frank here. Personally, I find a lot of bonuses give me instant information overload. It’s too much to handle at once. But super affiliates still use a long page of extra bonuses. They write, “don’t buy product xyz until you’ve seen my bonus package!” The added bonuses need to be relevant to the product offer. In some way, they might extend its usefulness. These added bonuses still work in 2021. They are part of what works now.
  4. Lead magnets. The more you give away at the beginning, the more likely a prospect is to whip out the credit card and give you some of their hard earned money. It is basic reciprocity. Give and ye shall receive. Lead magnets can include a free, ‘special report,’ a free e-Book, a software program, a video of training, or a free 30 minute consultation by phone. (Or anything that you think will be attractive, and of perceived value to your future customer).
how to make more sales as an affiliate marketer online using a free ebook lead magnet by Geoff Dodd Business School, New Zealand
Click infographic above to get the e-Book

Tips: How to make more sales as an affiliate online:

There are several ways of improving your targeted Web traffic numbers. All can lead to you getting increased sales as an affiliate:

  1. SEO or search engine optimization for increasing affiliate sales and signups. SEO takes a lot of patience. But it will eventually pay off in more affiliate sales commissions for you. Please see our free SEO Course. It applies to both YouTube video marketing, and to Google search SEO.
  2. PPC or pay per click SEM. We represent a World Class paid traffic training course by John Crestani, called the Super Affiliate Course 2021. It has since been re-labelled. John has earned over $25,000,000 online. Anything at all by John Crestani is like pure gold for answering how to make more sales as an affiliate. That has always been John’s mission. He studied marketing at university as a young man starting out. John is of Italian American descent. A very strong character. A highly intelligent man.
  3. Social Media Marketing. SMM agencies such as Gary Vee’s Vayner Media advocate and suggest that you post social media content as many times as you can, every day! Gary Vee, CEO of Vayner Media posts daily on Linked-In, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter. Gary’s videos are extremely helpful. Every associate wanting to know how to make more sales as an affiliate needs to watch Gary Vee in action. Seriously. He is the best teacher. Why? He has done it. Gary’s three main principles for doing business on The Internet? Awareness, empathy, and perspective. Unbeatable business thinking, in our humble opinion.

Thanks for patiently reading through to this final point in the blog post. I trust that this article has helped you to rethink tactics and strategies for improving affiliate sales commission levels on The Internet. It is a fascinating way to be working from home!

Geoff Dodd, Editor In Chief, Online Course Business School, New Zealand.

Online Courses For Stay at Home Mums

Recommended free writing course for online courses for stay at home mums in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Study our examples and learn how to write for business. Emphasis is on marketing copywriting to persuade buyers to make purchases on The Internet.

Are you in the U.K. or in New Zealand or Australia? Want to learn how to write for business? Online courses for stay at home mums are free to you! Copywriting is a very lucrative art. During these Covid-19 times of great uncertainty, we suggest you learn how to write marketing copy. It’s exciting. It pays. It’s a thrilling pastime and it’s in hot DEMAND.

Are you a native English speaker? It’ll be super easy for you to learn how to write for advertising and business. I want you to follow me right now. Listen to my voice: I spent hours and many edits, rewriting over and over to improve this page on copywriting. You’ll learn a ton. Just reading that damn page. I’m a perfectionist. Look for the numbered sections. Learn the sequences. You don’t have to buy anything!

Here’s a sure-fire tip: Copywriting is all about solutions to problems. Each sub-group in a market has its own specific problem. But before you can fix a problem, you have to define it. And then create a vision for what life looks like once you’ve solved it. Hint: what it’ll look like, sound like, feel like, taste like, even smell like! Visualize ahead to show the customer what their life will be like with the new ‘solution,’ — your product.

That specific page is a course in itself. Make notes on what catches your attention. Write down the sequence required for a sales letter. Learn the bits and pieces. The nuts and bolts. Give yourself time to digest everything. Now, here’s a brand new infographic image I just created today. Let’s talk about this little beauty:

Online courses for stay at home mums UK or in Australia New Zealand, include copywriting course for business and a mindset training course to prepare for Internet marketing
Get your 100% FREE e-Book Gift – Just click the image above

Free Online Courses for Stay at Home Mums

You were most likely home schooling the children, recently. Is that right? U.K. had a real bad run of the delta variant of Covid19 that came in from India. Sydney NSW Australia and Melbourne have an outbreak as I speak. Auckland City in New Zealand is locked down at Level 4. Food cafes, bars and restaurants, hotels and hospitality are suffering. This stay at home shift has forced people online. Working remotely has become the norm. So it’s time to adapt. I want you to learn how to operate a small home business on The Internet. (I’ve been doing exactly that since 1997).

