How To Generate Leads Online

Best way to generate leads online using The Conversion Pros’ high converting landing pages. Connect with an email autoresponder which is supplied free.

Is your small business painfully struggling to get enough sales leads? The persistent problem of how to generate leads online needs a fix. You might be a real estate agent, a lawyer, a professional or simply a home based business owner. Getting more list subscribers, prospects and sales is a problem we can definitely help you to solve!

In some cases you’d be advised to do video marketing with a YouTube channel. While we’re talking social media, every size of business needs a Facebook page and an Instagram profile with a daily feed. Every single online business. You might like to hire a young person to respond to comments and questions on your social media content.

How to generate leads online using The Conversion Pros

The image above presents multiple opportunities to you! Whether you generate leads for real estate or network marketing, it’s all the same. You can earn lots of residual income while you acquire leads from the cold market. How? Use The Conversion Pros to build your high converting landing pages!

Examples of high converting landing pages:

Lead generation on The Internet uses ‘capture pages,’ ‘squeeze pages,’ or presell ‘landing pages.’ They are essentially the same. But landing pages are the next step in the preselling sequence. The first point of contact with your prospective customer. i.e., after the ad. You squeeze an email address, and maybe a name and phone number out of the interested person! (Don’t use a full form to a database, because you’ll scare them off. An email address only, is much more likely to convert. People like to keep their personal information private.)

Best Samples of Landing Pages:

Here are some of my best examples of high converting landing pages:

  1. Weight loss industry: example one
  2. Affiliate marketing business: example two
  3. YouTube advertising training course: example three
  4. Million-dollar copywriter video: example four
  5. Second sample for losing weight: example five
  6. Second sample affiliate business: example six
  7. Example of capture page: Metaverse: example seven
  8. Sample landing page for Napoleon Hill: example eight
  9. Example of a story-based weight loss: example nine

The landing page supplier is TCP:

The Conversion Pros lets you build high converting landing pages, free autoresponders and also you will earn generous residual income here. Worth a look at. How to generate leads online for your real estate agent business, lawyer, network marketing or small home based business
Build high-converting landing pages + earn residual income here at TCP

The opportunity above is double or triple fold. All the lead generating tools are right there at your fingertips!

When designing landing pages at TCP and including stock videos for higher response, think of these three things:

  1. Comedy and humor. Light heartedness. Tension release.
  2. Excitement and buzz
  3. Engaging content, a quiz, a competition, a surprise!

Enjoy The Conversion Pros.

David Dubbs Of Conversion Pros Leads:

Above in the video, David Dubbs completely solves the never-ending problem: how to generate leads online. His company offers you pre-interviewed leads. There are female leads. Women now want to be boss. Have more time freedom, and quit their jobs! There are also male leads. Macho businessmen? Or simply guys looking for business opportunities and seeking financial freedom and independence. Travel leads is another specialty that is catered for.

There are specialized leads for travel. Interviewed business opportunity seekers. And more. David Dubbs has been top MLM earner in over eight (8) companies. He has raced to ‘diamond’ level in less than 2 weeks. Listen to David talk about the best leads, in his video above! Just Wow! Also, you can now access quality Tier-1 TCP leads direct from here!

MLM Gateway for network marketing

Network marketer promoting MLM companies? Think of as a powerful, viable mlm gateway alternative service. You’ll be able to generate tier-1 quality leads easily for your network marketing multi-level business. Talk about how to fill the matrix! We have the needed tools. Check out this independent, unbiased review of TCP.

Best Way To Get Leads For Real Estate

What is the best way for real estate managers, owners and sales staff to get more leads? To increase your brand awareness, and get more buyers!

Leads Acquisition: We suggest:

  1. Television ads in prime time, just before the national news. Mike Pero Real Estate does this TV advertising very successfully in New Zealand. Watch TVNZ One during the 6pm news to see how to do this on TV. Also, it’s on Prime 4 after 5:30pm.
  2. YouTube video advertising. Think locally. Add your town or city in the video title, near the beginning. Also locate your service in the text description area, just below the video. Below, you can subscribe to our information series. You’ll discover a lot more about making your real estate videos ‘optimized’ for improved performance in both YouTube and Google searches: (This is critically important for your efficient generation of sales leads. You want to be ranked at the top for your town?)

