I decided to take the 2-hour John Crestani Free Training, then review it. Mind-blown! Or gob-smacked? The guy has learned so much about affiliate marketing, that he is making $500K each and every month! Maybe you should just watch the YouTube video that I snipped and created, right after completing the two info-packed hours:
The first minute shows you the surprisingly high quality of the free training. John Crestani shares every detail of what he did. John said he started with free advertising credits from the big tech platforms. Once things began to work and convert into sales, he reinvested everything!
So, in this way, you can double, and double again, then compound your profits!
But it’s now a LOT easier for you.
Why do you say that?
Because John will share his best ads with you. And his amazing sales videos. In fact, there’s a whole LIBRARY OF ADS inside the Super Affiliate System training course. (SAS for short).
There’s also a 24/7/365 support system by email. And regular twice monthly group get togethers. A great forum for getting your questions answered. And for learning the hot tips, strategies and tactics of skilled, proven super affiliates.
Listen: There’s one critical point to remember here. And it is just this …
Paid traffic affiliate marketing works automatically, after you do the initial fine-tuning! (John helps you enormously).
2 Examples of Video Slides Used

Webinar: 2-hour John Crestani Free Training
Negative and Positive Points
The only criticism I have of the free webinar training is that there is some repetition. OK, I know that repetition of a point is important for learning.
Otherwise, the 2-hour training is excellent. I’ve been online since 1996. It feels like a Century. Everything I heard. Everything I learned in the free webinar was 100% congruent, consistent and in alignment with what I already know.
But John Crestani has gone WAY Further ahead! He knows heaps about, for example, and CAN teach you about:
- Facebook Ads format that works like gangbusters!
- YouTube Ads that convert well – and he shares his best ads
- Google Ads tips and techniques for high profitability!
- Software for fast building of landing pages that work well
- Libraries of adverts that did convert and are still converting
- Help with startup of your LLC company and tax entity
- Coaching by people who DO well and who “walk the walk”
- How to get Free Traffic, as well as learning paid traffic affiliate marketing
If you’re struggling to get enough income online, you MUST at least take the 2-hour Free Training :
Get Started Here >>>
Thanks for visiting us here today at Geoff’s Online Course Business School. You can also test out our Free SEO Course and learn powerful copywriting techniques for the Web.
Want more videos about John Crestani Free Training course for Super Affiliates? Use this Playlist on YouTube! That’s where the action is. You can select exactly which video to watch next. You can pause, stop and start at will. It’s an eye-opener.
Enjoy the free webinar. You’ll learn a ton from John himself. Pick up new strategies, methods and techniques for both paid traffic affiliate marketing and low-investment, free traffic generation.
Geoff Dodd, Editor and Entrepreneur, New Zealand.