So we have begun to teach you copywriting. Study that colourful image just above. The writing, the choice of words is very intentional. It evokes curiosity but leaves an open loop. It seems to promise something, but you don’t know what. So you are induced to click through to satisfy your curiosity!

The item is a free PDF e-Book. It’s a rather unusual book. Why? It is about a simple way to develop your mindset. To build resilience. Business needs some tough thinking. Resistance to being triggered emotionally. To that end, here’s a page about customer service.

Next in this series of online courses for stay at home mums UK Australia and New Zealand, I want to introduce you to some marketing strategies. These include:

  • Pre-selling methods to warm up a prospect to the idea of buying something. This involves giving people more information about the product or service that meets their wants and needs. Preselling online is becoming more and more important. It can easily be done using a YouTube video.
  • Giving extra gifts and bonuses to sweeten the deal. 🙂 You can make it into an irresistible offer. Something very hard to refuse. Some even call this strategy, “an intelligence test.”
  • How to get an avalanche of hot targeted Web visitors with credit card in hand. More laser targeted Web traffic, they say! Please join my YouTube channel. Find the ‘Web Traffic Video.’
  • Special tricks and tactics of millionaire ‘super affiliates.’

These strategies and tactics are all provided free to you in our vault of 16 Free Marketing eBooks. Please click through and download whatever you want to read. You can always return here to read a few more books at a later date. You’re always very, very welcome at our online Business School.

UPDATE: New Online Course for Moms:

Breaking news! Attention mothers at home!

We have had a lot of requests for a course on “How to write a video sales letter script.” Also known as a VSL script template. So, we responded. This one is very brief. Succinct. To-the-point. Learn the basics of writing a video sales letter script here. Thanks for your participation in our business school today!

Finally, in your online courses for stay at home mums UK is our ‘Find a Mentor’ section. You are free to struggle all by yourself, of course. There’s a lot to learn. A long learning curve. OR… you can avail yourself of David Dubbs and take advantage of his million dollar earning capacity. David lives in Nashville, Tennessee. The home of country music. He has risen to the very top in eight (yes, 8) network marketing companies. He knows his stuff in Internet marketing. David and a business partner created their own business on The Internet for attracting leads and prospects. Then, they built exquisitely powerful tools for converting these leads or interested prospects into buyers and paying customers. The find a mentor section is worthy of a good read.

Please click around the site, using the menu on the right hand side. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what free courses you will find.

Finally, here’s a subscription form for you to join us. Extra ideas, tips for marketing and tools will be shared with you in a short series of emails. You can unsubscribe at any time. One click will do it. Please subscribe here:


Privacy: your personal information is always safe with us. We hate spam with a 4 a.m. burning passion. You’ll always be protected by secure encryption.

Thanks for visiting this set of online courses for mums at home. Parents have such important responsibilities in the family home. We simply make it our mission to bring you the online business information and opportunities that you need.

Geoff Dodd. Editor in Chief. Founder, Online Course Business School, New Zealand. Updated on Friday, 7 October, 2022.

Moms and Dads at Home Working Remotely

Outrageous suffering in families during Covid-19 lockdown. Australian families in Sydney and Melbourne Aussie. Same in Auckland, New Zealand at Level 4 lockdown. Chaotic home schooling reorganization.

If you’re moms and dads at home working remotely – possibly home schooling, listen closely! The Covid-19 lockdowns in Sydney NSW Australia, Melbourne VIC and in Auckland, New Zealand are having a shock effect on lifestyle habits!

You have to manage the home, prepare the kids, get home schooling materials ready. Then — start work remotely on your home laptop or PC. But hell, the password is not bloody working. I.T. didn’t set your system up properly? Damn. The children must focus. Concentrate. I know how hard all of that is to manage! I feel for you. Covid 19 is like bio-warfare in the family home!