Privacy policy: your personal data is always safe with us. We hate spam with a 4 a.m. burning passion. Your info is safely encrypted.


The above video is directly from TCP. It shows you the high quality of their productions. The company, The Conversion Pros, offers you a 50/50 partnership as an affiliate. It also is the best for offering solutions to how to generate leads online. The lead magnets at TCP, for example, are discussed here.

TCP says, “give value first.” “Give people what they need and want.” They will join your list.

Thanks for your visit here today! I sincerely hope you received a good answer to your question, how to generate leads online? There are other clear avenues for you. Offline letter box drops. Visible support of various local sports clubs, service clubs, and charities, such as community hospitals. Think of supporting other places that are giving social services. The branding approach really needs to be holistic and all-encompassing. 🙂 🙂

Use Your Imagination on Twitter for leads

1) Research Your Target Market

The first step to effective lead generation strategies is understanding your target audience. Who are your customers? What type of people are visiting your website? What are their pain points? How can your product or service benefit them?

2) Create Engaging Content

When you create content that is engaging, helpful, and shareable, you present your customers with a solution to their problem. Publish content in the form of videos on YouTube, blog posts, social media, photos, infographics, flow charts, or eBooks. Lead-in with lots of free content.

3) Promote Content Across All Your Business Channels

Cross-promote, repurpose and share it across your business channels. Publish it on your YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, blog, or wherever your customers are most active. Allow existing or potential customers to find your content using Google search or while scrolling through social media.

4) Nurture Existing Leads

It is very important to focus on building a long-term relationship with your subscribers. Carefully guide these people through your sales funnel or encourage them to buy. Reinforce their baby-steps through. Send customized, unique emails that encourage them to try a free sample, download a product trial, or make another purchase. Think of the lifetime value of the customer.

5) Score and Measure. Pass Leads to Your Sales Team

Ask the question, “which leads are interacting more with our business?” – whether that’s by reading more diverse content or visiting your website repeatedly. Focus your efforts on those leads that will have a great impact on sales and profit.

Next, the sales team works to turn a customer’s desire into an action. After someone has bought from you, it’s up to your salesmen and women to enrich a customer’s experience and keep them interested in your company long-term.

Did you enjoy our conversation about how to start generating tons more leads for your small business? I hope you watched David Dubbs’ video about interviewed female leads!

Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School, New Zealand

Also see our copywriting course

3 Business Marketing Skills

Essential and critical success factors! The Top 3 business marketing skills you’ll need to rake in online profits today…

What are the essential 3 business marketing skills you’ll need to absolutely master? These specific skill sets will DRIVE your Ultimate Success on The Internet. Do you know what they are? Keep reading …

  1. Ability to get Laser-targeted Web Traffic. Also known as ‘eye-balls to your offer,’ or interested visitors. Can you draw enough attention to your Web site and its offers? Are you paying for impressions? (CPM). Are you getting readership? The skills of acquiring traffic might include using mailing lists. You might do a JV or joint venture with someone who has a large mailing list of buyers.
  2. Conversion. The ability to convert Web visitors into subscribers and paying customers. This is definitely a copywriting role. See our copywriting pdf template. Conversion covers questions like, how do you get someone to take action, when engaging with your Web page? What will trigger them to take action? There is a whole customer ‘journey’ through your many messages: your ad, a preselling page, free info, a video to watch, a sales page, an order form, a thank you page, etc. Later you’ll send follow up emails and back-end marketing … (Here’s an example of a high converting landing page… )
  3. Economics. If you are paying for your Web visitors, what is the EPC or earnings per click rate for each product? What is the lifetime value of the customer, on average? Is the refund rate being kept under control? What delivery and fulfilment costs are there? Fixed costs? Skills with mathematics and financial management are critical to your online success! Develop this CFO awareness.

Mastering Top 3 business marketing skills

Customer acquisition: The ability to go out into a ‘cold’ marketplace and get paying customers. The Digital Age has transformed this. So we now speak of Web Traffic, Conversion and the overall economics of the online business operation.

In acquiring a new customer, an experienced marketer is usually willing to make a small loss, or break even. A lead magnet is useful: a free report, a video, a pdf e-Book or a tiny piece of software. The free gift ‘triggers’ or incentivizes the prospect to get engaged with the selling process. A digital ‘gift’ has a very low cost.

The first step might be a low cost front-end product at the wide opening of a marketing funnel. Each customer moves through a series of steps in the funnel. There are both ‘upsells’ and ‘downsells’ at forked decision points. Related products are offered. These upsells extend or complement what the main product can do.

Learn the top 3 business marketing skills you need to make sales online

You make the first sale to get the customer. Why? To start the relationship! Add value to the customer. The above image is worth investigating. You will get about 10 free marketing tools in there, at LeadsLeap. I highly recommend it, as a leads generation system.

Positioning of your product and brand is important. What is unique and different about it? How does it stand out in a crowded market? Define your own category in the market. Superior. Your top 3 business marketing skills will now include writing up the benefits and the unique selling proposition.

Repackage and create a unique offer. A bundle. A membership site. A subscription will make every customer more valuable. Microsoft does this with its Office 360 suite, for example. It occupies its own software category. That makes for great economics.


Privacy: your personal details are safe with us. We hate spam. We would never, ever share or sell your private info. You can unsubscribe at any time. I don’t think you’ll want to miss the goodies, though. The very best Web tools for your video marketing. Stuff for SEO. Info on what’s working online right now… up to the minute. How to increase your targeted Web traffic.

So that’s the real oil. The free training on the essential 3 business marketing skills. We have deviated a little towards Web tools and funnels. High converting landing pages, too. All part of the process of generating targeted Web traffic, improving conversion, and the economics of your online enterprise!

Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School, New Zealand

Best Free Business Startup Courses

Opportunity abounds online as The Digital Age marches on. The best free business startup courses are our mission critical. You benefit. Time is saved. We establish our brand. We move forward profitably together…

Geoff Dodd offers you the best free business startup courses online, as a goodwill measure. We want to satisfy you. Meet every desire, need and want. It’s a win-win. When you make more profits for less effort, we’ve done our job. We will all succeed and celebrate together.

What are the best free courses for starting your own business in UK, the USA, SE Asia and globally? The principles are now identical, wherever you live. Because The Internet is universal.

Online training platforms are a billion dollar business. They’ve sprouted up quickly to meet training needs: companies like Udemy, Coursera, EDX, Khan Academy and Lurn. They serve millions of international students. Do they deliver the basics well if you’re starting a small home based business? Practical ideas, tools and workable tactics are what we focus on and give you here in our online business school.

What university degree would you need to startup an online business? None! Relevant degrees include: B.Com., an MBA Degree, or professional qualifications in Accounting, the CPA qualification, PhD in Computer Science, diplomas in IT, a degree in Marketing or Economics, Environmental Science and in the behavioral sciences: Psychology and Sociology are very useful and relevant to small business. They are not essential.

Our Best Free Business Startup Courses

Here at Geoff Dodd’s Online Business School we have designed and written free courses to meet the specific needs of small business owners. We see three main areas of education for Internet-based businesses that are mission critical:

  1. Understanding search engine algorithms: Getting a high ranking in Google searches. So we wrote a Free SEO Course for you. This covers “what is SEO?” It explains both on-page and off-page search engine optimization. It features a very useful SEO infographic that describes the algorithm for YouTube video ranking. (which feeds into Google).
  2. Uncovering the secrets of marketing and copywriting for The Web. The use of words for persuasion will help you to get more email subscribers and to make more online sales. We prepared, just for you, Advanced Copywriting. For those of you who want to write a sales letter, we have the copywriting sales letter template PDF e-Book. (That pdf book is at a surprising 81% discount today only). Read the page. It answers all of your burning questions about the critical sequence and component parts of an effective sales letter. One that persuades your warm prospects and gets results!
  3. Planning your online business at the beginning! Perhaps this is your number one focus. Our planning course is so brief. It asks you questions. It will get your business thinking crystal clear right at the outset. Before you start incurring expenses that might fail to deliver the desired bottom line profits. Read our simple business plan. Remember to start with enterprise planning.