There’s another layer of hassle, strain and pain. That is financials. Some small businesses have laid off workers. Other managers are doing the right thing: waiting for government wage subsidies. Come on Scott Morrison and Jacinda Ardern. This is a crisis that we’ve never experienced since the Spanish Flu of 1918. We need income support. We need a clear, standardized curriculum for home schooling. In both Australia and across The Tasman Sea in New Zealand.

But there’s hope. Here at Geoff Dodd’s Business School we have devised a plan of income support for moms and dads at home working remotely. It’s a plan to start a small home based business. You know — the laptop lifestyle! Yahoo! You’re taking a first baby step on the 1,000 mile journey to financial independence!

infographic for all Australian and New Zealand moms and dads at home working remotely and busy preparing home schooling curricula for their children stay at home
Working at home during a Covid-19 delta strain lockdown

Reinvent Lifestyle for You Moms and Dads At Home?

Imagine waking up with renewed energy now. It’s 4 a.m. and your mind is bursting with creative ideas. You’ve learned to meditate. You find an affirmation. Embedded in random access memory. You repeat it. You feel a miraculous desire to write!

The stresses of Covid-19 become irrelevant to you. You’re working remotely. You have all the comforts and benefits of a stay at home dad. A work from home mom. Joy breaks out. You discovered the WordPress blogging platform. (Just like this). You saw 7 Eye-Opening Strategies to Skyrocket Affiliate Sales and best thing of all? You understood it. One hundred per cent. No question.

Working from home for yourself is heaven. Forget skeptical ideas from the cynics. Cast out their negativity. NO, you’re not being “selfish.” Not at all. You’re miraculously motivated now to serve your nuclear family in the finest, most independent, most free way possible!

In fact, I have a surprisingly rare gift for you. After 54 years of long study of business psychology, I have simplified a solution. You might laugh at the sheer simplicity. You’ll realize the psychological power of this rare gift, after you practice it. Even a little bit. So move forward now, like a shark. Seize the day. Download your PDF e-Book. This one is different. Let me count the ways. 10,000. That’s a key number in the Tao Te Ching. Feeling mystified? (It’s also a significant number in my unusual methodology).

You’ll find that your children naturally use this kind of method. “Mom, I want some M ‘n Ms. Now.” or maybe you’re getting, “Dad, can I have fifty dollars pocket money. I want to go to Luna Park. Now.” If you remember Luna Park in Melbourne. The child will repeat the demand over and over. A hundred times. That’s getting close to my weird “brain changing” method. It’s a missing piece of the jig saw puzzle we need to complete. I mean, to get a successful home based business off the ground.

Mindset For Mom + Dad Working at Home

The most essential factor to have working for you is a positive mindset. Turn every stress, every pressure, every conflict into a positive. Laugh at it. Smile, as you turn, saying, “I’m just curious. Where did that come from? What energy is behind that?” Ergonomics is … “there are three broad domains of ergonomics: physical, cognitive, and organizational. Ref: ergo plus com.

Covid-19 or rather the fear of the coronavirus can sap our energy. But there’s nothing to fear except autonomic imbalance. A.K.A. fear itself. Moms and dads can consciously bring their energies together in the home. Focus your energy in a more intentional way. Write down your goals: long term, medium term, short term, and tasks for the day. Organize your family’s energies. It’ll pay dividends.

So that is our ‘business school’ contribution to Australian and New Zealand families living under the plague of COVID-19 at the moment. You might be in Melbourne 3000 Victoria, or in Sydney 2000 New South Wales. You Aussies have the gut strength to handle this pandemic. Kiwis, likewise. Aucklanders will be feeling the frustrations of a prolonged Level 4 lockdown. Jacinda’s got your back, with her “go HARD, go fast” policy against the delta variant at the moment, in September 2021. I know that’s incredibly frustrating for you. Especially if you are the owner of a small coffee shop, a bakery, a butcher’s shop, or if you are not categorized as “an essential worker.”

Keep your mask on. Scan the QR codes when you visit essential services. Maintain at least two metres between people waiting in queues for the supermarket. We’ll beat this. Aussies and Kiwis together. Echoes of Gallipoli and Dunkirk.

Geoff Dodd, Editor in Chief, Online Course Business School, Waikato, NZ.


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