A final part of discovering the best free business startup courses? It is to get started! Get into the trenches and test something out. There is no better way of starting your own small business on The Internet, than going here:

LeadsLeap marketing service offers you the best free business startup courses to learn in

The tools and training given to you at LeadsLeap, above, are like a complete, free start-up course. The link tracking alone is superb…

You’re going to have to trust me on that recommendation. There’s no risk to you. The training modules are high quality. All the advertising tools are free. I have been astounded at what they are giving away free here. Test it out for yourself. It is a great learning ground for new online marketers and entrepreneurs. I use it every single day. See more info.

Tip: Some of the best free business startup courses are delivered in an email series. Here’s a fascinating series about very powerful Web tools. It ties in with our free SEO course, specializing in ranking your YouTube videos higher!

Fill in this brief form and get the info on tools you’ll need:


Make sure to check your *spam* folder as well as your inbox. You’ll be receiving valuable information about Web tools for business start-ups. Your privacy is protected. You can unsubscribe at any time with just one click. GPD.

Thanks for reading so far and staying with me in this unique business school. It’s fun starting a small to medium sized business enterprise. It will take some long hours of work. This blog is perhaps the ideal place to get a business education by simply doing and testing online.

Enjoy your free online courses today. Return to this site and I’ll write you some more. 🙂 🙂

Geoff Dodd, Editor and Manager, Online Course Business School, NZ

Low Budget Startup Business in India

No money? Much desire? Find small business ideas to start with low budget, low investment. Work globally with high profits in this Digital Marketing Revolution of the 2020s…

You feel the need. You have desire, drive and ambition to startup a profitable business online. But – no money. Nothing to invest. You still qualify for a low budget startup business in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, to work globally!

Listen–it doesn’t matter if you studied IT at Bangalore or not! That’s not the deciding factor. Not at all… Only your levels of desire and motivation to succeed are what matters here in this outstandingly profitable digital marketing business that anyone can do!

This is your secret back-door entry to access a sacred treasure house. So you can smile and feel good. Your future is unfolding better than before. Don’t believe me? Test it, PROVE to yourself how well it works.

The following infographic image about this new, low budget startup business for anyone globally, including you in Bangladesh, Pakistan and India, reveals the level of RESULTS possible…

Infographic shows you how to approach a low budget startup business in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and globally with no money, low investment. How to make it a highly profitable small business in India selling digital products on The Internet.
RESULTS require promotional work. Not typical. Learning needed first…

Top Low Investment Start-Up Business

You’ll grow to love and enjoy this low budget startup business, just as I have. It is perfect for families in South Asia. I know how hard it is to get enough income flowing in to the family. There are so many needs. Food, health, medicine, clothing and education. ‘MFE’ helps you shortcut the digital education needs in a big way.

How? By design. The inventor made this a low cost, almost zero-investment family startup business. First, you get free access. You’ll get a hi-tech marketing funnel. You connect that to a ‘Clickbank account.’ (just sign up as an affiliate). It’s easy to connect it in the dashboard. Then for ‘leads’ you connect it to an autoresponder account. It is explained inside. Final activation of your free marketing funnel just needs a single $20 purchase. Then you’re off at the races, promoting your own funnel link. It is incredibly simple to make this system work!

Well, you can see what I’m doing with the MFE digital low investment startup business right here in the next image:

Statistical results in a low budget startup business in India or other South Asian country such as Pakistan or Bangladesh with no or low investment to start with. Geoff Dodd Business School image. Shows low cost startups can succeed online OK.
Notice the Direct Funnel Sales: 91 + Automatic Funnel sales of 7 more …

Other Low Budget Startup Businesses

You can easily start these low cost, relatively low investment businesses, anywhere in The World:

  1. Kiosk selling ice cream or real fruit juices (in hot climates, like India).
  2. SMM – Social Media Account Managing – doing regular posts for marketing
  3. Videography and photography at tourist hotspots
  4. Bicycle repair business and/or bike rentals
  5. Vlogging on YouTube ~ comedy, or real life
  6. Blogging with affiliate marketing offers
  7. Tour Guide locally
  8. Cleaning services for businesses and corporations

Want to find out more about Internet marketing and profitably running a small home based business online? I have tons of extra delicious tips and bits of info just for you. Desiring more information on the best low budget startup business ideas? Join me above now. Just enter your email address and click. Thanks!

Privacy policy: Your personal information is always safe with us at Geoff Dodd’s Online Course Business School. We hate spam with a passion. We treat your privacy very seriously.

Thank you for your visit to us today! Just subscribe above now. Hit reply to any email and we can start to chat. You can unsubscribe at any time. One click will do it.

In the meantime, let’s start implementing these very low cost small business ideas online!

Geoff Dodd, Business School Manager

Small Business Ads on Google Ad Network

Native ads in context and newspaper editorials are your ideal ad formats for small business ads on Google ad network. Stand out from the ho hum monotony!

Thinking of placing small business ads on Google ad network for the first time? Read our experiences. Gather hot tips, ad ideas from the masters, and seasoned advice. This first image is a newspaper article lookalike from the masterful Eugene Schwartz.

Display ads work best now on the Google ad network. If you’re a small business owner, don’t leap in with a cavalier attitude. Take your time. Design a clever ad with a psychological angle, like David Ogilvy did. Here’s one I have just created for a fully automated marketing system:

Here is a 500 x 1000 pixels display ad I just created for small business ads on google ad network. It uses very careful copywriting for trigger effect.
Ideal Automatic System for a small home business start-up venture

Tips for Small Business Ads on Google

Your first step is to do keyword research. Try Wordstream, SEMRush and other services, as well as the Google Keyword Research Tool, inside Google Ads. Find keywords with, say, approx. 500 to 20,000 monthly searches, but with very low competition. You will find that high competition keywords are simply way too expensive for you, and outside a comfortable budget.

If you have a rare brand name, or are limited in operation to a particular town, suburb, or city, then use those specific details in the key phrases that you are bidding on. Drill down to the specifics of your target market. (Specify the demographics and even psychographics of your ideal customer avatar.)

If you’re planning to place small business ads on Google ad network, then think competitively. Research your competitors first. Look at their entire marketing process. How long has it survived for? How persuasive and convincing is their copywriting? Do they have unique benefits and a USP (unique selling proposition)? Do they have advantages in the marketplace? Can you match them? Can you out-do them?

Above all, don’t try to compete on Google ads for generic, wide ranging keywords. You must get local, customer-oriented and specific. The copy you use is mission critical. It must address the customer’s wants, needs, feelings and deepest desires. Think of his or her emotions. What specific problem is your customer trying to solve? What is your value laden, unique solution to her specific problem?

Here’s another amazing ad from Mr. Eugene Schwartz:

Advertising copywriting tips for small business ads on Google ad network. Get help from our latest PDF e-Book. How to write ads.
advertising for small business ideas

Most Effective Ads

As it’s becoming glaringly obvious, the most effective ads for small businesses have powerful ad copy. You either need to study copywriting yourself – or hire a professional copywriter!

That’s why we have a course on advanced copywriting. One course is free. One course is just $37 at the moment. You can see clearly from the two advertorial images by Eugene Schwartz that ad copy writing is a specialized, and highly skilled business, indeed!

Thank you for visiting us today to read our 2 cents worth about most effective ads and small business ads on Google ad network. As I say, take your time. Do a lot of reading about facebook ads, Instagram ads and YouTube ads. Microsoft Ads (formerly Bing Ads) are lower cost budget ads. They have a smaller audience reach than Google (Adwords) Ads. Some prefer the flexibility of Microsoft Ads. Test out all the different advertising platforms. Which services suit you the best? What’s the most effective, delivering the best value for your dollar?

Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School, NZ

Get High Ranking On Google Search

Rank higher in major search engines with these SEO tips on how to get high ranking on Google Search. Follow white hat principles…

Want to be number one for your keyword or keyphrase? You can increase targeted Web traffic with these ideas on how to get high ranking on Google Search.

It’s really important to follow good ‘white hat’ principles. That means, don’t break the rules. Here, please use my guidelines for on-page optimization and off-page optimization in our Business School’s free SEO course. You’ll find it very easy to follow.

In that online course about SEO you will immediately see this large infographic about the myriad of ranking factors being used at YouTube. Don’t be shocked, perplexed or put off. Over time, you’ll realize the steps that you will be mastering in the process of how to get high ranking on Google Search! (And while we’re discussing this infographic, if you get it right at YouTube, for ranking one video in the top three, it will flow over to the top of Google.)

An infographic chart depicting our free SEO Course online at Business School of Geoff Dodd, and best free affiliate marketing tools using automated software. How to get high ranking on Google Search.
Infographic of ranking factors in Google Search Click for free PDF e-Book gift

How to Get High Ranking on Google Search

Keyword Research

The first step is to do your keyword research. You’ll want a focus keyword / keyphrase that is not too popular. A search number of about 20,000 to 50,000 per month is good. With not too many competitors. Look for the long tail combinations, using modifiers, like: ‘best,’ ‘best price on …’ ‘discount on…’ or ‘how to,’ or a local town or city name included in the key phrase: ‘Plumber in Las Vegas 24 hour emergency service,’ for example. Think clearly about what search terms people are actually using to find the product or service that you offer.

Improve Web Page Downloading Speed

A page speed of less than 0.7 seconds is required these days. Searchers will click away if the first fold of the page doesn’t reveal what they’re looking for. They won’t wait for a slow download. Instant gratification is the name of the game now.

User Experience (UX)

Elapsed time on your Web page is a good indicator of user experience. Google Analytics will tell you how long the average viewing time was, on a page basis. You want good stickability, and a video in the first fold of the page can help with this timing factor.

High Quality Backlinks

Allow backlinks to be placed naturally, pointing to your page of Web content. Don’t over solicit these links and don’t purchase them. Google analyzes all your incoming links and they must be clean and ‘from a good neighbourhood.’ Writing high quality guest posts on reputable blogs and sites is a good method.

High Quality, Useful Content

Content is still King. Optimize it for your main keywords. Use videos and images where the titles and filenames reflect the specific topic that your content is written about. Remember to put ‘relevance’ first. Just as Google does!

Use Of Headings

Use the ‘H1’ heading only once, at the top of the page, then drill down into sub-heads as I have done, breaking the subject up into neat sections. The ‘H3’ is great for this. ‘H4’ is in all-caps, then ‘H5’ is useful for the minor sub-sections.

Length Of Content

Write as much as you can. While there is no optimal word count number for the ‘ideal’ Web page, writing 1,000 words to 1,500 words or more is good practice. Google wants to see more text than html or javascript code. It can spider and understand the text better. Too much coding is suspect, because you could be including or redirecting, or anything that Google cannot read or see.

Optimize Your Images

Fast loading images are the main part of a fast-loading Web page. Optimize your images in .jpg or .gif format, rather than .png. The image file sizes need to be under 100 KB. Think of what your Web surfer or searcher is seeing, and how fast it is being delivered to them in the browser.

These ideas will get you started with workable search engine optimization. Remember to see our Free SEO Course at the above link. If you want to learn copywriting for SEO, please visit our copywriting page.

Thanks for visiting us today!

Geoff Dodd, Online Course Business School

Best Free Affiliate Marketing Tools

There are two needs: Traffic and Conversion. But the best free affiliate marketing tools are automated affiliate marketing software funnels for easy passive income! No question.

You can get it quite wrong. When starting as a beginner you think you just want masses of incoming traffic. You search for the best free affiliate marketing tools, to drive traffic. You didn’t realize that automated affiliate marketing software can crush it on the conversion side!

It’s shocking… it’s almost child’s-play to bring in new subscribers and make affiliate sales, when the automated system is working day and night to score you surprise windfalls of passive income.

I found such effective automated affiliate marketing software, that I wouldn’t use anything else! What exactly is it? How does it work? Well, it’s web-based software. Very clever. First, it captures your visitor’s email address. It makes a promise and giving the email is a condition for getting inside the website. Then you’ll see a very classy VSL or video sales letter. That shows how much money the original creator is making. Extremely impressive. It offers you an exact copy of the same funnel system that he’s using. No charge.

That’s the ingenious part. It is self-replicating and self multiplying, as more people accept a free copy. Can you imagine how this automated affiliate marketing software will grow and expand across The Internet?

I’ve been having truly remarkable results with high monthly earnings using this ‘MFE’ automated funnel software. ~ Geoff

Best Recurring Affiliate Programs 2021

This is perhaps the kicker… inside the funnel website you’re receiving free is a series of 5 digital product offers. (Get this funnel quick.. ) because these 5 items are the best recurring affiliate programs 2021 (in this writer’s opinion, based on performance metrics).

That means, of course, plenty of passive income for you. 24/7 and whatever you’re doing! Even if you’re fishing, camping, or playing golf, you can radically transform your 9 to 5 lifestyle.

Best free affiliate marketing tools

As I still intend to share with you, full info on the best free affiliate marketing tools, here are the most popular tools for affiliates:

  1. WordPress blogging platform. You have two choices here. Either start writing at or use a website hosting service, such as Bluehost, or Hostgator, and install the WordPress php software using the automatic software installer that is found in cPanel. (Your hosting control panel). I usually do the second option of self-hosted WordPress.
  2. Google Trends. Insert any keyword and see the numbers for the coming and going of social trends. These statistics will help you decide on your market niche, the latest fashions, and changes in subjects and topics to write about and to bring to the marketplace. Keyword research tools are critical to your online marketing success.
  3. is a fascinating website that helps you get a view into market trends. What are people interested in?
  4. SpyFu for spying on your competition. And AdSpy for spying on Facebook and Instagram ads. Best performing ads.
  5. GetResponse has a blog article about the 27 best free marketing tools for affiliates on The Internet. GetResponse also gives you a free trial of its powerful email autoresponder service. They have some highly advanced integration marketing tools. For example:

This form above is an example of what you can build at It takes you into a pre-written email series. I can help you get the results you crave online as an affiliate marketer.

Simply subscribe above and let’s chat! You can unsubscribe at any time. One click will do it. Your info is always safe with me. There are lots more affiliate marketing tools that I’ll tell you about in the emails… such as VMB for ranking YouTube videos higher in video searches. The thinking behind this is outlined in the following image:

An infographic chart depicting our free SEO Course online at Business School of Geoff Dodd, and best free affiliate marketing tools using automated software.
Information as above is priceless to the online affiliate marketer

Back to the magic of automated affiliate marketing software funnels: This next diagram shows you how leads are funneled in at the top of the marketing funnel. They are generic or relatively untargeted leads at this point. The planned steps inside the funnel qualify the leads further into buyers.

Further steps determine who is passionate and driven enough to start promoting his or her own funnel–and reap the monetary rewards!

Visit the funnel image to start your journey into digital marketing. You’ll be shocked and surprised how easy it is to create a residual cash flow. (The monthly recurring billing will ensure you a steady, predictable online affiliate income). Just use this automated funnel software to the max, like I’m doing. 🙂 🙂

Click to get this Automated funnel software that will generate email leads and make sales and commissions for you on a monthly recurring basis. One of the best free affiliate marketing tools ever invented is this MFE automated affiliate marketing software funnel.
Get your automated affiliate marketing software funnel here, above!

Thank you for reading this far. I hope these free tools for marketing affiliates will spur on your actions, and help to inspire creative ideas! Affiliate businesses can be very lucrative.

Geoff Dodd, Business School Online Courses

Marketing Funnel Sales Conversion

What is a marketing funnel? It’s a sales funnel that tracks a prospect from initial interest to buyer, repeat customer and product advocate. Recommender.

A Web-based software system, known as a marketing funnel, can be used to convey a searcher through these most desired steps:

  1. Awareness of focused attention of your new prospect or customer.
  2. Interest in the item, product or service you offer
  3. Thought and evaluation of the benefits of your product or service. Use a video sales message.
  4. Decision to purchase or look elsewhere
  5. Purchase – decision to buy NOW (offer a discount).
  6. Repeat purchases. Upsells and cross-sells.
  7. Customer trust, loyalty and their recommendation to others. Business referrals. Word of mouth.

Affiliate Marketing Funnel Example

The following YouTube video shows you how an affiliate marketer presents a Funnel offer as a lead magnet or lead-in gift: (Watch closely… more info in the full text description at YouTube.)


These powerful, high-converting marketing funnels work 24/7 using automated php software on the Web. They serve two main functions automatically. First, the funnels collect an email address from the person showing an interest. Second, they present related digital products in a set sequence.

Sales funnels like ‘MFE’ are an excellent way for beginners to start their online marketing journey. You don’t have to design, pay for and build a funnel system that converts interested people into subscribers and buyers. (That is a highly skilled process). You’ll get an affiliate marketing funnel system that has been tested and proven. Better still — it is 100% free and easy to work with.

Start here with your free marketing funnel. Don’t hesitate. Why? Because time is of the essence.

I’ve had consistent results with the same MFE funnel software system, online! The video above shows you. Watch the next video at ‘start here’ to see for yourself just why it converts so darn well. Once it starts creating funnels, it won’t stop. It’s a very smart viral software system!

How To Build Your Own Marketing Funnel:

There are several main SaaS companies offering you this service, of self-building your marketing funnel. They include ClickFunnels and GrooveFunnels. As you can see in the image below, Groove will provide you a large range of site building tools and services at no charge:

How to build your own marketing funnels for sales, leads acquisition and selling follow up

I really think that you will get a lot out of your free account at Mike Filsaime’s Groove Funnels. Test it out fully and see what you love about GrooveFunnels. You can quickly build three full sites there. No charge. Enjoy testing your sales funnels. Thank me later!

Also see our related automated software funnels tools page. It shows you these tools in more depth and explanation.

Geoff Dodd, Editor and Author at the Business School Online.

Best Advertising Campaigns For Small Business

Online startup businesses have one critically urgent need: Info on the best advertising campaigns for small business. Remember this: Consumers, buyers, Web visitors have all now got ad blindness. They’re not searching for ads, but for information about solving a problem. So you must blend in with native ads. Here’s an example that is intended to look like a newspaper editorial. Well, almost: (The font you use is very important).

Example of best advertising campaigns for small business 2021. Blends in with social media content. Looks like a black and white newspaper ad. Health and Wellness niche advertising sample only.
Advertising needs to fit in with the content that is attracting clicks from social media visitors on the social platform.

Does the above look like advertising to you? It’s almost a quiz. A series of questions designed to stimulate curiosity about an offer in the health and wellness niche.

Go ahead and click through. Because it takes you to a top-selling VSL. A video sales letter to the number one performing product on the whole Clickbank network!

The font is very important! Notice that the font is Times New Roman. Why? Because all newspapers use the Times New Roman font. It uses strong contrast: black letters on a white background. (The best colors to use in ads are black on white, with perhaps a touch of bright red.) These things are tried and tested.

Best advertising campaigns for small business

Example of a top selling vsl

A top-selling video sales letter does not even look like an advertising or selling piece. No, instead you give away free information that is perceived by the customer to have high value. For example, the following YouTube video supplies you with seven valuable headline templates. Ideas that have been proven to work. You’ll need to modify them and add in your own best creative ideas, to be effective. They will work:

This second example of a high performing video sales letter points out the ideal characteristics of an affiliate program. Would it have a,b,c, and x,y,z? This program ticks all the boxes and meets your needs, standards and requirements. It has no risk to you and here’s what I want you to do next …

Small to medium sized online businesses need a Web savvy approach to advertising that includes these points:

  • Attention grabbing headline with a benefit
  • A hook that is unique to catch curiosity
  • A story that is irresistible to read
  • A unique solution to a common problem
  • Identify the features a solution requires
  • You tick the boxes and meet the need
  • Invalidate your competitors
  • Call to action with a reason to buy now
  • A sense of urgency such as a deadline
  • Frequently asked questions. Answers!

IF you’d love to discover a ton more about how to write effective copywriting material then join me on this amazing journey! Get my e-Book while it’s still discounted by a whopping 81% to just $37. That’s all–for one more day.

I’m here to empower the next generation of online entrepreneurs. I want you to be the best you can be. And it all starts with the best advertising campaigns for small businesses.

Geoff Dodd, Manager, Business School

P.S. Here’s an additional tool for discovering the advertising campaigns that work best. AdSpy uncovers “the ads that you need to see.”
“AdSpy is the largest searchable database of Facebook and Instagram ads in the world, “ according to the AdSpy Website front page.


The video above clearly shows you how to use the Facebook Ad Spy tool. It is ideal for affiliate and CPA marketers. You can copy and modify the best performing advertising campaigns for your small to medium online business, using AdSpy. Start here

This service is recommended by our Business School advertising manager, Geoff Dodd.


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